Google's diversity dilemma

Sunil Chandra, global head of human resources at Google: "We should reflect the communities we operate in."
Sunil Chandra, global head of human resources at Google: "We should reflect the communities we operate in." Dominic Lorrimer

Google knows a lot about being a great employer – after all it has topped the Fortune Best Companies to Work For list for six years in a row.

However, the $US600 billion ($756 billion) behemoth has had to fend off a storm of criticism after the release of a 10-page anti-diversity manifesto by one of its engineers in August.

James Damore’s critique, Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber, included sexist comments about women, backed by pseudo-science, that purported to explain why women aren’t suited to engineering roles in particular: “Women generally have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men (also interpreted as empathising vs. systemising),” he wrote.

The company’s response was to sack the author. “Portions of the memo violate our Code of Conduct and cross the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace,” chief executive Sundar Pichai wrote to employees.

The incident highlights the risk in large organisations of allowing staff to express their feelings to a large audience. Google is proud of its openness and encourages staff to discuss a broad range of issues, says Sunil Chandra, Google’s global head of human resources, but the discussion should not hurt or insult anyone, or violate the code of conduct.

Google says it is working to become more inclusive and to bolster its already impressive list of programs. It appointed a diversity vice-president, Danielle Brown, in July.

Heartening trend

The company clearly has a lot of work to do if it is to shake perceptions that it is just another Silicon Valley boys’ club.

In 2014, it first published data about the composition of its staff by gender and, in the United States, race.

Juliet Bourke, human capital partner at Deloitte.
Juliet Bourke, human capital partner at Deloitte. Suppiied

Three years later, there are 3 per cent more women in tech roles, making 20 per cent of the tech workforce female, and 4 per cent more in leadership positions, for a total of 25 per cent.

“If you look at the numbers we release around gender and race, it’s not like we are leading or in a great position as a company,” says Chandra.

“But our philosophy around releasing the numbers and talking about it is the first step; to admit you have things to solve.

“In no way at this stage [have we] declared that we have got it right or we have declared victory. I think that the trend is heartening, though.”

Katie Spearritt of Diversity Partners: “Cognitive diversity is what organisations are typically focusing on very ...
Katie Spearritt of Diversity Partners: “Cognitive diversity is what organisations are typically focusing on very strongly now.” Supplied pic

The problem with hiring more female engineers, says Chandra, is that there simply aren’t enough of them. The solution, he says, is to encourage more women to study science, technology, engineering and maths. Google runs a number of programs for young women, including “Make with Code” and “Women Techmakers”, to expand the pool of technologists.

Google is not alone in having a largely male staff, particularly in its engineering divisions, and it is part of the wider Silicon Valley culture, which in the past five years has been exposed as a hotbed of misogyny. High-profile harassment cases have highlighted this. In June, Binary Capital vice-president Justin Caldbeck stepped down after he was accused by six women of inappropriate advances and in July BetterWorks chief executive Kris Duggan was accused by a female employee of discrimination, assault and battery.

Google says that it does not tolerate sexism and points out that Damore was dismissed because he breached Google’s policy. “A hallmark of our culture is graciousness,” says Chandra, “not hurting others, not laughing, not stereotyping folks.”

New stage

Juliet Bourke, who leads Deloitte Australia’s diversity and inclusion consulting practice and co-leads the leadership practice, points out that during times of change people feel threatened and Damore’s reaction is typical.

“If the target we’re trying to achieve is cultural change, in which everyone has equality of opportunity, then we should be expecting that it’s going to be uncomfortable and there’s going to be resistance, and that is actually symptomatic of pushing through to a new stage,” she says.

But, she warns, “Inclusion is not a euphemism for anything goes. What happens in the inclusion and diversity space is that people feel like they should be able to express any view. It’s sort of being misused to create a polemic around it, to create a provocation, and as an excuse to go back to views which in fact are quite divisive.”

That’s why it’s vital for a company to have clearly stated values which set the limits of what’s acceptable.

“We would well accept, for example, an appropriate standard is a belief in integrity. So if an employee said, ‘Integrity is not one of my beliefs; I believe that fraud is appropriate, you know, take what you can get,’ we would say, ‘Well, that doesn’t work for us. We do value integrity and we don’t accept a diversity of views on that fundamental principle.’ ”

Google says its goal is to fashion a workforce that better reflects the people who use its products.

“The people who create our products should represent all of our user base,” Chandra says. “We should reflect the communities we operate in.”

Cognitive approaches

Katie Spearritt, founder and chief executive of diversity consultancy Diversity Partners, says companies are focusing more on diversity of thought.

Handling this is messy. They need to figure out how to channel different points of view into a constructive exchange.

“Cognitive diversity is what organisations are typically focusing on very strongly now.”

The holy grail is to harness not diverging viewpoints but diverse thinking styles, says Bourke, whose book, Which Two Heads Are Better Than One, looks at the ways in which people approach problem solving.

Research into effective decision making has found that teams comprised of people who approach problem solving from different perspectives are more successful than those where people think in a similar way.

She says six different cognitive approaches in a team is optimal.

“The ultimate goal of diversity is not representation. It is, in fact, diversity of thinking,” says Bourke.

But for diversity to work you need an environment where people’s views are respected, she says.

“If you have an environment that is categorised by stereotypic views, discriminatory views, where you look at people through labels rather than understanding them as individuals, then that’s limiting the value of diversity.”

Google has introduced unconscious bias training for all its staff and changed its recruitment processes to boost diversity.

Interviews are conducted by people who don’t have to work with the recruit. This can remove some bias from the process, says Chandra. Any Google staff member can volunteer to become an interviewer and receive training and they aim to have at least one woman interview every candidate.

Even so, the tech giant still has a lot of work to do to boost and harness diversity.

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