The workers... battle-cry must be: 'The Permanent Revolution.'” — Marx and Engels, 1850

Permanent Revolution 8 now available to download

Contents  (PDF)

World Review (PDF)

UK pinned down in Afghanistan / Gordon Brown's seamless tradition

Briefings (PDF)

Global warming and nuclear power / Trade unionists organise against climate change / No Borders conference / Convention of the Left / Fighting attacks on sex workers / NUT:pay campaign / London Mayoral contest / Venezuala: no one likes a loser / Ireland: no to the Lisbon Treaty / Germany: Left Party witchhunt

US economy - dragging the world down (PDF) 

US economy / Dragging the world down?

Global turmoil is back. Does the credit crunch in the US threaten a general downturn? Bill Jefferies examines the cause of the sub-prime debacle and asks whether a global recession is about to put an end to a long upturn.

USA - after Bush (PDF) 

USA / After Bush

In a year George Bush will be gone from the White House. George Binette looks at whether John McCain can rescue Republican rule and what Clinton and Obama stand for as the Democratic primaries reach their climax. Whoever takes the nomination the wise money says that it is, as always, the big money that wins.

UK - the plight of temporary workers (PDF) 

UK / The plight of temporary workers

Before the last election Labour promised to legislate employment rights for temporary workers. But Britain's bosses insist that low paid, easy-to-fire workers are key to their success. Tina Purcell looks at the growth of agency work.

Global South - whatever happened to the third world? (PDF) 

Global south / Third World transition

The dynamic parts of the world economy are in Asia and Latin America. Development over the last 10 years has caused greater unevenness than ever within the global south. Keith Harvey explains how growth has given leverage with imperialism but not broken its chains.

Iran - crisis brewing (PDF) 

Iran / Crisis brewing

The government in Tehran is the USA's number one target for regime change, whether by outside force or internal opposition. In an interview with Permanent Revolution, Mehdi Kia, co-editor of Iran-Bulletin-Middle East Forum, outlines the mounting domestic problems facing President Ahmadinejad and the growing challenge from the working class and student movement.

Backspace /

Obituary and feedback (PDF)

Pierre Lambert, 1920-2008


Derek Wall on climate change

Reviews (PDF)

James P Cannon by Bryan D Palmer / The Education Debate by Stephen Ball / The Bolsheviks in Power by Alexander Rabinowitch / US Labor in Trouble and Transition by Kim Moody / Flat Earth News by Nick Davies / Film: Abortion in Romania / US film: painting it black

Tue 27, May 2008 @ 21:35

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