Screenings of 'Offside' in Glasgow and Manchester

offside 2


Thursday May 18, 6.30pm
Club Academy, University of Manchester Students’ Union
Oxford Road

Friday May 21, 7pm
Centre for Contemporary Arts
350 Sauchiehall Street

Over two months since his arrest, Panahi, whose most famous films are the widely acclaimed The circle (winner of the Golden Lion prize at the Vienna film festival in 2000) and Offside, has still not been charged with any crime. Twice offered bail during that time, he has refused out of solidarity with all those incarcerated for their participation in the mass demonstrations against the regime that have shaken Iran since June 2009.

Letter from John McDonnell MP

John McDonnellComrades and friends

We are writing to you and to urge sponsorship and more general support for the Hands Off the People of Iran solidarity event on May 12. (See enclosed material for details).

Jafar Panahi – the well known Iranian film maker – was arrested on March 1 and is still being held without any charges. He has twice been offered bail, but has refused in solidarity with all those incarcerated for their participation in the mass demonstrations against the regime that have shaken Iran since June 2009 (for more information, see

The Labour Representation Committee has added its voice to those demanding the release of Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners in Iran. The Hopi showing of the director’s most popular film in the West – ‘Offside’ – is an important opportunity to raise the profile of Panahi and step up the pressure on the regime in Tehran. We believe that international solidarity of this sort – not the threat of military strikes or sanctions – is the way to deliver effective aid to the struggle of ordinary people in Iran for freedom and social change.

Can you sponsor the event and send a send a donation to defer costs? Can you take tickets to sell? Could your organisation take publicity material to circulate in your regular mailouts? Perhaps you can feature an advert for the evening on your website? Any help you can offer to this important cause would be gratefully received!

Please write to Hopi, Hopi, PO Box 54631, London N16 8YE or email

In solidarity

John McDonnell

PS: All profits from the event will be donated to the charity Workers Fund Iran, which works to “reduce and relieve poverty amongst Iranian workers (both employed and unemployed) who are victims both of the economic policies of the Iranian regime and sanctions” (

Solidarity screening of 'Offside'

pic frontWith comedy from Shappi Khorsandi and an introduction by John McDonnell MP. The event is co-sponsored by the Labour Representation Committee (click here to read their letter, urging support for the event). For details of screenings in Glasgow and Manchester, click here)

Wednesday, May 12, 6pm. Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, London W1

Jafar Panahi – the well known Iranian film maker – was arrested on March 1 and is still being held without any charges. He has twice been offered bail, but has refused in solidarity with all those incarcerated for their participation in the mass demonstrations against the regime that have shaken Iran since June 2009.

The Hopi showing of the director’s most popular film in the West – ‘Offside’ – is an important opportunity to raise the profile of Panahi and step up the pressure on the regime in Tehran. We believe that international solidarity of this sort – not the threat of military strikes or sanctions – is the way to deliver effective aid to the struggle of ordinary people in Iran for freedom and social change.

  • Please let us know if you can distribute leaflets and we’ll send you some. Maybe your union branch is planning a mailout soon?
  • Even if you can’t come, perhaps you could sponsor the event by making a donation? You can do so on
  • You could also try to get your organisation/trade union branch to sponsor the event.

Tickets: £10 (£20 solidarity, £5 unwaged). All profits go to the charity ‘Workers Fund Iran’. Please buy your ticket via Paypal here or by sending a cheque/postal order to PO Box 54631, London N16 8YE

You can also get a new copy of the film from us – we recommend a donation of £10 to cover all costs. Just add the amount when you’re paying.

Iranian students condemn the arrest of Iranian filmmakers

This is from the website

By Golnaz Esfandiari, RFE/RL

The Islamic Society of the students of the cinema and theater department of Tehran’s Art University has condemned the jailing of two Iranian filmmakers, Jafar Panahi and Mohammad Nourizad, and criticized artists for their silence over the pair’s jailing.

Mohammad Nourizad (left) and Jafar Panahi were arrested in the aftermath of
June’s presidential election in Iran.

“Where is your honor? They arrest your colleagues one after another and you remain silent. What are you afraid of?” the students’ statement asked.

Award-winning Panahi, who was arrested on March 1, is facing security charges. Culture Minister Mohammad Hosseini said last week that Panahi was arrested because he was making an antigovernment film about the events that followed last year’s presidential vote.

Ahead of his arrest, Panahi had said that he was being interrogated and put under pressure over a film he hadn’t yet made.

In an interview (see video) with the BBC before his arrest, he talked about the pressure on Iranian filmmakers and said he’d been deprived of his right to make movies.

“I was taken for several interrogation sessions of over three to four hours. They spoke of inconceivable charges that were shocking. One of the charges against me was my intention to produce a critical film in the future. I asked them how I could be interrogated about a film that I have not yet produced,” Panahi told the BBC.

“Mentioning other charges; for instance, they added I could be detained between three to nine months for one charge or one to nine years for another, etc. So counting the minimum period of my detention, I asked them, do you want to imprison me for 35 years? I don’t think I would live that long!”

Panahi also told the BBC that “I have been denied the right to produce any film since the coming to power of Ahmadinejad. What could be more suicidal for a filmmaker than being barred from making a film? It wouldn’t change anything if I don’t. I live to make films; actually it is the times when I’m filming when my life has meaning. Well, when they deprive me of making a film, I would have to spread word in any other possible way. I know it falls heavy on them.

“It is for the same reason that I have been banned from leaving the country. I’m imprisoned within my own country. Although they haven’t put me in prison, it is all the same: I’m a prisoner when I’m deprived of my passion. I have to sit at home and wait for a miracle to happen after four years that would allow me to produce films.”

The Cannes Film Festival, which begins in May, has declared Panahi a symbolic guest of honor.

Nourizad has been sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison and 50 lashes for insulting Iran’s supreme leader and other charges. He has 20 days to appeal against the sentence that was made public on April 17.

Following last year’s disputed presidential election, Nourizad ,who used to be a columnist with the hard-line “Kayhan” daily, criticized Iran’s leaders. He called on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to dismiss President Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

The students from the Art University said in their statement that while Iranian officials believe that by jailing people such as Panahi and Nourizad they can destroy them, every day that they are in jail “hundreds of Panahis and Nourizads are being born outside.”

The students called for the release of Panahi and Nourizad.

Add your name: Freedom for Jafar Panahi!

“We the undersigned call for the immediate and unconditional release of Iranian film maker, Jafar Panahi, and all political prisoners incarcerated since the mass democratic upsurges against the theocratic regime in the aftermath of the rigged elections of June 2009.

The Iranian people themselves must be free to shape their own future; free from interference either from the western powers/Israel in the form of military attack and sanctions, or the repressive apparatus of the theocratic state.

Hands off the people of Iran!”

Initial signatories include:

  • John McDonnell MP, Labour Party
  • Lisa Goldman, artistic director Soho Theatre
  • Jeremy Dear, general secretary National Union of Journalists
  • Moshe Machover, Israeli activist
  • Nader Sadeh (Berlin)

To add your name, email as soon as possible. We are aiming to publicise this statement in many newspapers and websites. You can also join the Facebook group to Free Jafar Panahi, which keeps you updated with the campaign

Other signatories include:

Yassamine Mather; Hopi
Ruben Markarian, Rahe Kargar;
Mohamad Reza Shalgouni, Rahe Kargar;
Harry Cohen MP;
Pete Firmin (joint secretary and president, Brent Trades Union Council – pc);
Bill Wilson, member of the Scottish Parliament;
Anthony Neilson, Writer/ Director and Literary Associate of the RSC;
Marsha Jane Thompson, Labour Representation Committee;
Elaine Smith, member of Scottish Parliament;
Rebecca Lenkiewicz, Writer;
Dr Sue Blackwell, National Executive Committee (elect), University and College Union
Andy Hewett, Green Left;
Jenny Morgan, filmmaker;
Peter Grant, Manchester Piccadilly No1 Branch, ASLEF;
Priya Thakar, University of Manchester;
Chuck Hamilton, Tennessee Human Rights Coalition;
Mark Fischer, Communist Party of Great Britain
Behrooz Farahany, Solidarité socialiste avec les travailleurs en Iran-Paris;
Keith Baker, chair Scottish Education and Action for Development;
Paul Frost, East Midlands Green Party T U Group Rep, Unison member;
Christina Purcell, Manchester Met UCU Campaigns Officer (pc);
Dr. Marsha Levine, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research;
Abe Hayeem, Chair, Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine;
Dieter Elken, Marxist Initiative, Berlin;
Mick Hall, Organized Rage;
Aleksander Glogowski PhD, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland;
Regi Theodor Enerstvedt, professor emeritus, University of Oslo, Norway;
Anders B Jonasson, senior lecturer, University of Skövde;
Marie Jedla;
Janet Bogle;
Ali Reza Akhavan;
Bita Tahbaz;
Firouzeh Rad;
Colin Pritchard;
Simon Pirani;
Ruth Saunders;
Leon Rosselson;
Prof. Haim Bresheeth;
Natasha Langridge;
Dr. Mehrdad Emadi;
Mila Mossafer;
Misagh Parsa;
Charlie Pottins;
Tony Greenstein;
Toby Abse;
Andrew Coates;
Dot Gibson;
Gilliar Javaheri;
Pete Mason;
David Broder;
Ann M. Crosby;
James Turley;
David Sabbagh;
David Convery;
Neill Grant;
Evelyn Metcalfe;
John Bowden;
Jim Moody;
Mark Fischer;
Leah Jones;
Imke Frank;
David Landau;
Paul Newton;
Steve Cooke;
Jim Gilbert;
Phil Kent;
Mark Harrison;
Maxim Forn;
Kelly Brown;
Marcus Trower;
Ali Hassany;
Ochreh Omidvake;
Ben Lille;
Robert Lambert;
Tina Becker;
Malcolm Mead;
Joanne George Wills;
Andy Guy;
Vick Marelic;
Paul White;
Grace McEnroe;
Matthew Smith;
Amanda Jackson;
Phil Kent;
Andrew Morris;
Ali Kaya;
Hariette Claire;
Alex Hopkins;
Clare Doyle;
Robert Bennett;
Samuel Gridley;
Andrew Britton;
Vicki Morris;
Jonathan Dodds;
Steve Freeman;
John Bridge;
Peter Manson;
Wendy Daly;
Dave Vincent;
David Isaacson;
Hagy Balizs;
Terri Rayner;
Oda Brathie;
Mina Bird;
Rachel Archer ;
D. Boromond;
M. O’Donnell;
B. Plant ;
Daniel Read;
August Schuit;
J. Rushborough-Lee;
Virginia MacFadyen;
Paul Flewers;
Anna Rehin;
Ali Reza Akhavan;
Bita Tahbaz;
Fiona Harrington;
Ray Rising;
John S. Burke,
Nadia Marques de Carvalho;
Martin Ellis;
Geoff Curl;
Anne McShane;
Liaket Ali;
Laurie McCauley;
Zuri Zurowski;
Frances Grahl;
Anna Carteret
Dr. A. Holberg, Germany;
Maud Bracke, University of Glasgow;
Sean Lee
Sarah Gartland
Jamie Moloney
Maria Hawkins
ارژنگ بامشاد  Arjang Bamshad
احمد نوین  Ahmad Novin
امیر جواهری لنگرودی   Amir Javaheri Langaroudi
رفعت لنگرودی  Rafat Langaroudi
گیلک جواهری لنگرودی Gilak Javaheri Langaroudi
هما جوادی  Homa Javadi
ابوالحسن عظیمی Abolhassan Azimi
عیدی نعمتی شاعر Aydi Nemati (Poet)
سیاووش میرزایی شاعر Siavash Mirzaii (Poet)
رضا چیت ساز  Reza Chitsaz
داریوش ارجمندی Dariush Arjmandi
پریسا آزادیان Parissa Azadyan
مریم اسکویی Maryam Oskoui
فریدا سهابیان Frida Sohrabyan

سیران مرادیان Siran Moradyan
شهاب شکوهی Shahb Shokouhi
یوسف آبخونYoussef Abkhoun
پروین شکوهی  Parvin Shokouhi
نقی ریاحی لنگرودی Naghi Riyahi Langaroudi
سروژ قازاریان Sorouj Ghazaryan
نجف روحی Najaf Rouhi
حمید آذر Hamid Azar
رضا سپید روحی Reza Sepid Rouhi
علی جالینوسی   Ali Jalinous
احمد شکوهی Ahmad Shokouhi
بهرنگ ریاحی لنگرودی  Behrang Riyahi Langaroudi
محمد تجلی جو  Mohamad Tajali Jou
بهروز نظری Behrouz nazari
صادق افروز  Sadegh Afrouz
احمد سعیدی Ahmad Saiidi
علی یوسفی Ali Youssefi
نگار فکری- Negar Fekri
Lea Lahoud
Bettina Allamoda (Berlin), artist
Paul Martin

Freedom for Jafar Panahi!

panahi   picEight things you can do now to support the campaign!

Over two months since his arrest, Panahi, whose most famous films are the widely acclaimed The circle (winner of the Golden Lion prize at the Vienna film festival in 2000) and Offside, has still not been charged with any crime. Twice offered bail during that time, he has refused out of solidarity with all those incarcerated for their participation in the mass demonstrations against the regime that have shaken Iran since June 2009.

His detention is the most serious example of the treatment Panahi has suffered so far. Up to now, the theocratic regime has been conducting a campaign of harassment against the 49-year-old artist. He has been unable to travel abroad since wearing a green scarf – the colour of the opposition movement – at the Montreal Film Festival in 2009. He was also arrested briefly after attending the memorial service for student Neda Agha Soltan, who was murdered by regime forces during a demonstration. Earlier the ministry of culture and Islamic guidance had announced he would not be allowed to make another movie until he ‘re-edited’ earlier films and he was unable to work for a year.

There is a clear theme of social criticism in his work. In a 2007 interview with the LA Times, Panahi described himself as “a socially committed filmmaker” who operates in the context of a brutally oppressive society: “My movies are about limitations and restrictions, and these are restrictions that I’ve personally experienced.” However, those are minor relative to “the greater restrictions that Iranian women are suffering”, he said.

The prison authorities are piling on the pressure. His wife, Tahereh Saeedi, was only allowed to meet him on March 31 – almost a month after his arrest. She reports that his interrogators continually cover the same ground: “They keep asking him the same questions in order to find contradictions in his comments,” Saeedi revealed in a radio interview.

Moshé Machover, a member of the Hopi steering committee, commented in a press statement: “Jafar Panahi has taken a brave stance. He stands shoulder to shoulder with those brave participants in the mass movement of opposition to the theocratic regime that have been arrested. Now we must stand shoulder to shoulder with him.”

Comrade Machover continued: “Our most effective act of solidarity with the inspiring movement for radical change that has filled Iran’s streets is to ensure that imperialism does not launch another disastrous military adventure in the Middle East, this time against an Iran which is pregnant with radical, genuinely democratic change from below”.

John McDonnell MP, a supporter of Hopi, said: “The world must make its voice heard in demanding that Jafar Panahi is released without charge along with all those incarcerated for nothing more than demanding basic civil liberties and democratic rights. These violations of basic human rights must not be allowed to go unnoticed and without protest.”

Eight things you can do now:

  • Send emails, faxes and letters of protest to the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 16 Prince’s Gate, London SW7 1PT;; 020 7589 4440. Don’t forget to send us a copy.
  • Sign our statement ‘Freedeom for Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners’ Email
  • Join the Facebook group to Free Jafar Panahi, which keeps you updated with the campaign
  • Put on showings of Panahi’s films: The wounded head (1988), Kish (1991), The last exam (1992), The circle (2000), Crimson gold (2003) and above all Offside (2006). We have been given official permission to show his films, so we can help you to get hold get a copy of the film and DVDs to sell. We can also provide a speaker to introduce the film
  • Order Hopi’s ‘Free Panahi’ postcards. Get people to sign the cards and return them to us asap – we will forward them to his family in Iran to show our solidarity. We ask for a donation of £5 or more for 30 cards to cover postage and printing costs
  • Order the A4 bulletin we have produced to highlight Panahi’s case (as well as the ongoing threat of a military attack and increased sanctions). We ask for a donation of £5 or more for 30 bulletins to cover postage and printing costs
  • Get your trade union branch/organisation to sponsor this important campaign.
  • Financially support the campaign: please use the Paypal button below or send cheque/s to Hopi, PO Box 54631, London N16 8YE