Engineering jobs boom on $100b infrastructure pipeline

GHD civil engineer Maritsa Kacopieros likes working in "booming" Sydney. Her firm helped design Sydney's light rail project.
GHD civil engineer Maritsa Kacopieros likes working in "booming" Sydney. Her firm helped design Sydney's light rail project. Louise Kennerley

The infrastructure boom could last longer than the mining boom, engineers have forecast as rising job vacancies on hundreds of projects, worth more than $100 billion around the country push up engineering and construction wages.

"The jobs data is as clear as a bell, we're on the up," said Brent Jackson, executive general manager of industry body Engineers Australia. "Because we've got so many projects on the boil, we're not going to see this boom back off for an awfully long time."

Engineering and construction is one of the few industries in which workers are getting pay rises as demand for skilled engineers enables people to jump from one project to another, boosting their salaries.

Some 3579 engineering jobs were available nationally in June – up 32 per cent on a year earlier, according to Engineers Australia. Most of the jobs are in NSW and Victoria as the states proceed with tens of billions of dollars of new road and rail projects.

"There's no doubt it's a competitive market out there – the east coast is experiencing an unprecedented infrastructure boom," said Joe Barr, chief executive of contractor John Holland.

"At this rate we're hiring in around 100 people a month to meet demand, and that will continue with major projects coming online like Sydney Metro, Melbourne Tunnel and West Gate Tunnel."

There are more than 20 major projects worth at least $2 billion each either being built or in the infrastructure pipeline, including Brisbane's Cross River Rail, the Western Sydney Airport, the Inland Rail, NSW's intercity train fleet and Victoria's high capacity metro trains.

Dozens more port, road, housing, prison, school, water and hospital projects are under way, creating a pipeline worth well over $100 billion.

In contrast with the mining boom, when engineers and designers were needed early on in projects to get them up and running but then saw demand for their services wane, rail projects need engineers all the way through, Mr Jackson said.

"Unlike mining projects where the requirement for engineers is intensive at the front-end of the project then tapers off dramatically when the project becomes operational, rail projects tend to have more of a need for engineers throughout their life cycle," he said.

Engineers Australia does not monitor wage increase, but says the increase in engineering job vacancies correlates closely with rises in engineering and construction salaries.

The Reserve Bank said in August that construction-related engineering jobs were among the occupations that were experiencing "signs of stronger wage growth".

Available engineering jobs have soared 50 per cent over the past two years in NSW as projects hire thousands of people, with some projects employing people 24 hours a day.

Sydney's WestConnex motorway currently has more than 3000 workers on site, with up to 10,000 workers expected to be employed throughout the construction of the motorway, which is expected to be finished in 2023.

Engineering job vacancies are also rising nationally. In the six months to June, vacancies jumped 11 per cent in South Australia; 22 per cent in Tasmania; 21 per cent in the Northern Territory; 6 per cent in the ACT; 9 per cent in Queensland; and 21 per cent in Western Australia.

Ashley Wright, CEO of engineering consultancy GHD, says the group's Australia business has grown by almost 300 people, or 10 per cent, in 2016-17.

GHD civil engineer Maritsa Kacopieros, who has worked for the company for almost five years building schools and water treatment plants, said she enjoyed working in one of the world's "booming" markets.

"It's nice to help shape the future of Sydney," Ms Maritsa said. "My family is always whingeing to me whenever they are stuck in traffic or something like that, fix the roads! I'm like, 'I'm not a roads engineer.'"

GHD, which provided design advice on Sydney's CBD and Light Rail project, is also trying to attract a broader range of people by running a "career relaunch" program targeting professionals who may have left the infrastructure sector or interrupted their careers to look after family.

The program, which has attracted 350 applicants, is being trialled in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne. It will hire 12 people for 10-week work placements who may then be offered permanent employment.

Infrastructure developer Lendlease declined to comment on how many people it was hiring but the company is advertising dozens of engineering-related jobs, including project engineers, site managers, planners, surveyors and electrical engineers

Analysts covering the construction industry have already started to warn that companies' profit margins – which have been improving as they cut costs – could be hurt by rising wages.

During the mining boom, some projects suffered cost blow-outs of up to 20 per cent as they were forced to pay high wages to secure staff. At its peak in September 2008, there were more than 13,000 job vacancies for engineers.

Mr Jackson said companies needed to plan for the long term to avoid cost blow-outs.

"Five years ago when the engineering market dropped, the reaction from a lot of employers was to slash their workforce, and guess what, now we're seeing many of the same businesses scrambling for engineers that want five years' plus of experience," he said. "And unfortunately they're having to pay above the odds to get them."

Mr Barr says while John Holland is seeing people "jump between projects" to get higher salaries, it is trying to keep staff by proving that the contractor is "a great place to work".

"Of course salaries are getting higher in the current market, and we acknowledge we're in a competitive market and pay accordingly, but what's more important to us is being able to offer more than just a good paying job but an attractive employee proposition," he said.

The 2017 Hays Salary Survey says engineering salaries are highest in NSW and Queensland, where project managers can earn up to $190,000 annually, compared to salaries of up to $165,000 in Victoria and $150,000 in Perth.

Megan Motto, CEO of Consult Australia, which represents consulting firms, said it was "critical" for Australia to develop a long-term strategic approach to skills development.

"The investment boom in public infrastructure and construction, has led to demand outstripping supply," she said, adding Australia needed to "de-politicise" the debate over visas and recruitment from overseas and put more emphasis on STEM education and gender equality to encourage more women to become engineers.

Consult Australia estimates engineering consulting fees in NSW will increase to $2.91 billion in 2019-20 from $2.56 billion in 2015-16, and will rise to $1.73 billion from $1.51 billion in Victoria.