- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 244044
Ishikari (石狩市, Ishikari-shi, Ainu: Iskarun) is a city located in Ishikari Subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan.
As of February 29, 2012, the city has an estimated population of 60,673, with 26,583 households and a density of 84.05 persons per km2. The total area is 721.86 km2 (279 sq mi).
On October 1, 2005, the village of Atsuta, from Atsuta District, and the village of Hamamasu, from Hamamasu District, merged into Ishikari.
Ishikari Nabe (Salmon Hot Pot) Recipe 石狩鍋 レシピ 作り方
Ishikari Tobetsu, Hokkaido, Japan. april 10,2014
Ishikari Nabe (Salmon Nabe)
Centro Deportivo Ishikari
石狩鍋 | Ishikari nabe (鮭魚鍋) Salmon Hotpot | The Salad Days
Ishikari Bay New Port(English Ver.)
Sopa Ishikari (Receta de Hung Fai) | Oriental y tal
Ishikari taichi theme "pageant" with intro
How to Make Ishikari Nabe 石狩鍋の作り方 字幕表示可 材料(日本語)↓(serves 2) 2 Salmon Fillets Salt 1 Potato that holds its shape when cooked (ex. may queen) 1~2 Cabbage or Napa Cabbage Leaves, cut into 5x5cm/2x2” pieces 6cm Ear of Corn, boiled (2.4”) 4 stalks of Shungiku, edible chrysanthemum greens 1 Long Green Onion, cut into 3cm/1.2” pieces 2 Shiitake Mushrooms 50g Maitake Mushrooms (1.8 oz) (or substitute: enoki and shimeji mushrooms) 200g Tofu (7.1 oz) Butter, optional 600ml Water (2.54 cups) 10g Dried Kombu Seaweed for dashi (0.4 oz) 2½ tbsp Miso 2 tbsp Sake You might also enjoy ... Mizore Nabe http://youtu.be/PxgX5ZtupnM Sweet Potato Dessert http://youtu.be/zZeyu6ftCmI http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/+cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/co...
Ishikari nabe is one of the Japanese hotpot dishes. Ingredients are salmon and vegetables, flavored with miso. For the ingredients and details of the recipe, please visit Japanese-Kitchen.net.
Gimnasia Artistica
原文: http://wp.me/p742CC-bT 材料: 高湯: 昆布 1塊 水 1.5升 清酒 1湯匙 味醂 2湯匙 混合味噌(白味噌:赤味噌) 1湯匙:3湯匙 奶油 15g 鴻喜菇 1袋 新鮮香菇 6個 馬鈴薯 1個 絹豆腐 1盒 胡蘿蔔 1條 白蘿蔔 半條 大白菜 半棵 青蔥(段切) 1棵 水菜(段切) 幾棵 鮭魚 1塊 (以下的是今次沒有買到,但推薦去用的) 洋蔥 1個 大蔥 1棵 酒粕 (代替清酒) 牛乳 隨意 做法: 在大湯鍋裡盛1.5升開水和乾燥昆布,燒沸之前熄火,三至四個小時後撈起昆布。 白蘿蔔與馬鈴薯要輪切,厚度約0.5cm以下,然後丟進昆布高湯裡煮十分鐘至八成熟,撈起備用。 大白菜剝下葉片洗淨,像大寫A字一樣斜斜切開嫩葉和莖部,把他們分開。莖部切成幾個三角形,葉片也一樣。 切好的大白菜莖部放置在鍋底,舀一半分量的味噌在其上,再鋪白菜葉子。 香菇以刀子左右斜切,切十字花。鴻喜菇切走根部。 鮭魚洗淨拭乾,切塊。 依喜好把預備好的材料擺放上鍋子,可以把處理白菜、鴻喜菇和胡蘿蔔時剩下的廚餘藏在白菜堆裡( 不浪費 ),白蘿蔔與馬鈴薯交疊,最後加上剩下的味噌、味醂 、清酒和奶油,倒進一大半高湯,煮沸。 music credit : Rameses B - Bae Bae Recipe: For the Broth: Kombu 1piece water 1.5L sake 1tbsp Mirin 2tbsp White Miso 1 tbsp Red Miso 3 tbsp butter 15g Shimeji 200g shiitake 6piece potato 1 medium sized tofu 200g carrot 1 Daikon half piece chinese cabba...
NJPW GREATEST MOMENTS 石狩太一 vs 岡田かずちか 2008年4月12日蓮田市総合市民体育館 岡田かずちか再デビュー戦
Programa de cocina oriental, tan de moda en nuestro país. El Maestro Hung Fai Chiu Chi elabora, paso a paso, platos de la cocina japonesa y nos demuestra lo fácil que es prepararlos en casa. Cada capítulo de Oriental y tal contiene el desarrollo de un plato principal y un apartado de curiosidades y trucos. De la mano de Hung Fai Chiu Chi aprenderemos desde cómo cocinar el arroz japonés para elaborar todo tipo de sushis, hasta el uso de la plancha o teppanyaki pasando por la preparación de salsas inseparables de la cocina japonesa como la teriyaki o la elaboración de los fideos ramen y algunas famosas sopas como la miso. Puedes consultar esta receta aquí: http://canalcocina.es/receta/sopa-ishikari
street scenes of one of the coldest cities in Japan (largest coldest city in Japan) - Please watch the advertisement as it will help fund future trips and filming in Sapporo wasn't easy at all because it constantly snowed and in some case quite heavily (as you will see in the video) - Sapporo (札幌市 Sapporo-shi) is the fifth-largest city in Japan by population, and the largest city on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. Located in Ishikari Subprefecture, it is the capital of Hokkaido Prefecture, and an ordinance-designated city of Japan. Sapporo is known outside Japan for having hosted the 1972 Winter Olympics, the first ever held in Asia, and for the city's annual Yuki Matsuri, internationally referred to as the Sapporo Snow Festival, which draws more than 2 million tourists from ar...
Otaru 小樽市 is a city and port in Shiribeshi, Hokkaido, Japan, northwest of Sapporo. The city faces the Ishikari Bay, and has long served as the main port of the bay. The city was an Ainu habitation, and the name "Otaru" is recognised as being of Ainu origin, possibly meaning "River running through the sandy beach". In 1880 the first railway line in Hokkaido was opened with daily service between Otaru and Sapporo. The coastal area in the suburb of Otaru belongs to Niseko-Shakotan-Otaru-Beach Quasi-National Park and beauty spots, including the cliffs at Omotai and Takashima Misaki Cape attract many visitors. Mount Kenashi Observatory is the Top spot for a spectacular view of Otaru to Ishikari bay. At an altitude of 470 meters, the observatory offers a breathtaking, panoramic view of the stree...
Sapporo is the fourth-largest city in Japan by population, and the largest city on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. Located in Ishikari Subprefecture, it is the capital of Hokkaido Prefecture, and an ordinance-designated city of Japan.
Summer vacation has officially started!! Our first official semester of the Modern Japanese Study Program is over, so we decided to celebrate a bit by going to the beach. We took a bus from Sapporo Station to Ishikari and spent the day in the sand and water. It was really fun, even though a few of us did get sunburned.
driveman720で撮影 国道231号線 オロロンライン 視界不良 Red and white arrow road sign is visual guidance pole. National Route 231 Ishikari, Hokkaido Japan http://northern-road.jp/navi/eng/guide.htm http://www.driveman.jp/English/index.html
Japan Travel: Wandering through the Flowers at the Hokkaido University Botanic Garden, Hokkaido27 Moopon Opened in 1886, the Botanic Gardens in Sapporo, Hokkaido, is the oldest in Japan. The operation of the Botanic Gardens is conducted by the Hokkaido University. The Botanic Garden preserved a small part of the forest which previously covered the Ishikari Plain. In addition to the forest, there is a greenhouse and an alpine garden. Four thousand types of plants can be found here. There are small museums on the grounds as well. Though the primary purposes of the gardens are for scientific and educational reasons, the gardens are opened to the public to wander around the beautiful plant life. The garden has walkways and lawns. It is possible to have picnics here as well, though alc...
I am visiting Japan! Travel with me via vlog! In my third day in Japan, I went hiking up Mt. Kuro in Hokkaido. Unfortunately, it was very foggy so there was no good view from the top. Filmed and Edited by Carver Oblander Camera: Canon PowerShot SD 780 IS and Canon EOS Rebel T3i with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 Music: "Ishikari Lore" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Japan Trip:Plants in the Forest,Garden and Greenhouse at the Hokkaido University Botanic Garden,Hokkaido 27 Opened in 1886, the Botanic Gardens in Sapporo, Hokkaido, is the oldest in Japan. The operation of the Botanic Gardens is conducted by the Hokkaido University. The Botanic Garden preserved a small part of the forest which previously covered the Ishikari Plain. In addition to the forest, there is a greenhouse and an alpine garden. Four thousand types of plants can be found here. There are small museums on the grounds as well. Though the primary purposes of the gardens are for scientific and educational reasons, the gardens are opened to the public to wander around the beautiful plant life. The garden has walkways and lawns. It is possible to have picnics here as well, though ...
Drive through Chitose, Ishikari Subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan. No audio.
If I cry would you be there for me?
If I die would you even care to see?
Don't you know, life can be just a phase,
and if you knew, why is your life a maze?
Why oh why did I fall for you?
Did'nt I know you would'nt be true?
So many questions fill my head,
Sometimes you make me wanna be dead.
Did you ever do this to someone else?
Did you suceed and make their heart melt?
If you knew what I know,
Then you'd know your heart is cold,
Caught in a web of sweet talk,
Time is runnig out look at the clock.
So I am through with you,
Hope you knew that you lose.
Yeah yeah, ooh
Why oh why did I fall for you?
Did'nt I know you would'nt be true?
So many questions fill my head,
Sometimes you make me wanna be dead.
So tell me did you ever do this to someone else?
Did you suceed and make their heart melt?
Yeahhhh oooh yeah