South-South? One South!

It is, as David Remnick once pon­der­ously observed, a fine thing to dream. The truth is somewhat grimmer. There are a lot of Global Souths. But sometimes, they get together and stir up some wild mischief. That’s what going to happen today, in Doha, Qatar, where Arab and Latin American leaders are meeting for the second […]


Normally I view Jewbonics’ front-page real estate as a place for things like applaud­ing global resis­tance movements, attacking the half-wits who mas­quer­ade as intel­lec­tu­als in Western culture, high­light­ing the horrors in Palestine, making fun of Eric Alterman, and attempt­ing to soberly analyze the heresies and ortho­dox­ies of Latin American gov­ern­ments viz. struc­tural economic change. But for […]

Joe Biden Wants a Job at the Circus–Update

In London on Saturday, some 35,000 people, according to police “estimates,” came out to protest the G-20 (the pro­ceed­ings are ably chron­i­cled over at Lenin’s Tomb). At an event in Chile preceding the G-20, described by the BBC as a “G20 warm-up meeting”–The Inter-Press Service described the meeting as a “two-day gathering of self-styled pro­gres­sive world […]

The Two-State Solution and Terminal (?) Cancer

Left-wing opinion on whether or not a two-state solution is still feasible bifur­cates into two camps. One says Yes. The other says No. Norman Finkel­stein, for example, argues that the rational strategy is,

OK, not to try to defy the inter­na­tional community with your own or someone else’s more radical slogans, but rather to bring to bare […]

How Do You Say “Solidarity” in Spanish?

Inter­ested extran­jeros want to know. In the fiery belly of anti–Semitism/imperialism/semism/imitism (it’s hard to keep stuff straight these days), the land of arepas, the Ezequiel Zamora National Peasant Front, and XXIst Century Socialism, Hugo Chavez has announced, according to the Ma’an News Agency, that an office rep­re­sent­ing the Pales­tin­ian National Authority will open in Caracas on […]

Eric Alterman on Israel: As Stupid as Stupid Can Be

So Jewbonics’ eleven­teen loyal readers know well that if there’s one buffoon I love pil­lo­ry­ing, it’s Eric Alterman, and if there’s one topic on which, without fail, he will produce com­men­tary of a par­tic­u­larly exquisite type of stupidity, it’s Israel-Palestine. Add to this wondrous mix that there are credible reports that Eric held forth live, without […]

“This shit is absolutely completely fucking insane”

A member of my Israel-Palestine committee in Brooklyn for Peace sent me this video. I forwarded it on to one of Jewbonics’s most artic­u­late correspondents–serious–who described the video posted above with the phrase quoted in the title. She was totally correct. One could be forgiven for thinking it a dead-pan satire of the first rank. It’s […]

Reactions to Crisis: the USA and Venezuela

First, check out what the North American lider maximo has elected to do in response to what the World Bank is now calling a “depres­sion”: other than a feeble and inef­fec­tual series of quarter-measures that will do nothing but stave off the worst, he smiles, jiving and jibing with Jay Leno, explain­ing that he had no […]

The Venezuelan Opposition Musters Up a Lot of Nothing

So some version of the following should be going up on NACLA at some point in the near future. But since Jewbonics is doing some recon­nais­sance on Mexican culinary tra­di­tions somewhere unfor­tu­nately far from Zapatista territory, I’ll post it in lieu of an offensive rant about Elie Wiesel, Eric Alterman, Thomas Friedman, or the usual serried […]

Anti-anti-Semitism and Hugo Chavez: The Illogic of Accusation

The following response to Nikolas Kozloff’s article, available on the “pro­gres­sive” website BuzzFlash, was rejected on grounds that this author is anti-Semitic. There’s a certain old-world respect for epis­to­lary com­mu­ni­ca­tion that suggests that e-mails between private parties should be priv­i­leged as personal cor­re­spon­dence. So I’ll restrict myself to saying that Buzzflash’s editor and publisher, Mark Karlin, […]