Short, fast and intense courses for busy executives

WPP AUNZ chief executive Mike Connaghan: "It’s not just specific you and your specific business."
WPP AUNZ chief executive Mike Connaghan: "It’s not just specific you and your specific business." Daniel Munoz

Just over a year ago, BBC Worldwide Australia & New Zealand managing director Jon Penn arrived home from six weeks at Stanford University, in northern California near San Francisco.

He had been there to take part in the college’s intensive executive program – a master of business administration short course if you will – and as soon as he got back he couldn’t wait to share what he had learnt with his own organisation.

Despite having a career that spanned senior roles at Fremantle Media and Fairfax Media, Penn felt he had missed out by not having done a traditional MBA. However, he had reached a point in his career when he saw no value in three or more years of part-time study. The Stanford Graduate School of Business’ reputation as a centre of excellence in innovation and its location in California’s Silicon Valley was appealing.

Short executive courses at the world’s elite education institutes don’t come cheap at upwards of $60,000. But they’re becoming increasingly popular as a way for senior executives to leave their comfort zones and take on a new perspective.

“I think I am a better leader as a result of my experience," Penn says. "It was absolutely transformational to my thinking."

Nowhere to hide

Stanford’s course is centred on driving innovation, using design thinking – which focuses on testing solutions rather than solving problems – and deploying lean start-up techniques. With Silicon Valley nearby, its research is based in the technology sector.

“In being located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the faculty has both educated the tech sector and learned from the tech sector. It’s a symbiotic relationship,” Penn says.

The courses are no holiday: Penn looked at more than 50 business case studies and completed over 150 hours of class time, not to mention assigned work and reading.

“If you weren’t up to date on the materials each day you could be caught out. With name cards on every desk and full class participation expected, there was nowhere to hide.”

Penn says three key themes he took from the course were strategy, culture and innovation.

He learnt that strategy should be about creating and capturing value and leaders shouldn’t rely on a beautifully documented annual strategic plan. The focus should always be on execution, he says.

“We were taught that the best business leaders are testing the assumptions on which their plans are based every day, not every year. A poor plan well executed is infinitely better than a great plan poorly executed.

Telstra's head of HR, Alex Badenoch, says the company's in-house leadership program has made a substantial impact.
Telstra's head of HR, Alex Badenoch, says the company's in-house leadership program has made a substantial impact. Pat Scala

“On culture, we simply learned that it is everything. Going over there, I had thought about culture as just one part of your toolkit as a leader. I was wrong, everything begins and ends with culture. The big topic – the centrepiece of the course – is about creating a corporate environment in which innovation can flourish.”

On his return, Penn started a program at BBC Worldwide Australia’s Sydney office called Jumpstart, where volunteers are trained how to develop innovative business ideas and bring them to market. “The most promising ideas are seed funded and project teams are given the time to work on their ideas. Not all of the ideas will make it to market, probably one or two will. We’ll be guided by the market.”

Outstanding cohort

Mike Connaghan, chief executive of advertising and marketing business WPP AUNZ, did a two-week executive education course at Harvard Business School, in Boston.

Jon Penn from BBC Worldwide.
Jon Penn from BBC Worldwide.

“I think there’s huge value in getting people out of the day-to-day, out and above the business, thinking about broader issues than what they would normally think about. It’s not just specific you and your specific business,” Connaghan says.

Harvard’s course included a wide range of studies from leadership and management issues to geopolitical tensions.

“There’s a fair bit of work that goes into it, you’ve got to dedicate some time,” he says. “My belief is you learn just as much from the people you do the course with as you do from the person standing up the front. When I went, my cohort were all outstanding and from around the world; that’s the benefit of Harvard.”

Connaghan says WPP AUNZ is planning to do its own short courses for senior executives across the group. Group head of production Rob Draper is about to finish his executive MBA at the University of Sydney Business School, which has involved short courses at institutions across the world, including the University of Tel Aviv, University of Cambridge, University of California Los Angeles and the Indian Institute of Management.

“I thought this was a really good opportunity to learn from all these other places all over the world,” Draper says.

Draper, who has set up a number of businesses for the global advertising giant WPP, says the course helped him with his “intrepreneurship” (applying entrepreneurial ideas inside an organisation).

“From a small company, it’s relatively easy to be entrepreneurial; when it’s a bigger corporate, there’s a different dynamic.”

High-intensity situation

While there is value in going to some of the world’s best education institutes and learning, it’s not the only way for executives to grow.

Many companies are taking executive education in house.

Alex Badenoch, Telstra’s head of human resources, is leading the telecommunications giant’s leadership program, which was started by chief executive Andy Penn.

“This is Andy’s passion; something he saw as a really critical investment to support our broader transformation strategy,” Badenoch says. “It’s why it’s in house. Part of the power of it is that it is about taking the critical mass of the top three or four layers of Telstra and taking them through the same experience.”

The executives are taken for a week-long program at Balgownie Estate in Yarra Glen, Victoria, followed by months in “coaching pods”.

“You kick off right away into a pretty high-intensity situation which tests how leaders behave. I think that’s the first big shock moment. Every leader who goes through it goes through a pretty intensive assessment of themselves,” Badenoch says.

“As leaders, whether it’s Telstra or anywhere, we often talk about the business or culture as something someone else needs to fix. Part of the program, a big part, is having leaders take responsibility.”

Telstra measures leadership behaviours before and after the program, and Badenoch says there has been a substantial shift in leadership impact on the telco.

“We’re building communities of leaders as coaches. If they thought they got it the first time, it’s 10 times more powerful leading people through it.”

Max Mason is enrolled in an MBA at the University of Sydney Business School.

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