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Perth public transport patronage down as WA pumps $1.3 billion into Metronet

Patronage on Transperth services has dropped to its lowest levels in six years just as the McGowan government announces a $1.3 billion boost to extend Perth's public transport network.

Five million less trips were made in 2016-17, with train rides down 4 percent and bus rides down 3 percent despite customer satisfaction being at an all time high.

This year's Transperth Passenger Satisfaction Monitor – an annual survey of 4,000 customers – shows nine in ten passengers were happy with the service.

Perth Transport Authority spokesman David Hynes said the drop in passengers was caused by the economic downturn.

"The widely-reported procession of jobs and businesses out of the CBD was the biggest single factor behind the patronage fall," he said.

"While there is only anecdotal evidence of the number of CBD jobs which have disappeared, 20,000 public transport users would translate to ten million trips a year."


Mr Hynes said discretional use, represented in a drop in DayRider and FamilyRider tickets, suggested that people had less disposable income.

"[People] are choosing to stay at home or are at least being more measured in their amount of leisure activity," he said.

In the same satisfaction survey, 26 percent of passengers said they felt unsafe at train stations at night, compared 24 percent in 2016.

At bus stops 22 percent of patrons said they felt unsafe at night, compared to 21 percent last year.

Strange people, drunks and drug users and a lack of security are the main reason for safety concerns of passengers.

A lack of security was cause for concern for 57 percent of female passengers who said they felt unsafe on trains at night – rising 17 percent from the previous year.

"As has been well documented in the media, violent and antisocial behaviour seems to be happening more frequently in society as a whole – this is also reflected in the results of the PSM," Mr Hynes said.

Mr Hynes said any antisocial behaviour was unacceptable on Transperth services.

"Our trains, buses, platforms and stations across the network are regularly monitored in a variety of ways including by our team of highly-trained transit officers, mobile patrols, private security contractors, our high-tech 10,000+ camera CCTV system and 24-hour Central Monitoring Room (CMR)."

The passenger survey comes on the back of the WA government allocating funding for two key projects in the WA government's Metronet plan - the Joondalup line extension to Yanchep and the Thornlie Line extension - in the 2017 budget.

"As more Metronet public transport projects come online, patronage will grow naturally as more services are located closer to where people live and want to travel," Mr Hynes said.

"The project will also help grow a network of well-connected activity centres across Perth, another vital step to ensuring a sustainable, accessible public transport network for the future."

The state government also earmarked $500,000 of the budget for a public awareness campaign aimed at enticing more patrons to public transport.