Last updated: September 10, 2017

Saturday 9th September 2017

Inside our fractious alt-right

Anti Mosque Protest

If you are a fist waving member of Australia’s far right, the worst thing you can do is call someone a Nazi.

Clamour over Suu Kyi’s silence

Clamour over Suu Kyi’s silence

Democratic icon averts gaze as tragedy unfolds.

Best candidate for ‘worst job’

Best candidate for ‘worst job’

NZ Labour’s Jacinda Ardern has taken the party from hopeless to high-flying as election nears.

Saturday 9th September 2017

Miles to go before PM sleeps

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during Question Time in the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, September 7, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

The High Court has saved Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership — for now.

Mission creep ignores wisdom

chris kenny dink for the oz

Our three levels of government would do better if they stick to their jurisdictions.

Opinionistas same as politicians

Opinionistas same as politicians

The commentariat too tends to peddle prejudices as irrefutable fact.

Test of religious freedom

Test of religious freedom

The royal commission’s recommendation has little to do with curbing child abuse.

From cheap to expensive power

From cheap to expensive power

Renewables panhandlers make a motza while reliable energy keeps seeping out.

Elder abuse for money rising


A new survey on elder financial abuse makes plain the scale of the problem. Three case studies show the dangers.

Imagine if tables were turned

Imagine if tables were turned

More Australians will vote No as a protest against the intolerance of some Yes campaigners.

There’s method in Kim’s madness

There’s method in Kim’s madness

The North Korean dictator is actually a pretty remarkable human being with immense hidden abilities.

‘What everyone’s dying from’

Noah Bastarache at aged 14.

Former basketballer Noah Bastarache is proof of the shocking way the opioid crisis spreads its skeletal hands across America.

The nation’s lightbulb moment

The nation’s lightbulb moment

This week the Turnbull government found a new argument for coal — in the name of power stability.

Australia’s bachelor hotspots

Australia’s bachelor hotspots

Finding love is all about living in the right places. And now we’ve made a map to help you find them | SEARCH

Friday 8th September 2017

Asset sales inevitable as debt balloons

Asset sales inevitable as debt balloons

What was Treasurer Ben Wyatt thinking of when he said no taxes would be raised and no assets would be sold?

Prices not due to privatisation

Prices not due to privatisation

Here’s a tip: the escalation of electricity prices doesn’t have anything to do with privatisation.

Buck passed to big end of town

Buck passed to big end of town

Election pledges mean little to Mark McGowan with his budget hitting gold miners with higher royalties.

Ruling may be pyrrhic victory

Ruling may be pyrrhic victory

Yesterday’s High Court victory for Malcolm Turnbull could turn out to be pyrrhic.

Decision lets PM dodge a bullet

Decision lets PM dodge a bullet

In letting the people decide, the High Court has shown the wisdom so lacking in parliament.

All citizens deserve right to serve

All citizens deserve right to serve

Dual nationality is here to stay but let’s raise the threshold for our greatest gift.

Stop the alarm, put out the fire

Stop the alarm, put out the fire

Coalition disunity cripples the PM’s ability to attack.

Freedoms are always on right side

Freedoms are always on right side

She’ll be right, reckon the vocal proponents of same-sex marriage — they are wrong.

A few photons of sunshine

Josh Frydenberg

When the green light came from the High Court no one looked as pleased as Malcolm Turnbull.

Blackout Bill may give PM boost

Blackout Bill may give PM boost

Turnbull should push his advantage against Labor’s absurd renewables fixation.

Thursday 7th September 2017

Oscillation of an acrobat

Opposition leader Bill Shorten gives the keynote address at the Australian Republic Movement’s Gala Dinner Melbourne, Saturday, July 29, 2017. (AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy) NO ARCHIVING

Ah, the chutzpah of it all. Citizenship is just the latest ‘circus’ in which Bill Shorten has shown his contortionist skills.

’Experts’ push their own barrows

’Experts’ push their own barrows

The AEMO is just part of the dazzling array of regulators interfering with the national electricity market.

Leader should axe the tax

Leader should axe the tax

It’s poor policy and will cost money, but Malcolm Turnbull should drop the GST on domestic gas and electricity bills.

Smile put on Morrison dial

Smile put on Morrison dial

The rise in business investment has given Treasurer Scott Morrison a good reason to be positive about our economy.

Turnbull rebuffs Abbott gang

Turnbull rebuffs Abbott gang

The PM is showing a resilience that backers believe could yet be rewarded by voters.

Tell Kim we mean business

Tell Kim we mean business

And Beijing should know threats will lead to much better defended neighbours.

Better times need wages growth

Better times need wages growth

Like the rest of the world, our household incomes are at a curious standstill.

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