The Australian lurches from bad to worse on Ten Network

Network Ten administrator Mark Korda.
Network Ten administrator Mark Korda. James Alcock

Credit where it's due: since Australia's most self-referential editor Chris Mitchell was retired two Decembers back, The Australian has gone a long way to restoring a semblance of credibility on matters of its own industry. In stepping softly around its parent company and its proprietors, one can even detect the occasional hint of bashfulness! 

But the broadsheet's utter nonsense on Ten Network's administration harks back to its very worst days, enough to make us miss Sharri Markson's Media Diary on her own father's love of desserts.

Undaunted by his spectacularly false – and grovellingly retracted – allegations of insider trading against Ten's chair David Gordon, a blunder so epic as to warrant its own orchestra, Darren "Lurch" Davidson found an obscure calculation on Tuesday by which Lachlan Murdoch's bid for Ten (with Bruce Gordon, no relation to David – they weren't even born in the same century) was higher than that of US media giant CBS: see, if Murdoch and Gordon paid CBS $7.4 million of the $348 million it was owed as a Ten creditor, their offer was higher. But CBS had foregone its claim to any of that debt, including in its own offer, so Lurch's specious comparison is one of apples and Agent Orange. Lurch truly is a cretin. 

Because whether you humour his ludicrous arithmetic or not, the CBS offer of 12.43¢ in the dollar to unsecured creditors is comfortably higher than the Illyria-Birketu package. And how could KordaMentha ever have recommended the lower of two offers?

Network Ten may soon be owned by US broadcasting giant CBS.
Network Ten may soon be owned by US broadcasting giant CBS. Jessica Hromas

Then there's Lurch's regular misdirect of recent times: that the Murdoch-Gordon offer is better for retail shareholders because under it they'd retain some equity. But the equity in Ten is now valueless, so theirs would be a very generous gift of nothing. And why is it valueless? These two blokes – both major shareholders for the entirety of Ten's seven year spiral – are best placed to answer that.

Entirely at their own discretion (betting, incorrectly on passage through the Senate of media law reform), it was Murdoch and Gordon who forced Ten into administration – a corporate instrument the entire point of which is to prioritise a company's creditors over its shareholders. The only reason retail shareholders would remain with some worthless paper under the duo's bid is not out of a sudden munificence but because, under the continuing media laws, proposing a clean reversion to the Ten register's previous structure appeared the safest bet for their bid's regulatory compliance. Which aptly demonstrates the mindlessness of their instigation of Ten's insolvency.

The best is for last: the suggestion of Gordon and Murdoch barrister Andrew Bell in the NSW Supreme Court on Tuesday that KordaMentha had "poisoned" Ten employees against their bid (as creditors, of course, all 750 staff will get a vote). Call us crazy, but we doubt Ten's workforce needed much more poisoning than that provided over the seven years since Murdoch arrived on the scene, including a year as their CEO and more as their chairman. And News Corp's hardly-secret plan to replace Ten's news department with Sky News, Ten's sports department with Fox Sports and the sales department with MCN (oh hang on, that already happened) was probably venom enough. Why, after all this, would long-suffering personnel want to work for a fully-owned subsidiary of a $35 billion corporation? Some people just don't know what's good for them ...