- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 195724
The NHIndustries NH90 is a medium-sized, twin-engine, multi-role military helicopter. It was developed in response to NATO requirements for a battlefield helicopter which would also be capable of being operated in naval environments. The NH90 developed and is manufactured by NHIndustries, a collaborative company, which is owned by Airbus Helicopters, AgustaWestland and Fokker Aerostructures. The first prototype conducted its maiden flight in December 1995; the type began to enter operational service with some customers in 2007. As of 2013, a total of thirteen nations have placed orders for the NH90.
The NH90 has the distinction of being the first production helicopter to feature entirely fly by wire flight controls. There are two main variants, the Tactical Transport Helicopter (TTH) for army use and the navalised NATO Frigate Helicopter (NFH); each customer typically has various alterations and customisations made to their own NH90 fleets, such as different weapons, sensors and cabin arrangements, to meet their own specific requirements. In early service, the NH90 has suffered several teething issues, which has in turn delayed active deployment of the type by some operators.
Airbus Helicopters (formerly Eurocopter Group) is the helicopter manufacturing division of Airbus Group. It is the largest in the industry in terms of revenues and turbine helicopter deliveries. Its head office is located at Marseille Provence Airport in Marignane, France, near Marseille. The main facilities of Airbus Helicopters are at its headquarters in Marignane, France and in Donauwörth, Germany, with additional production plants in Brazil (Itajubá,MG), Australia, Spain and the United States. The company was renamed Airbus Helicopters on 2 January 2014.
Airbus Helicopters, then named Eurocopter Group, was formed in 1992 through the merger of the helicopter divisions of Aérospatiale and Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG (DASA). The company's heritage traces back to Blériot and Lioré et Olivier in France and to Messerschmitt and Focke-Wulf in Germany.
Airbus Helicopters and its predecessor companies have established a wide range of helicopter 'firsts,' including the first production turboshaft-powered helicopter (the Aérospatiale Alouette II of 1955); the introduction of the Fenestron shrouded tail rotor (on the Gazelle of 1968); the first helicopter certified for full flight in icing conditions (the AS332 Super Puma, in 1984); the first production helicopter with a Fly-by-wire control system (the NHIndustries NH90, first flown in full FBW mode in 2003); the first helicopter to use a Fly-by-light primary control system (an EC135 testbed, first flown in 2003); and the first ever landing of a helicopter on Mt. Everest (achieved by an AS350 B3 in 2005).
The Belgian Air Component (Dutch: Luchtcomponent, French: Composante air) is the air arm of the Belgian Armed Forces. The Belgian Air Force was founded in 1909 and is one of the world's first air forces.
The commander is Major General aviator Frederik Vansina, appointed on 23 July 2009.
The Belgian Air Force was founded in 1909 as a branch of the Belgian Army, carrying the name Compagnie des Ouvriers et Aérostiers.King Albert's interest in the military use of aircraft was the main impetus for its formation. Coincidentally, in the civil aviation sector, Baron Pierre de Caters earned the first civil pilot's brevet that same year. Caters would promptly establish an aviation school. At approximately the same time, the War Ministry followed the French military's example and had pilots earn a civil pilot's brevet before their military one.
In 1910, three Belgian lieutenants earned their pilot's brevets at the school, paying their own fees. Two of the artillery lieutenants were Baudoin de Montens d'Oosterwyck, who earned Brevet No. 19 on 30 September, and Alfred Sarteel, granted No. 23 on 10 November. The third lieutenant, Georges Nelis, was the new force's first aviation candidate, gaining Brevet No. 28 on 21 December. An aircraft was personally purchased for him.
An air force, also known in some countries as an air army, is in the broadest sense, the national military organization that primarily conducts aerial warfare. More specifically, it is the branch of a nation's armed services that is responsible for aerial warfare as distinct from an army, navy, or a marine corps. Typically, air forces are responsible for gaining control of the air, carrying out strategic and tactical bombing missions, and providing support to land and naval forces.
The term "air force" may also refer to a tactical air force or numbered air force, which is an operational formation either within a national air force or comprising several air components from allied nations. Air forces typically consist of a combination of fighters, bombers, helicopters, transport planes and other aircraft.
Many air forces are also responsible for operations of the military space, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), and communications equipment. Some air forces may command and control other air defence assets such as anti-aircraft artillery, surface-to-air missiles, or anti-ballistic missile warning networks and defensive systems. Some nations, principally Russia, the former Soviet Union and countries who modelled their militaries along Soviet lines, have an air defence force which is organizationally separate from their air force.
NH90 TTH & NFH in Action
German Navy NH90 Sea Lion performs maiden flight
NHIndustries NH90: How Powerful Is Airbus Helicopter?
Helidays 2017 - Belgian Air Force's new NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter
Cold Blade 2016 - NH90
Nieuwe boordmitrailleur geeft boost aan slagkracht NH90
NH90 in Mali: Erster Flug im Einsatzgebiet - Bundeswehr
French Army NH90 multi-role military helicopter, Airbus Helicopters
Bordtechniker NH90
Transporthubschrauber NH90
NH90 has been sized and conceived to be able to operate from any type of prepared or unprepared surfaces and to satisfy already in its basic design the entire specific feature requested by tactical transport requirements. Sharing common basis, only the on-board mission system differentiates the two main versions TTH (Tactical Transport Helicopter) and NFH (NATO Frigate Helicopter). More info on http://www.eurocopter.com/nh90 2013 - Copyright NHIndustries
On December 8, 2016, the NH90 Sea Lion naval multi-role helicopter performed its maiden flight at Airbus Helicopters in Donauwörth according to schedule. When deployed, it will take on a range of roles including search and rescue (SAR) missions, maritime reconnaissance, special forces missions as well as personnel and material transportation tasks. Learn more: http://www.airbushelicopters.com/website/en/ref/NH90-Sea-Lion-first-flight_400.html
The NHIndustries NH90 is a medium-sized, twin-engine, multi-role military helicopter. The NH90 was developed and is manufactured by NHIndustries, a collaborative company, which is owned by Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo (formerly AgustaWestland) and Fokker Aerostructures. ................. If you have any questions, please leave a message below
This new edition of Belgian Air Force's Helidays airshow specially highlighted the BAF new NH90 Caiman Tactical Transport Helicopters (TTH). Belgian Air Force received four NH90 TTH platforms, all operated by the BAF's 18 Squadron out of Beauvechain Air Base. Belgium's first NH90 TTH entered service in October 2013, and the last was delivered on 13 November 2014.
Major Mikko Honkasalo talks about the the NH90 helicopter, which is being used by the Finnish Army in the Cold Blade 2016 exercise.
Gooi een kiezel in het water en er volgt een plonsje, smijt er een kei in en er ontstaat pas echt een flinke plons. Maak kennis met de FN M3M, het nieuwe boordwapen op de NH90. Een patroon die deze boordmitrailleur boven zee afvuurt om piraten of drugscriminelen tot stoppen te dwingen, geeft volgens scherpschutter marinier 1 Thomas hetzelfde effect als de kei. Heel wat dreigender dan de ‘kiezel’ van de oude vertrouwde MAG 7.62. Lees meer over de nieuwe boordmitrailleur : https://magazines.defensie.nl/allehens/2016/11/04_nieuwe-boordwapens-nh90 Meer Defensie: website: http://defensie.nl magazines: http://magazines.defensie.nl twitter: http://twitter.com/defensie vacatures: http://werkenbijdefensie.nl Code mediatheek: f6f82g6
Erster Flug der deutschen NH90 im Einsatzgebiet von Gao: Bevor sich die insgesamt vier NH90-Hubschrauber in Gao zum 1. März 2017 einsatzbereit gemeldet haben, starteten sie zu Einweisungs- und Erkundungsflügen. Ziel war dabei, sich zunächst mit der Umgebung des Flugplatzes in Gao vertraut zu machen und Staublandungen durchzuführen. Das Phänomen Staublandungen kennen die Crews zwar schon aus Afghanistan, dennoch müssen die Verfahren immer wieder geübt werden. Dabei kommt es ganz besonders auf die Doorgunner und Bordtechniker an: Bei jeder Staublandungen sind sie zusätzliche Augenpaare, die die Piloten bei geringer Sicht unterstützen. Auch bei den Erkundungsflügen haben die Doorgunner die Umgebung ständig im Blick, immer wieder kommt es in der Region zu Anschlägen. Nach dem ersten Einweisung...
More news about Eurosatory 2014: http://www.armyrecognition.com/eurosatory_2014_show_daily_news_coverage_report/index.php There are currently 12,000 Airbus Helicopters' aircraft in service in approximately 150 countries. In the military field, Airbus Helicopters offers the largest range of products to respond to the multiple missions carried out by armed forces around the globes, with derived versions of civil aircraft as well as specialized aircraft (Tiger and NH90). Army Recognition Official Online Show Daily Eurosatory 2014 http://www.armyrecognition.com
Der Bordtechniker an Bord eines NH90 ist der unverzichtbare dritte Mann der Besatzung. Für die Piloten ist er ein zusätzliches Paar Augen, wenn es gilt, den Transporthubschrauber sicher zu starten und zu landen. Außerdem ist der Bordtechniker für sämtliche Lasten zuständig, sei es im Laderaum, am Lasthaken oder an der Winsch. Von:04/12 YT008383
Der NH90, der neue mittlere Transporthubschrauber der Bundeswehr, wird derzeit bei den fliegenden Verbänden eingeführt. Bei einer Übung im hessischen Lauterbach zeigten die Piloten des Transporthubschrauberregiments 10 aus Faßberg das Leistungsvermögen des NH90. An der freilaufenden Übung nahmen auch Soldaten des Jägerregiments 1 aus Schwarzenborn teil, die sich mit dem NH90 vertraut machten. Von: 04/12 YT008382
Verse 1: I became her lover, she became my lover. Had her heart broke, I was helping her recover. I became the man she knew she could rely on. Somebody to listen or shoulder to cry on. She was getting better, better she was getting. The more time spent, the more she would forget him. But then back around he seen that he started coming, and shes on the low taking phone calls from him. I thought that we were building something strong. He apologizes and now your gone. And I won't put up with this.
Pre-chorus: You wanna go. (Go.) Just hope you know. Baby your gonna be lonely, lonely again. Oh lonely, lonely. Go on go, go. Just hope you know. (Hey.) Baby your gonna be lonely, lonely again. Lonely, lonely again.
Chorus: Don't call me when your lonely again. When your lonely again, lonely again. Oh, sugga don't call me when your lonely again, when your lonely again. Lonely again. (Oh.)