

Sorry Melbourne, but you're no Sydney, so stop trying so damn hard

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I am about to say something that will horrify most Melburnians – more so than any lukewarm soy latte or too-long line at Pidapipo gelateria ever could. And that thing is this: your city really isn't all that great.

As someone who arrived in Melbourne for the first time only a year and a half ago, the thing that shocked me most wasn't the laneway art (we have graffiti in Sydney too, guys) or the weather (ever heard of spring?), but rather the borderline obsessive-compulsive defences everyone always seemed to be making about the place, as though they were its collective real estate agent and hadn't had much luck on the housing market to date.

I could barely get a word in edgeways before some stranger would leap at me, hollering: "Melbourne is the most liveable city in the world! We are so much better than Sydney! Just admit it, why don't you!"

It's not that my instinct was to criticise the place. After all, when someone welcomes you into their home, the polite thing to do is smile, "ooh" and "ah" at the decor and compliment the food, not complain about the climate or the sad attempt at a Chinatown.

But similarly, it's unusual for a host to so forcefully demand your appreciation, let alone for that appreciation to require the denouncement of all other cities, as if neither can live while the other survives.

Yes, Melbourne is nice. There are some good cafes and an art gallery or two, and I will concede that it is much more convenient to have a city built on a grid with trams going every which way. But it really needs to take a chill pill when it comes to this so-called feud with Sydney. Because, unlike what has probably been brainwashed into every school student in Victoria by Daniel Andrews and his inferiority complex, people in Sydney just don't care.


We hear about Melbourne from time to time on the news when the weather is particularly bad. We watch The Wrong Girl and Offspring. We tune in for the Australian Open once a year, and maybe, if we can be bothered, make a holiday out of it. But as a general rule, we could not care less about comparing the two cities.

And the reason for that is this: if we were to compare Melbourne and Sydney, Melbourne would lose in a landslide.

Perhaps Melbourne's public transport is marginally less expensive, but at least Sydney's double-decker trains carry twice as many people, and are about five times as frequent at peak hour, because they don't share their platform with three other lines.

Sydney's natural landscape also obviously trumps Melbourne's, be it rainforests or beaches. Not that it is ever really beach weather in Melbourne, which spends three-quarters of its year in the depths of winter. And anybody who has walked along both Circular Quay and the riverside of the Yarra knows that there is really no fair comparison of our man-made scapes either.

Yes, houses might be a tad more expensive in our nation's first state. But Prada is also more expensive than Target. Make of that what you will. The point is this: stop trying to make a Melbourne-Sydney feud happen. Because when it does, we will knock you out of the park – which, by the way, is a thing some cities have in their CBDs. Give it a try some time.

Eleanor Kirk is a 20-year-old writer and a student at the Victorian College of the Arts.


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