Interview: Dr Cathy Hayes, Administrator, Irish Manuscripts Commission

Interview date: 21 May 2009

Pue with MicrophoneWhat book do you wish you had written?
Gabriel García Márquez’s ‘One hundred years of solitude’ – I am a fan of magical realism as real life can be quite dull.

What would you do if you were not working with the Irish Manuscripts Commission?
I would be running a very successful café in Connemara, or looking at fungal spores on rotting wood under a microscope… the possibilities are endless.

When was the last time you looked at Wikipedia?
Yesterday, but don’t hold that against me. I did check the other URLs offered by the search engine for better sources; it’s just so at-the-top-of-every-search-result it’s hard to avoid!

What event had the greatest impact on history in Ireland?
Yikes! Too hard to choose what grain of sand in the riverbank changed the course of the river… but the introduction of the free education system in 1967 certainly equipped generations of history makers to prepare for their job.

What are you reading now?
Tobias Jones’ ‘The Dark Heart of Italy’ – I need to understand Italians more!



One Response to “Interview: Dr Cathy Hayes, Administrator, Irish Manuscripts Commission”

  1. Celebrate the printed word: World Book Day « Pue's Occurrences Says:

    […] Cathy Hayes (National Manuscripts Commission) : ‘Gabriel García Márquez’s One hundred years of solitude. – I am a fan of magical realism as real life can be quite dull.’ […]

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