The workers... battle-cry must be: 'The Permanent Revolution.'” — Marx and Engels, 1850

Permanent Revolution 5 now available to download


World Review PDF

Palestine: Hamas victory, a death blow to “two states”?
(text file)

G8 summit: more broken promises (text file)

Reports PDF

(Text files below)

Sarkozy’s parliamentary victory: anti-worker offensive begins / Irish elections disappoint Sinn Fein / Bio-fuels: starving the planet? / G8: report from the blockades / STA Education for Liberation conference / Defend adult ed, defend ESOL / Boycotting Israel / Postal strike: what’s at stake? / For a fighting national shop stewards movement / Democrats betray the anti-war movement

Mario Bango: Roma class war prisoner

Blair goes - Tend more years of hard labour? (PDF)

Blair goes / Ten more years of hard labour? (text file)

Tony Blair has gone, only to be replaced by that other architect of New Labour, Gordon Brown. Mark Hoskisson looks at the lessons we in the labour movement need to learn from our failure to defeat Blair’s neoliberal agenda while he was in power.

Dossier - revolutionary youth movement (PDF)

Dossier / The revolutionary youth movement (text file)

(Text files below)

How do we build a socialist youth movement in a period of mass protest against the impact of globalisation? Do the methods of the Comintern in the 1920s and Trotskyists in the 1930s and 1960s have relevance today? (i-Revo), Declarations of Independence (i-Revo) and Lessons of Revolution

iRevo and Permanent revolution debate the lessons of the split in Revolution and discuss how to achieve a genuinely independent, but revolutionary youth movement.

Political economy - the SWP's distorted picture of British and global capitalism (PDF)

Political economy / The SWP’s distorted picture of British and global capitalism (Text file)

Is world capitalism stagnant? Is Gordon Brown lying when he says we have experienced the longest period of uninterrupted growth in the UK? Chris Harman thinks so. Bill Jefferies doesn’t. He argues that Harman’s false picture of the world economy flows from the SWP’s state capitalist theory and its rejection of Lenin’s analysis of imperialism.

Feedback/reviews (PDF)

(Text file)

Steve Cohen from No One is Illegal questions whether abolishing immigration controls will end the trafficking of sex workers
– plus letters from our readers

(Text files)

Pete Ashley looks at the truly frightening prospects of global warming out of control in Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet / Linda Wilde examines one woman’s fight against the Iranian theocracy / Richard Belkin reviews a recent clutch of books arguing against religion / Kate Ford reviews The Great Academy Fraud

Mon 08, October 2007 @ 18:18

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