Home / Hebron (page 5)


Photo Story: A checkpoint in Hebron

Photo by iSM

14th January 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine Checkpoints are numerous and inescapable in the H2 area of al-Khalil (Hebron), where thousands of soldiers guard around 600 Israeli zionist settlers occupying heavily militarised settlement enclaves in the ...

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VIDEO: Israeli soldiers close key checkpoint in Hebron

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31st December | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine At approximately 14:30 yesterday afternoon, ISM activists approaching Checkpoint 56 from both directions found that it was closed and Palestinians were stuck on either side. Israeli soldiers gave conflicting excuses for closing the checkpoint, ...

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Extremist settlers hurls abuse at injured ISM activist

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26th December | Ally Cohen – originally posted on Mondoweiss | Hebron, Occupied Palestine Hebron, Palestine, December 24th. As we made our way to ‘checkpoint watch’ we were discussing what it would be like that morning, would there be tear gas? Stun grenades? ...

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VIDEO: No donkeys allowed

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17th December 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine Mohammad Saleh, a sixty-six-year-old Palestinian resident of Tel Rumeida, al-Khalil (Hebron), waited with his mule outside Shuhada checkpoint for nine hours over the course of two days. He ...

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VIDEO: Non-violent protest met with tear gas and stun grenades


29th November 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine Today in al-Khalil (Hebron) families gathered to stage a peaceful demonstration protesting the continuing closure of the Shuhada checkpoint. The rally consisted of approximately 50 Palestinians, of ...

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