
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Ecotopia Biketour: Summer 2017

Ecotopia Biketour is a self-organized, international community that has been organizing a yearly bicycle tour in different regions of Europe since 1990. During the tour we visit environmental and social projects and practice forms of activism and sustainable living. We follow a vegan diet, practice consensus decision making, and share skills by doing workshops. Ecotopia […]

Turin: Call for three days of discussion and struggle against borders and concentration system

via Macerie



From Idomeni to Calais, images of people trying to pass borders more and more insuperable get to us. At the same time the European states are reorganising the internal management of immigration through new sorting facilities, and heightening control in administrative detention centres.


Berlin: Protest against the European Police Congress, 23/24 February

Against the World of Borders and Control…

On 23/24 February, the European police congress will again be held in the Berlin Congress Center. Enterprises from the armament and surveillance industry will meet on this occasion with international politicians, security agencies and military staff to develop common strategies for the defence of the ruling conditions; for […]

Thoughts from somewhere

Received December 20th:

From the hands, to the legs, to the neck- lets break the stability of the authority of the State! Solidarity means to attack!

We see the recent operations against anarchists in Spain as a continuation of the States’ authoritarian blow against anarchist and anti-authoritarian individuals and structures. This repression, however, doesn’t […]

Greece: Anarchist walk in central Athens

On November 7th 2015 at noon, amid Saturday crowds, a handful of us carried out an intervention from Exarchia neighbourhood and streets in the city centre, to Monastiraki and Thissio, wanting to express our solidarity with comrades who are under repression in different corners of the world, and specifically the territories of Brazil, Uruguay and […]

International coordinated actions in solidarity with Evi Statiri (on hunger strike since 14/9)

Between the 12th and 17th of September 2015, some participants in the network of Contra Info carried out a series of actions in solidarity with Evi Statiri, prisoner in struggle in Greece, who has undergone hunger strike since September 14th, demanding an end to the preventive detention that was imposed on her six months ago.


Europe: Solidarity gestures with Diego Ríos and Tamara Sol Farías Vergara

Some participants in the network of Contra Info decided to coordinate our strengths to make visible the cases of two anarchist comrades, who were recently retaliated by the executioners of the Chilean state: Diego Ríos, who was arrested on February 7th, after five and a half years on the run, and is currently held in […]

A dead end – Gaza is theatre of war, the world is watching

In Gaza the dead are being counted after yet another aggression of the Israeli State. The siege and suffocation of this plot of land, which is the Gaza strip, are accomplished facts since a long time ago. The bloody military incursions are simply their horrible confirmation.

The arrogance with which the Israeli army is waging […]

EU joint police operation against migrants


An EU-wide police operation with the name “mos maiorum” is taking place from Monday the 13th to Sunday the 26th of October 2014. During these two weeks 18,000 police forces will chase people without papers. They want to find out about our migration routes and arrest as many of us as possible.

Please warn […]

Greece: Revolutionary Struggle claims responsibility for car bomb explosion in Athens city centre

In the early morning hours of Thursday, April 10th, 2014 —after two warning phone calls to the media— a car bomb with 75kg of explosives was detonated outside one of Bank of Greece’s offices, located at Amerikis Street in Athens, causing extensive material damages in the surrounding area (but no injuries).

Fifteen days later, the […]

Kiev, Ukraine: Good night macho pride 2014

From the 24th to the 28th of April 2014, the 3rd ‘Good night macho pride’ anarcha-feminist festival will take place in Kiev, Ukraine.

During the gathering, there will be theoretical and practical discussions related to anarchist and feminist topics such as relations and ways of talking to each other, interaction in groups, how to deal […]

Portugal: António Ferreira de Jesus – In remembrance of an indomitable

Click image to read pdf.

Text in Portuguese (December 2013). Archive material here.

France: Communiqué by GADI – Call for antifascist counter-protests on April 5th, 2014

On January 26th, the fascist organizers of the “Day of Anger” march gathered many of their militants in Paris.

They paraded with clearly anti-Semitic slogans and Nazi salutes. Neo-Nazi groups (such as the Petainists youth) were alongside the National Front (FN) politicians, as well as many representatives of clearly fascist movements: royalists, religious extremists, negationists, […]

Madrid: Solidarity event for long-term anarchist prisoners

On Saturday, January 11th, the squatted social centre La Gatonera, located on 9, Amistad Street in the district of Carabanchel, Madrid, hosts an info event in solidarity with anarchist prisoners facing long sentences worldwide.

We meet at 18:30 and begin counter-information talk, with the aim to publicize some of the cases of brothers […]

Helsinki, Finland: New Year’s Eve solidarity demo at Metsälä migrant prison

On New Year’s Eve, a group of 40 visited the Metsälä detention unit in Helsinki. We wanted to let the migrants, imprisoned because of their descent, know that we have not forgotten them in the midst of New Year’s celebration.

We sent greetings from behind a fence with shouts of encouragement, drumming, rockets and a […]


… BEGINNING OF MESSAGE… 18-12-2013… STOP… 32, Square Ambiorix, in Brussels… STOP… arson on BMW of Georgios Papastamkos… STOP… Vice-President of the European Parliament… STOP… member of Nea Dimokratia party, Greece… STOP… solidarity with anarchists kidnapped by the State… END OF MESSAGE…

Frankfurt: Solidarity action for “Lampedusa in Hamburg”

Solidarity with refugees

During the night from Wednesday to Thursday 17.10.2013 we attacked an office of the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) in the Nordend district of Frankfrut, and destroyed its windows and doors.

Party functionaries like the SPD mayor Olaf Scholz are responsible for the policy against refugees in Hamburg, a […]

Helsinki, Finland: Greek embassy vandalized

(Athens, Greece 25.9.2013)

During the night between the 23rd and 24th of September 2013 the facade of the Greek embassy in Helsinki was vandalized.

“In memoriam of Pavlos Fyssas, the fight continues!” was sprayed on the outer wall. In addition the embassy’s wall was decorated with anarchist symbols and windows of the staircase were […]

Belgium: Second wave of raids for the “Operation Ashes”

Saturday, September 28, 2013

As a reminder, on May 22, 2013, in the morning, the antiterrorist section of the Belgian federal police conducted a first wave of raids on houses where anarchists and anti-authoritarian comrades live among other people; the anarchist library Acrata was searched as well. The eleven persons present were arrested and led […]

Netherlands: Detention centre contractors attacked in Rotterdam

On 10th August under cover of darkness we targeted the construction contractors Van Omme & De Groot for their involvement in the building of Rotterdam detention centre. The slogan “Fuck Deportation!” was sprayed upon the shutters covering the windows and paint bombs filled with generous amounts of bright paint were thrown ruining […]

Anarchist prisoner Francesco Puglisi extradited to Italy and locked up in Rebibbia prison

Since Friday the 5th of July, Francesco Puglisi was in the transit section of Rebibbia prison in Rome, “waiting until the dogs of the administration or the Department of Penitentiary Administration decide in which section to put me.” On the 18th of July it was disclosed that the comrade was moved to […]

$hile: Greetings from Santiago to the rebels in Turkey

This evening (14/6), at around 6pm, we held a rally in front of the Turkish Embassy. The banner displayed read: “For the expansion of Revolt. Dayanışma bir silahtır – Solidarity is a weapon.” Flyers were distributed with the following text:

Santiago’dan Türkiye’deki isyancılara selam

Fourteen days ago in Istanbul a social crisis exploded, caused […]

Turkey: This is just the beginning; fight on

This is a revolt

Urban transformation projects have long been threatening living spaces of Istanbul residents. First slum demolitions, and then 63 million square meters of forests to be pillaged for the third bridge, shopping malls built one after another, luxury hotels, and while the pedestrianization project continued, next was Gezi Park. Istanbul […]

İstanbul: Cops stormed Taksim on June 11th

Announcement by the Revolutionary Anarchist Action (Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet, DAF):

Against the State and police terror: Our rage is growing, so does our struggle!

The ongoing occupation of Taksim Square and Gezi Park was attacked by the police this morning (June 11th, 2013). After the meeting of the council of ministers yesterday, the police […]

Turkey: Fans of three major football teams marched as İstanbul United



On June 8th, in İstanbul, Çarşı group gathered at approximately 7pm in the district of Beşiktaş and marched to Taksim Square.

They have also hanged this banner from the Atatürk Cultural Centre, in Taksim (Optik, pictured on the banner, is a man that formed Çarşı and gave Beşiktaş sport club’s supporters […]