Michaela Whitbourn

Michaela Whitbourn is a former corporate lawyer who has reported extensively across politics, finance, business and law. In 2011, she was appointed the NSW political reporter for The Australian Financial Review and provided in-depth coverage of historic corruption inquiries into former state Labor ministers. She also exposed attempts by the O'Farrell government to mislead voters about the effect of the carbon tax on transport costs. In October 2013, she joined The Sydney Morning Herald as legal affairs and investigations reporter.

NSW Law Society president Pauline Wright has bowed to pressure from members opposed to same-sex marriage.

Law Society backs down in same-sex marriage row

The NSW Law Society has backed down in an extraordinary row over same-sex marriage by issuing a statement clarifying that its public support for a change in the law does not represent the views of each of its 30,000 members.

Bar Association president Arthur Moses, SC, says the rates of Indigenous incarceration are a "national shame".

Radical plan to overhaul sentencing of Aboriginal offenders

Judges and magistrates would be required to take into account an offender's Aboriginal background and consider ways to reduce the Indigenous prisoner population under a radical overhaul of sentencing laws drafted by leading lawyers.