Social Anarchism : http://www.socialanarchism.org

Submission Guidelines

Social Anarchism does accept unsolicited manuscripts, but bear in mind that we are a peer-reviewed journal, so any submissions are sent to qualified advisors who will accept or reject your submissions for publication. And perhaps more importantly, we are an anarchist journal, so your submissions should be relevent to anarchists in one form or another. Unfortunately, we do not have the means to compensate our authors (or ourselves, for that matter).

Specifically, we are interested in

  • Feature-length articles on topics pertinent to anarchism: history, practice, economics, crime and punishment, labor, collectivism, etc.
  • Anarchist critiques of current events
  • Historical profiles of neglected figures and events
  • Good, politically-oriented poetry
  • Illustrations (both cover images and quirky illustrations to fill empty spaces)
  • Relevent book reviews (we periodically send out a list of recommended books for review; please contact us if you would like to be on that mailing list)

We will accept submissions via email, preferably in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or other common word-processing format. Please do not send articles in plain text as the body of an email, as it simply creates more reformatting work for us. Ideally, you should use the article or book review templates available for download from the site's information library. These templates have stylesheets that are pre-formatted for our publication, and make it substantially easier for us to compile the journal.

Please include a brief (2 or 3 sentences) biographical blurb about yourself for inclusion in the "Working on this Issue" section of the journal. If your submission is accepted, you will receive three (3) copies of the journal in which your submission appears.

Submissions may be edited for spelling, grammar, and style. If we feel that substantial edits need to be made, we will contact you for input and suggestions.

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