Transforming the workforce

Victorian Education Department's Gill Callister: foundational skills in numeracy and literacy will always be important.
Victorian Education Department's Gill Callister: foundational skills in numeracy and literacy will always be important. Jesse Marlow
by Tim Dodd

This content is produced by The Australian Financial Review in commercial partnership with KPMG.

Our jobs, and the very nature of the work we do, are changing fast as we move into the age of data.

It is a time unprecedented in human history, where our world is being revolutionised by digital algorithms, networked computers and the growing power of artificially intelligent systems.

The transition is monumental and, in an effort to get more understanding of it, I sat down with a group of experts brought together by KPMG Australia to discuss why the changes are happening and how we should respond.

The key question for us was: How do we prepare our children and young people for the life that awaits them?

Underlying our discussion was the realisation that today's youth will have very different careers to the generation who preceded them. The pace of technological change means that skills they learn for a particularly job now may not be relevant in a few years' time.

Tony Mackay, a board member of the Foundation for Young Australians, said it was going to be a dramatically different future for young people.

The coming generation of adults will not be "earning a living", they'll be "learning a living", said Mackay, and this would make the course of their lives very different.

"It changes dramatically the sense of what it is that's going to be required to live a viable and sustainable life," he said.

His point was that learning becomes a lifetime commitment and it needs people to be skilled at learning.

Megan Lilly, head of workforce development at the Australian Industry Group, said it was helpful to stop thinking of work as only being a traditional job. "It may be employment, it may be self-employment, it may be all manner of things," she said.

But it does not stop there. KPMG partner Lisa Barry said the next challenge young people would face would be the loss of white-collar jobs to automation.

"Most of the things people do for work today are rules-based, and if it's rules-based a robot can do it," she said.

More than 60 per cent of current jobs were likely to be disrupted, Barry said.

Mary Faraone, chair of TAFE Directors Australia and the chief executive of the Holmesglen TAFE in Melbourne, said that vocational educators were looking at how to give young people a broader range of learning to help them deal with this.

She said that both employers and students were seeking not just technical, professional and occupational skills, but also to become competent in things like digital literacy, critical thinking and problem solving.

She said these broader skills were missing in apprenticeship training. She said that apprentices would want, one day, to go out and run their own businesses, and needed creative ability and entrepreneurship. It was up to vocational education providers to "adapt and be flexible" and offer courses where they could learn these skills.

Helen Zimmerman, chief corporate affairs officer of Navitas, said this was a challenge not just for vocational education, but all education sectors.

"It's very complex," she said.

One important initiative is to give students work experience as they learn, known as work-integrated learning. Other countries, and Zimmerman mentioned Malaysia, are giving this high priority.

David Phillips, a director of education consultancy PhillipsKPA, said it was important to realise that the nature of learning had fundamentally changed.

"Learning happens in so many different settings," he said. "Content is so readily available everywhere. Peer-to-peer learning happens constantly as people exchange information instantaneously over vast distances."

He said it was important to include the contribution made by non-formal education.

"If we just talk about what happens in the institutional setting, we're missing the big picture," Phillips said.

One of the main sources of learning outside of formal institutions is in the home, especially in the early years.

Gill Callister, Secretary of the Victorian Department of Education and Training, said it was unfortunate that early education came last in our priorities.

"It's always an add-on. Yet every bit of evidence says that if you invest when children's brains are developing actively – which is essentially up to about three and beyond – you build that capability to keep learning," she said.

Callister said it would always be important to give children strong foundational skills in literacy and numeracy.

This year's NAPLAN results showed long-term improvements in some aspects of literacy in year 3 and 5, and in numeracy in year 5.

But respected international measures such as the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) show Australian 15-year-olds declining in their performance in literacy, numeracy and science, while the Trends in International Maths and Science Study (TIMSS) shows Australia falling behind many better-performing countries in literacy and numeracy achievement at school.

Beyond the easily quantifiable skills like literacy and numeracy, Callister said that Victorian schools were now measuring, for the first time, the critical and creative thinking skills which employers were eager to have.

She said nearly all jobs would also need people to have digital skills.

"If you look at where the jobs growth is in Victoria – and health is up there, with education and service industries – there's not one of those industries that hasn't been touched by ICT and digitisation," she said.

Callister said that children who were now starting school were very familiar with using digital devices. They had been holding them since they were babies. But the skills of teachers in digital and ICT areas were still patchy, she said.

Belinda Robinson, chief executive of Universities Australia, said universities needed to make a major adjustment if they were to fit into a future where the jobs graduates were currently training for did not exist.

She said one approach to this challenge was to offer "stackable credentials", a series of short accredited courses from which students can choose the ones that best fit their needs. These can also include subjects currently considered part of vocational education.

"They can build what it is that they need and then move in and out depending on how they're wanting to evolve their own education," Robinson said.

Lilly pointed to the concepts of learner accounts, which give people an education entitlement in vocational or higher education to use through their lives, as well as e-portfolios, which give people a portable electronic record of their education qualifications to verify their learning.

But the scale of the task, both to change the way universities and other education institutions operate, and to reskill the huge numbers of people whose jobs become obsolete, is formidable.

"Our system hasn't got the capacity to manage that. So to actually do it at the pace and scale that's needed, we have to really reconceptualise," Robinson said.

Stephen Parker, KPMG's education sector leader, agreed.

"There's a big change required in the teaching workforce [of universities] to ready institutions and young people in particular for a future world," he said.

Universities will need to adapt by shifting to new technology for delivering courses, and many have already started the move to blended learning, in which students learn content online before coming to class to discuss it more deeply and work on projects with other students.

"I am absolutely convinced over the next decade we are not going to have a university in this country that hasn't fundamentally changed their learning system," said Mackay.

He said it was a challenge to win broader community support for the changes in education which were needed to produce the workforce fit for the future.

"How do we bring political commitment to this agenda, professional capacity, and much greater stakeholder engagement into this work?" he asked.

Callister said that education was the best way our society had to reduce inequality, which remained a serious and stubborn problem.

Unless we improve, he said, "then a whole lot of people miss out because there aren't as many opportunities for them".

Zimmerman said if educators continued to think in terms of the education system we have now then it would be difficult to move to the next step.

She said there were two challenges which threatened to make change difficult. One was the fact that Australia does not have a blueprint, or a national policy, to guide change.

"We just don't have in Australia a sense of urgency about this and the fact that we need to be doing something," she said.

The other was the issue of how the regulatory system responded and adjusted, with regulators needing to be agile, flexible and using behaviour-driven evidence.

"It's [about] how do all parts of the systems come together – policy, regulation, the actions of those of us in the system and bringing in the disrupters from outside the system."