
Letters to the Editor

SMH Letters

Marriage is not everyone's choice

Three cheers for Caroline Norma putting politics back into lesbianism ("Why fight for marriage when it's hurt so many?", September 11). I read her column with relief after reading of Malcolm Turnbull's advocacy for marriage as the basis of our society. Domestic violence, gender inequality, and the prevalence of abuse in the family, and the prevalence of divorce, have surely raised questions about that position? However I did think Norma's statement - "We should remember why we became lesbians in the first place" - was deeply contentious  one. It will upset many, particularly those who have not experienced their sexuality as a choice, and have had to fight so hard to explain to those who condemn their difference, that they were born gay. We are a diverse community, not just a gay or straight dichotomy. And marriage is not everyone's choice. Anne McDonald Summer Hill

Having your say raises a multitude of issues

SMH Letters

I am very concerned about the readiness of the Australian Bureau of Statistics to issue letters about the same-sex marriage postal survey beginning tomorrow.  If it is relying on electoral roll information supplied by the Australian Electoral Commission,  as was evident during the local government elections, the rolls are far from up to date. A great many young people who had enrolled or updated their information throughout August, had not had this information updated as at polling on Saturday. I feel many letters will not be received by these electors and they will be disenfranchised. These people must ensure their opportunity to record their opinion is not denied to them.

A helping voice

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A whole raft of charities that specialise in a given field should have the freedom to speak into the political sphere from their expertise.

Finkel Review delay could cost lives

SMH Letters

Successive federal governments have played politics with national energy policy, resulting in increased electricity prices, and a high chance of blackouts this summer.

Ideology behind asset sales huge failure

SMH Letters

Our governments sold all our electricity assets and created an artificial "market" based on the patently false premise that the "market" would deliver better and cheaper energy.

Powerhouse politics a waste of money

SMH Letters

About a month ago Anne Summers agonised about why the Coalition government is so full of hatred for a world famous, award-winning museum ("Powerhouse victim of another Sydney property grab", August 5).

Drinking at work the new frontier

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If a female "knockabout Aussie" ("Abbott's binge", August 27) politician had not been able to get to work because she was too drunk to move, would she still be seen as an acceptable member of Parliament? Or would she have been thrown out before she caused the old boys' party further shame and embarrassment, and perhaps even the need for reform? The next "vote" needed is one to ensure there is workplace equality.

Make the polluters pay for their unrestricted emissions

SMH Letters

Surprise, surprise. The Australian Consumer and Competition Commission finds the NSW government's mandated sales of ethanol-enriched petrol costs motorists a fortune ("The $143m ethanol hit to drivers", August 31).  Don't worry, Manildra, who make the ethanol, made an extra $4.4 million in one year and generously gave the Coalition $160,000 before the new laws. The NSW government may have been trying to support a carbon-reducing measure. But only because the Commonwealth government lacked a comprehensive carbon policy. Rather than arbitrary public subsidies scattered across jurisdictions, the Commonwealth should introduce a clear and stable long-term policy to reduce carbon emissions to meet our Paris promises. An ETS ensures all polluters pay equally for their emissions.

The meaning of being 'un-Australian'

SMH Letters

What is "un-Australian", Minister Dutton, is to attack the constitution and the rule of law. They are what gives us our very Australian freedom. ("Lawyers representing asylum seekers are 'un-Australian': Peter Dutton",, August 28). Dominic Toomey, SC Annandale

Troubles of age

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NAPLAN is stressing out millennials, Gen Y wants their parents' money, and Baby Boomers are living longer than ever and spending the kids' inheritance.

Sir Humphrey would be proud

Illustration: Moir

Lord mayor Clover Moore called the proposed $11.3 million Cloud Arch sculpture "heroic" ("Wider, heavier – and three times the price", August 25). Sir Humphrey Appleby would have been proud of her!

Note to David Jones: Stock the item and they will come

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I have a suggestion that may help David Jones boss John Dixon entice shoppers into its stores ("DJs faults austerity for drop in sales", August 25). Instead of "exclusive brands" and $100 million grocery shops, why not try stocking a few brands that shoppers might actually want to buy?

No standing still on historic statue debate

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox.

Instead of erasing our history by removing the statues of Cook, Phillip and Macquarie, let's even the balance with statues of Bennelong, Pemulwy, Barangaroo and Colbee ("Second Sydney statue in doubt", August 24).

Australia should ignore Trump's war cry

SMH Letters

The war in Afghanistan is now under the control of an untrustworthy man of limited intelligence, volatile personality and minimal integrity.  Does Australia really want to go down this road?

Water worries as hot, dry summer looms

SMH Letters

Has anyone heard anything about our expensive de-salination plant at Kurnell? Is it working? Is it being regularly turned on to keep it active for the troubles ahead?

Pauline Hanson playing dress-ups

SMH Letters

I have never heard Pauline Hanson championing women's causes. She seems far more interested in stirring up racial hatred.

Watch the gloating on job cuts

SMH Letters

It is beyond galling to see the Transport Minister brag about his plan to use automation to eliminate transport workers.

Is marriage as it stands worth this fight?

SMH Letters

Gay politics has always been about a cultural pride and driving to be accepted for exactly what we are. Not what everyone else wishes we are. But suddenly, or not so suddenly, we seem to have become no longer proud of what we are and have taken to redefining ourselves as failed heterosexuals instead. We seem to have become ashamed of being homosexual.