aboliamolacarne Newsletter per l'abolizione degli allevamenti e dei macelli
adl Working Group for the Animal Defense League of Long Island
allianceethique Alliance Ethique
animal-uni Tierbefreiungsgruppe der Berliner Hochschulen
animaliribelli Resistenza Animale
animallibmedia Media contacts for the North American Animal Liberation Press Office
animalrightsasheville Animal Rights
antispecisme liste nuit debout / Paris
artgerecht Freies Antispe-Bündnis
bat-newsletter Newsletter der Basisgruppe Tierrechte (BAT), Wien
bathanimalaction animal rights campaigning in Bath
biovegan-de Bio-Veganes Netzwerk im deutschsprachigen Raum
brightonhuntsaboteurs Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Announcements
cealalibertario CEALA
compendio OC
ddasud-media liste destinée à informer les médias des actions militantes animalistes de notre collectif Droits des Animaux Sud
effective-non-violence-news Newsletter Effective Non-violence
ehrenamtliche_helfer_tsh_e.v. Ehrenamtliche Hilfe
feministerfordjurratt Feminister för Djurrätt
freegannyc-discussion NYC freegan discussion list of freegan.info
freegannyc-events Freegan.info's NYC Events
gjae-announce Against Pro-Corporate, Anti-Animal, Anti-Environment Global Free Trade Agreements
levelobleu Newsletter de l'association levelobleu
liberazioni Rivista antispecista
manifestoantispecista Proposte per un Manifesto antispecista
merseysideanimalrights Merseyside Animal Rights
mesapybabogota Mesa PYBA Bogotá
mobilitiamoci Newsletter di Oltre la Specie
nar Nottingham Animal Rights
nycadl_announce Announce List
oe-tre Tampereen Oikeutta eläimille
paperrevolution Paper Revolution
profitratte Newsletter der ProfitRatte
protectoristasbogota Información iniciativas en pro de los demás animales
roaringcsu Rams Organizing for Animal Rights at CSU
saro_events Syracuse Animal Rights Organization Events
stopthecull_brighton Brighton Stop The Cull
tiedotus-oe-tku Turun Oikeutta el�imille tiedotuslista
tierbefreiung-hamburg Tierbefreiung-Hamburg-Newsletter
tierleid.zeigen Aktion Tierleid zeigen
tierrechte-freiburg Referat für Tierrechte Freiburg
tierrechteregionbraunschweig Tierrechte Region Braunschweig
tradejustice-news Giving a voice to popular opposition to pro-corporate free trade agreements.
troofoodliberation Food Activism / Animal Rights / Human Rights
veg_leipzig Announcing vegan meetings and events in Leipzig (Uni group & Stammtisch)
veg_unileipzig Vegan, Vegetarian, Unversity, Leipzig
veganzetta Veganzetta - notizie dal mondo vegan e antispecista - www.veganzetta.org
voilib Voice of Liberation Newsletter
wes_sjsf Wesleyan Students for a Just and Stable Future
wetlands-activism Action updates and news from Wetlands Activism Collective
whangareivegans Veganism, vegetarianism, animal rights, health, environmentalism, conscious food choices
wikiriodoce WikiRioDoce
wtp-steering WTP-E Steering Committee