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  • 21st Century RE for All

The National Secular Society works for the separation of religion and state and equal respect for everyone's human rights so that no one is either advantaged or disadvantaged on account of their beliefs.

Make a stand for freedom, fairness and human rights by adding your voice to the call for a secular democracy.

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As new data suggests non-belief is at a record high, Chris Sloggett says secularists should be more assertive in making the case for freedom of and from religion.

Britain should embrace secularism as it loses its religion

Fri, 08 Sep 2017

Cormac Murphy O'Connor, the former Archbishop of Westminster, died on 1 September. NSS executive director Keith Porteous Wood seeks to set the historical record straight with this alternative obituary.

Cardinal Murphy O'Connor's cover-up of child abusers must be a lesson to the Catholic Church

Fri, 08 Sep 2017

As a theme park lifts its ban on Sikh ceremonial swords, NSS campaigns director Stephen Evans questions the wisdom behind religious exemptions from generally applicable rules.

Beware the drip drip of religious exemptions

Sat, 02 Sep 2017

NSS executive director Keith Porteous Wood detects a long-overdue and decisive turn towards secularism in publicly funded healthcare in Ireland, an area in which the Catholic Church has until now been predominant.

Ireland’s hospitals: some welcome secularisation

Fri, 01 Sep 2017

The Australian abuse commission is right not to exempt the confessional from reporting obligations, and its rigour should provide a model to reverse the backsliding already all too clear in the UK, argues Keith Porteous Wood....

The confessional shouldn’t shield child abuse from reporting

Wed, 16 Aug 2017

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What our members say

  • Tim, Cheltenham said:

    On many secular issues, atheists and many theists have common interests. By working together on these issues, voices will be louder. While I am no longer religious, I absolutely support people's right to religious freedom.

  • Dalis, Bucks said:

    The privilege provided to religion within our society is intolerable. Secularism is being cynically attacked to preserve the status quo, and withdrawing religious privilege regarded as persecution. My local MP defends religious schools as he feels he has the right to send his children to a school with a Christian ethos – some local parents cannot find a non-religious school and have to fight for their children's rights. The NSS is effectively working to address these inequalities.

  • David, Shropshire said:

    I have come to appreciate that the NSS is often a lone voice of rationality in the wilderness that is dominated by religious dogma, bigotry and political manipulation.

  • Paul, Huddersfield said:

    My motivations for joining include faith schools, bishops in the House of Lords, religious intolerance towards women and minorities, any situation where the pious are given more respect or airtime than others, and people holding discriminatory views on religious grounds remaining influential.

  • Stephen, Kent said:

    I have long been convinced that the only way to fight religious extremism, and protect basic liberties, is to work towards a properly secular and democratic society, in which freedom of religious practice and expression (within the law) is safeguarded.