WA News

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Senior male WA officer stood down after 'incident' with female officer

A senior WA police officer has been stood aside following an incident between him and a female officer at a regional WA police station last month.

The incident occurred on August 22 at the Wheatbelt District Police Office in Northam.

An internal investigation into the incident is still underway, but it is believed an altercation between the pair is the subject of the inquiry.

WAtoday understands the male officer who has been stood aside is an Inspector and the female officer is also a high ranking cop.

A WA Police spokesperson said the internal inquiry into the incident was being conducted by the Regional WA portfolio.

"The subject officer has been stood aside pending the outcome of the investigation into his conduct," the spokesperson said.


"There were no injuries sustained by the female officer."

The spokesperson said no further information would be released about the incident until all the internal processes were completed.

"The final report into the incident will be reviewed by the Professional Standards Portfolio, with oversight by the Corruption and Crime Commission," they said.

Police officers who are stood down or stood aside from operational duties can be dealt with in a range of ways, depending on the seriousness of the incident under investigation and their alleged conduct.

Loss of confidence proceedings, which can result in officers losing their job, is the most serious form of action.

In 2015/16, 17 police officers were the subject of loss of confidence proceedings.

Other penalties can include demotion, fines or close supervision for a period of time.