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Financial Review Apr 27
Treasury's figures on foreign buyers suggest a rapidly cooling property market.
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Cameron Kusher May 1
The lack of stock for sale has been a key contributor to the growth in values over the past five years
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Next Address Apr 24
Is it time for the tide to turn on real estate agents?
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Mathematicians Party May 3
Housing defaults are currently occurring more commonly in which electorates?
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Mathematicians Party May 3
Which company best predicts a housing price collapse with their slogan?
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Mathematicians Party May 1
When averaged, have house prices increased more in ALP or LNP held electorates since 2000?
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AFR Property Apr 28
Sydney house price slump confirms boom over. opines.
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REALas May 2
ANZ says housing bubble talk is 'simplistic'
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Barry Plant TL Apr 29
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Barry Plant TL Apr 29
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CoreLogic Australia May 3
Perth weakest performing capital city over the quarter-values down by -2.4%|
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Barry Plant TL Apr 29
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Cameron Kusher Apr 26
I love a punt but check out how much tax is collected from property relative to taxes on gambling
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The Idiot Tax May 1
Do tell, given they shouldn't be buying existing property.
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First Class Legal May 1
The buyer could have done without a pen too if the contract had been
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ACIF May 3
ACIF Briefing begins! James Cameron welcomes business leaders and thanks our partners for support.
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FHBA May 2
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Simon Pressley May 1
Modern history illustration of Australia's cash rate and major economic events
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Barry Plant TL Apr 29
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The Idiot Tax Apr 23
Not quite as bad as last week, but being over 2 million in debt on 119k net is getting a bit stressful
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