Start building your future in just 54 hours

Techstars Startup Weekend: Learn, Network, Startup.

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The hardest part of starting up is starting out

At Techstars Startup Weekend, you’ll be immersed in the ideal environment for startup magic to happen. Surrounded by smart, passionate people and with the best tools and approaches at your disposal, you’ll take giant leaps toward creating a business, becoming a founder, and connecting with the right people and resources.

In just 54 hours, you will experience the highs, lows, fun, and pressure that make up life at a startup. As you learn how to create a real company, you’ll meet the very best mentors, investors, cofounders, and sponsors who are ready to help you get started. Your community is here to help you — find an event today!

Over 10,000 Community Leaders are currently building your startup community

Techstars Startup Weekend is run by local Organizers in over 700 cities and 150 countries worldwide. Their commitment to building community and supporting entrepreneurs is second to none!

Meet some of our amazing Community Leaders


Life Changing Results

“When I first learned of Startup Weekend I had trouble finding info about what the actual experience would entail. So, I wanted to take a minute and share my personal experience from my first ever Startup Weekend and give you an inside look at the event from my perspective.

I’m a father to two very young boys. So, it is difficult for me to get out to the occasional networking event. But when I stumbled upon this thing called “Startup Weekend” and noticed that it was happening in just a few short days… I couldn’t help but be intrigued. I reached out to a couple friends I thought may have participated in past events. They urged me to “Do it!!!”.”


Read the rest of Chris’ story

Our Sponsors

Techstars Startup Weekend Sponsors are organizations that have dedicated themselves to helping startups succeed and to support generations of entrepreneurs.



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