Schedule - Inaugural North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference, Hartford, CT, 21-22 November 2009

Schedule For the Inaugural Conference of the North American Anarchist Studies Network

We are pleased to announce the schedule for our first conference. Again, bear in mind that the response to our call was overwhelming. Therefore, we had to schedule many things at once. This was the only way to accommodate the many outstanding proposals that we accepted. Also, please note, these sessions will be moderated and THIS CONFERENCE WILL RUN ON TIME. We encourage people to return to this schedule before traveling to Hartford in case the schedule must be altered in some way.

SATURDAY, November 21st

8:30am–Doors open

9am–Opening Talk in Space1: “Anarchism and Anarchy: a historical perspective” Barry Pateman

10-11:15–Block A

Space1: Panel “Anarchism and Philosophy”–Nathan Jun, Jesse Cohn, Mitch Verter, Moderator–Matt Mclaughlin

Space2: Report back from the Anti-Authoritarian Movement in Greece–Andrej Grubacic and Chris Spannos


11:30-12:45–Block B

Space1: Panel “Challenging Anarchist Perspectives on Environmental Justice”– Senia Barragan, Gina Rodríguez-Drix, Julian Rodríguez-Drix, Members from Toxic Soil Busters and Youth in Charge, Stina Soderling

Space2: Workshop “Queering Anarchism”–Jason Lydon, Jerimarie Liesegang, Abbey Willis, and others

Space3: Paper Presentations–Religion and Anarchism:
A. “Anarca-Islam”–Mohamed Jean Veneuse
B. “Red Emma, Judaism, and Anarchism”–Donna Berman
C. “Anarchisms, Religious Studies, and Sociology”–Christian Greer
Moderator: Jesse Cohn

12:45- 1:45: Lunch (Lunch Provided by NAASN Organizing Committee)

1:45-3–Block C

Space1: Panel “What is Anarchist Studies?”–Luis Fernandez, Cindy Milstein, Deric Shannon, Nathan Jun (discussant)
Moderator: Geert Dhondt

Space2: “Another way of researching is possible: Collective participatory action-research in Montreal anti-authoritarian organizing networks.”— CRAC (Collective de recherche sur l’autonomie collectif)
Moderator: Matt Mclaughlin


3:15-4:30–Block D

Space1: Panel “Anarchist(s) (in) Political Organizations”–Members of Bring the Ruckus, Worker’s Solidarity Alliance (WSA), Northeast Federation of Anarchist Communists (NEFAC), Boston Anarchist Black Cross, Boston Anti-Authoritarian Movement (BAAM), Northeast Anarchist Network (NEAN), and Four Star Anarchist Organization
Moderator: Luis Fernandez

Space2: Paper Presentations–Brownbag Session 1:
A. “On the Road Against”—Lynn Owens
B. “French Anarchism and the National Liberation Revolution in Algeria”—David Porter
C. “Teaching About Anarchism Outside of Political Theory Courses”—Jon Bekken
D. “Confessions of a “Zig-Zag” (impure, unorthodox) Anarchist”—Len Krimerman
Moderator: Matt Mclaughlin

Space3: Paper Presentations: Anarchist Historical Investigations:
A. “The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia”—Jim Scott
B. “Hidden Histories and Material Culture”—Andrew Hoyt
C. “An overview of American anarchism in the first half of the nineteenth century”—Crispin Sartwell
D. “Peruvian Anarchism, 1890-1930: Transnational and Translocal Perspectives”– Steven Hirsch
Moderator: Jesse Cohn

4:30-5–Social and clean up

7pm: Production of “Emma”, a play by Howard Zinn about the life of Emma Goldman

9:30-????: Light social/”Emma” afterparty

Sunday, November 22nd

9:30am Doors open

10-11:15 Block E

Space1: Panel “An ethics of affinity and aversion: friendship, trauma, and ‘unbridgeable chasms’”– Mohamed Jean Veneuse, Jobb Arnold, Karl Hardy
Moderator: Luis Fernandez

Space2: Paper Presentations–Anarchism, Women, and Feminism:
A. “Riot Grrrls: A Study in Subverting Both the Imperialistic State and Patriarchy” –-Virginia Howard
B. “Against Patriarchy, Toward Freedom: Undocumented Women and the Struggle to Redefine the Family”– katie fahrenbruch
C. “Social Space in the Late 19th and early 20th Centuries, Anarchism, and Women”– Faron Levesque
Moderator: Abbey Willis

Space3: Paper Presentations: Theoretical Explorations 1:
A. “The Modesty of Anarchy: The Tried, Tested, True Politics of Revolutionary Anarchism”—Jasmin Mujanovic
B. “‘Daily Acts of Life’: Pacifism, Poetry, and the New Anarchism, 1940-1954″—Andrew Cornell
C. “’Les Aspirations de la Masse’: Individualism and Collectivism in the Aesthetic Philosophy of Gerard de Lacaze-Duthiers”—Joseph Peterson
Moderator: Paul Comeau

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30-12:45 Block F

Space1: Paper Presentations–Anarchist Method and Practice:
A. “Dismantling and Not Doing. The state as social practice and how to do something else instead”—Eric Buck
B. “Anarchist Malpractice”–Howard Ehrlich
C. “More than Snapshots: Challenging the Metanarrative of War Through the Photography of Veterans”–Brianna Johnson
Moderator: Nathan Jun

Space2: Panel “An Economy of Sustainability: Anarchist Economics”–John Asimakopoulos, Chris Spannos, Deric Shannon, Joshua Stephens, Caroline Kaltefleiter
Moderator: Anthony Nocella

Space3: Paper Presentations– Brownbag Session 2:
A. “Potsherds, Paving Stones, and Puppets: Towards an Anarchist Archaeology”—James Birmingham
B. “Paul Goodman: Finding an Audience for Anarchism”– Carissa Honeywell
C. “Narratives of Entrance into Anarcho-Punk in Philadelphia”–Ed Avery-Natale
Moderator: Matt McLaughlin

12-1 LUNCH

1-2:15 Block G

Space1: Panel “Visions of Post-anarchism”–Roger Farr, Michael Truscello, Thomas Nail
Moderator: Paul Comeau

Space2: Workshop “Disabling Capitalism”– Liat Ben-Moshe and Anthony Nocella

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-4:30 Space 2: Developing the NAASN–This time will be used to connect with one another, develop shared projects, and to socialize informally and visit tables. Fifteen minutes will be taken to get proposals for shared projects in Space2. The remainder of the time will be used for people to get together and discuss how those projects might be developed.

4:30-5:30 Social and Clean up

7pm: Screening of the film, “Free Voice of Labor”, about early Jewish anarchism in the US