Macron faces union pushback

Emmanuel Macron is down in the polls and battling critics on several fronts.

Union hardliners were due to make their push against President Emmanuel Macron's landmark labour-market reform on Tuesday with strikes and demonstrations across France.

Myanmar's Rohingya ethnic minority refugees reach for food distributed by Bangladeshi volunteers near Cox's Bazar, ...

Myanmar faces mounting pressure

The top UN human rights official denounced Myanmar for its military operation against Rohingya, calling it a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.

Theresa May: "Parliament took a historic decision to back the will of the British people."

Brexit law passes hurdle

The Brexit bill will formally end Britain's EU membership and overturn the supremacy of European law in the country.

Monitoring possible ransomware cyberattacks at the Korea Internet and Security Agency in Seoul. South Korea is ...

N Korea hackers step up Bitcoin attacks

Kim Jong Un's regime appears to be stepping up efforts to secure bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that could be used to avoid additional trade restrictions.

A house slides into the Atlantic Ocean in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

Weakened Irma still capable of destruction

The former hurricane remained an immense, 668-kilometre-wide storm as its centre moved on from Florida, giving its still-formidable gusts and drenching rains a far reach.