No Way Through: Checkpoints in Britain

The video above is totally visceral, a vision of Israel’s arch­i­pel­ago of occu­pa­tion in the West Bank. But it doesn’t show reality in the West Bank. It shows a version of that reality, trans­posed to Britain. It’s illus­tra­tive and evocative–illustrative in that it com­presses the occupation’s effects on the people living in the West Bank to […]

J Street, Going Strong

J Street continues on its course of utter pre­dictabil­ity. Latest episode: Israel announces a settlement-freeze that’s not a settlement-freeze, because it doesn’t freeze set­tle­ments in East Jerusalem. 2,500 housing units currently under con­struc­tion will continue going up. Schools, syn­a­gogues, and community centers too. Ethan Bronner calls this  “a painful political con­ces­sion by the Israeli gov­ern­ment,” although […]

Ali Abunimah Q and A

For the full-length videos of Abunimah’s keynote speech, click through here. I like Q-and-A’s better; more dynamic.

Tech­no­rati Tags: Ali Abunimah, BDS, Israel-Palestine, occupation, […]

Someone finally says it: a Fifth International

I went to the World Social Forum in Caracas in 2006 and it was great: rife with tremen­dous energy, panels on anarchism and Zionism and post-capitalist social orga­ni­za­tion, on food supply and eco­log­i­cal agri­cul­ture and mil­i­tarism and financial archi­tec­ture, on Latin American inte­gra­tion and South-South links. It was really nice talk. The World Social Fora were […]

Killing Trees and Lambs

Gideon Levy reports from the occupied West Bank:

Less than a month ago, in this space, we told the story of the beautiful vineyard belonging to the agri­cul­ture teacher Mohammed Abu Awad from the village of Mureir, whose 300 trees were felled by intruders — probably from the illegal outpost of Adei Ad — using buzz saws.

Here, clues left […]

Re-Reading Hollow Land

I have just been re-reading the chapter on the Gaza Strip in Eyal Weizman’s Hollow Land. After Israel’s 2005 with­drawal, armored military bull­doz­ers turned the 3,000 buildings in which the settlers had lived and worked into fetid rubble, run through with festering food and great swarms of flies. All that was left were 19 syn­a­gogues, the […]

In Solidarity with the UC-Berkeley Protesters

As I write, students are occupying Wheeler Hall at the Uni­ver­sity of California-Berkeley, after an unsuc­cess­ful try at occupying the Capital Projects building. The occupiers are on the 2nd floor, and the police are threat­en­ing to tear-gas them. Scores of police in riot gear are beating on the doors. This was building for a long time:

There is […]

Shlomo Sand Speaks

Tech­no­rati Tags: invented tra­di­tions, Israel, nation­al­ism, Palestine, Shlomo […]

Blind People in a Room

That’s what Obama-administration policy-making and J Street’s response to it reminds me of. The dynamic goes like this. The Israeli gov­ern­ment makes some bellicose statement, or takes bel­liger­ent action, that greatly prej­u­dices Pales­tin­ian national interests. The Obama admin­is­tra­tion, blind but not deaf, tut-tuts very fiercely. J Street, hearing a tut-tut, sends out a press release. We […]

Jewbonics, New Series: Dispatches from the Front Lines

One of my best friends is in the Occupied Ter­ri­to­ries, in Jenin. Appar­ently, it’s Elysian. Israel has been handing out candy to the kids, and helping peasants with the olive harvest. Below is an e-mail account, basically verbatim:

Nobody slept well in palestine last night. BIBI, in an attempt to back up his “renege on Oslo” threat […]