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Wielding Words like Weapons in Choice Magazine

“…Featured are original and extended versions of (Ward Churchill's) most well-known pieces, here entitled “The Ghosts of 9-1-1” and “Some People Push Back,” but recognized foremost as “the little Eichmanns” essays. While the inclusion of four book reviews might be questioned, Churchill’s pieces on Cherokee anthropologist Robert K. Thomas, Standing Rock Sioux luminary Vine Deloria, Jr., and the tragic passing of his wife, Leah Renae Kelly, reward careful rumination…”—D. M. Cobb, Choice

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The Future Generation, Revolutionary Mothering and more in Punk Mama


"I bought this radical parenting anthology several years ago at Atomic Books and instantly fell in love. China talks about being a single mother in the 90’s and how welfare reform affected the lives of single mothers, herself included. She talks about parenting, politics, and survival in a world that sometimes seems like it would sooner see parents drown than extend a hand. This book’s theme is always going to be relevant; we need China’s ideas on community now more than ever. Oh, and she’s reissuing the book, so be on the lookout!" —Punk Mama

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Buy The Future Generation: The Zine-Book for Subculture Parents, Kids, Friends & Others

"...I would encourage anyone to spend some time with this collection..."

A Blaze in the Desert in The Socialist Review

"...The poems reflect a life filled with challenging political and personal circumstances. They are beautiful and often suffused with strong feelings of great sadness, aching and longing and he moves from anger, sorrow and grief to love, occasionally displaying flashes of wry humour." —
Rebecca Townesend, Socialist Review

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Review: Leonardo Review
Buy A Blaze in a Desert: Selected Poems

Artists in the age of Trump: E. Ethelbert Miller in The Washington Post


Poet, author and former commissioner for the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities. He has received several fellowships and awards, including the D.C. Mayor’s Arts Award.

"Ethelbert Miller brings an accomplished poet's stunning language to this important memoir, and no one writes more eloquently about the lives--the triumphs and dilemmas--of black American men than he does." --Charles Johnson, author of Middle Passage, on Fathering Words

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