Last updated: August 30, 2017

More pre-1788 history lessons

Federal Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion announces grant to the Port Adelaide Football Club at Alberton oval, Adelaide, Thursday, July 20, 2017. (AAP Image/David Mariuz) NO ARCHIVING
Primary students would be taught more pre-settlement indigenous history under changes to the national curriculum.

Mabo win ‘mixed blessing’

Vonda Malone is the first woman to be elected as mayor of Torres Shire Council.
While the Mabo decision securing native title has delivered benefits, it has proved ‘divisive’ for small groups.

ALP bush group yet to meet

A subcommittee charged with improving living conditions in the bush, has yet to hold its first full meeting.

Invasion Day call ‘just garbage’

Question Time
Barnaby Joyce has attacked moves by an SA councillor to scrap Australia Day and recognise the ‘feelings’ of Aborigines.

No ‘risk’ after months of violence

Senator Nigel Scullion
NT welfare services have yet to identify any children “at risk of harm” despite months of fighting in a remote community.

Yolngu art’s US dreaming

Bark paintings
After travelling through thousands of years of history, Australian indigenous art will soon tour major US institutions.

No ‘risk’ after months of violence

Senator Nigel Scullion
NT welfare services have yet to identify any children “at risk of harm” despite months of fighting in a remote community.

NT chief backs statue renaming

Body worn cameras
Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner has weighed into the growing debate about Australia Day.

Vandals ‘dishonour indigenous Aussies’

Stan Grant and one of the vandalised statues.
ABC indigenous affairs editor Stan Grant has slammed the vandals responsible for defacing Hyde Park statues.

No ‘rewriting history’: PM

Moruya for PM Visit
Malcolm Turnbull has spoken out against ‘rewriting history’, ‘editing statues’ and ‘deleting Australia Day’.

Sydney statues vandalised

Statues in Sydney's Hyde Park have been vandalised.
Three statues in Sydney’s Hyde Park — including one of Captain Cook — have been attacked by vandals.

Focus on US-Yolngu connection

Australians will be the first to see new works from a US exhibition charting seven decades of Yolngu bark painting.

‘Don’t rewrite history’

Gary Sturgess
Historians have warned against scrubbing white settlers from national recognition.

Standing tall and proud

RendezView. Statue of Captain James Cook against blue sky. (Pic: iStock)
Stan Grant’s campaign against the public statues of some of the great men of Australian history is sheer journalistic opportunism.

Only 81 urged Oz Day shift

Darebin and Yarra Councils
Melbourne’s Darebin council faces accusations it didn’t properly consult residents before its Australia Day changes.

Council stripped of ceremonies

Darebin Vote on Australia Day
The federal government has stripped Melbourne’s City of Darebin of their power to hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day.

Call to end ‘great silence’

**REVIEW USE ONLY** Crimes that Shook Australia Stan Grant.
Stan Grant is calling for the ‘great ­silence’ about inaccuracies in our indigenous history to end.

Kids ‘copying parental violence’

Australia, NT, Outback, 5175
Children as young as four have been walking around one NT community threatening people with iron bars.

Sisters’ keepers

artists of parnngurr
One of the most sacred Aboriginal creation stories is finally, and controversially, being taken to a national audience.

Welfare workers ‘desensitised’

Government workers in dysfunctional communities can grow to tolerate a level of child neglect, says Colin Barnett.

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