Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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Political Theory


NECROPOLITICS by Achille Mbembe

How do contemporary forms of subjugation of life to the power of death (necropolitics) profoundly reconfigure the relation between resistance, sacrifice, and terror? This essay assumes that the ultimate expression of sovereignty resides, to a large degree, in the power and the capacity to dictate who may live and who must die. Hence, to kill or to allow to live constitute the limits of sovereignty, its fundamental attributes. To exercise… …


DESTROY ESTABLISHED REALITY! Sissy Doutsiou / Void Network

    From the 2005 French riots in the suburbs of Paris and all over France until the Greek social revolt from 2008 to 2012, from the Tunisian and Libyan social explosions, the Tahrir square revolt, the indignados movement in Spain and Gezi Park in Turkey, from the panamerican Occupy movement to the riots of Ferguson and Baltimore none of these revolts led to a revolutionary change of organisation of… …


Anarchism and Nationalism- by Uri Gordon

Anarchists are against nationalism; everyone knows that. Instead of solidarity across borders and anti-hierarchical antagonism within them, nationalism engenders loyalty to the state with its armed forces and public symbols, encourages the oppressed to identify with their compatriot oppressors, scapegoats minorities, and pits workers of different countries against one another in economic competition or open warfare. Opposition to nationalism is an almost trivial starting point for anarchist politics, reflected in… …


When Insurrections Die by Gilles Dauvé

“If the Russian Revolution becomes the signal for a proletarian revolution in the West, so that both complement each other, the present Russian common ownership of land may serve as the starting point for a communist development.” Marx/Engels – Preface to the Russian edition of the manifesto, 1882. This perspective was not realized. The European industrial proletariat missed its rendez-vous with a revitalized Russian peasant commune. Brest-Litovsk, 1917 and 1939… …


What Exactly Is Neoliberalism?- a talk with Wendy Brown

  Climate change, a crippled welfare state, the financial crisis, skyrocketing income inequality, political disappointments reaching back decades, terrible superhero movies grossing billions of dollars, Facebook and Tinder—these are just a few of the sins attributed to neoliberalism. But what exactly is neoliberalism? An economic doctrine? The revenge of capitalism’s ruling class? Or something even more insidious? Booked is a monthly series of Q&As with authors by Dissent contributing editor Timothy Shenk. For this… …


VOID NETWORK “On the tragic and the farcical of the British referendum”

“The parliamentary regime leaves everything to the decision of majorities; how shall the great majorities outside parliament not want to decide? When you play the fiddle at the top of the state, what else is to be expected but that those down below dance”? – Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, IV (1852) If we take as reliable evidence the anxiety (verging to panic) that spread over the… …

Void Network News

KENO ΔΙΚΤΥΟ: Περί Ασφαλιστικού και αγώνων // VOID NETWORK analysis: About the new Social Insurance law and the struggles of our times in Greece

        Περισσότεροι απο 50.000 άνθρωποι στην Αθήνα και πολλές χιλιάδες σε όλες τις άλλες πόλεις της χώρας διαδήλωσαν ενάντια στον νέο ασφαλιστικό νόμο στις 4/2/2016. Με αφορμή αυτή την ημέρα δράσεων το Κενό Δίκτυο καταθέτει μια ευρύτερη ανάλυση για τους κοινωνικούς αγώνες της εποχής μας. More than 50.000 people in Athens and many thousands in all other cities of Greece demondtrated in 4/2/2016 against the new Social… …


“Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us”, Paul Verhaeghe

We tend to perceive our identities as stable and largely separate from outside forces. But over decades of research and therapeutic practice, I have become convinced that economic change is having a profound effect not only on our values but also on our personalities. Thirty years of neoliberalism, free-market forces and privatisation have taken their toll, as relentless pressure to achieve has become normative. If you’re reading this sceptically, I… …

Void Network News

“Οι Mέρες της Οργής: Για την επίθεση στο Παρίσι και τον πόλεμο που μαίνεται” Κενό Δίκτυο

ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ[Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες]http://voidnetwork.blogspot.comΟι Mέρες της Οργής: Για την επίθεση στο Παρίσι και τον πόλεμο που μαίνεται«Όχι μόνο η λογική των αιώνων αλλά και η παράνοια τους πέφτει πάνω μας» , Φρίντριχ ΝίτσεΜπορεί να μιλήσει κανείς για τα γεγονότα στο Παρίσι χωρίς να πει απλά τα αυτονόητα; Έχουν πάντως και τα τελευταία τη σημασία τους, τουλάχιστον ως αφετηρία.Σε συνάρτηση με την επίθεση που έγινε στον Λίβανο πριν λίγες… …


“The End of Money” by Daniel Pinchbeck

  The current economic crisis may be another bump on capitalism’s always dizzying terrain, or it may signal epochal changes. The crisis of the financial markets has taken on gargantuan proportions. This spring saw the emergency sale of Bear Stearns, the fifth largest financial institution on Wall Street, to JP Morgan for a paltry sum by “Master of the Universe” standards, including its flashy corporate headquarters and thousands of employees.… …


“Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium” by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari

QUESTION: When you describe capitalism, you say: “There isn’t the slightest operation, the slightest industrial or financial mechanism that does not reveal the dementia of the capitalist machine and the pathological character of its rationality (not at all a false rationality, but a true rationality of *this* pathology, of *this madness*, for the machine does work, be sure of it). There is no danger of this machine going mad, it… …

Void Network News

Wolfi Landstreicher (Feral Faun) talks with Void Network / Συζήτηση του Wolfi Landstreicher (Feral Faun) με την συλλογικότητα Κενό Δίκτυο

Living for Today / Fighting for Tommorow(Athens Anarchist student’s demo DEC.2013)  Wolfi Landstreicher is an amerikan anarchist philosopher and political activist. During the 60 years of his life he succeeds to combine romanticism, critical stand-point and theory with deep understanding on Max Stirner  into a  poetic and surrealistic unity that leads into the insurrection of subjectivities and a revolutionary way of life. He is a traveller, a wonderer and a… …


Tiqqun:”The Little Game of the Man of the Old Regime”

“First and foremost what we abhor on the whole is not just the image of some ultimate substance, some indivisible density; it is also and above all (at least for me) bad form.” Roland Barthes, Digressions 1. INITIATION Little subversions make for big conformities. 2. PROVISIONAL DEFINITION The man of the Old Regime is the figure of bourgeois subjectivity at the moment of its liquidation and hollowing out by cybernetic… …


“The Rioter and the Witch” by Olivier Marboeuf

(…) For weeks, the riots filled our screens with their void. What did we see? Fires in the night, enigmatic, faceless youths who disappeared seamlessly into darkness or behind smoke-screens, according to vanishing recipes we know nothing about. Something that refuses to be grasped but traps us in a fascinating anxiety. A possession. Like every magic ritual, a riot is a fleeting moment of perception of the invisible. It corresponds… …


“Life as Totality” by Vagabond Theorist

Perhaps one of the greatest difficulties anarchists face on a day to day level is that of finding reliable comrades with whom to carry out ongoing projects of revolt that are integral to their lives – projects that go beyond the customary formulas that can be found everywhere (Food Not Bombs, Critical Mass, collective businesses…). These formulaic projects develop easily because they require little thought. For the same reason (no… …


When insurrections die – Gilles Dauvé

Gilles Dauvé’s pamphlet on the on the failures of the Russian, Spanish and German Revolutions, and the rise of fascism in Europe it becomes more and more important in our times where he fascists movements reappear all over Europe and the masses seems unable to overcome the smae old mistakes of the past.Brest-Litovsk, 1917 and 1939“If the Russian Revolution becomes the signal for a proletarian revolution in the West, so… …


“The Anarchist Revelation: Being What We’re Meant to Be” by Paul Cudenec

An important new book on anarchist thought is now available from Winter Oak Press.The Anarchist Revelation: Being What We’re Meant to Be is the latest work by activist and writer Paul Cudenec.Here, he turns his back on contemporary trends of anarchism in a bid to reconnect with the primal force of its root ideology.Cudenec notes the significance of its refusal of the state and its judicial system, of land ownership and of… …


“Discussion paper for a new Breakout into the Frosts of Freedom” by Reformgroup

breakout print – PDF breakout read – PDF This text was written as a discussion text for the Autonomous Congress in Hamburg in October 2009, the first in 15 years. ..[]  The time to always assure ourselves of our own certainties has to come to an end   To some our words might sound harsh. This happens easily if it´s the people you love that are at stake, those with whom… …


“An Anarchy of Every day Life” by Jeff Shantz from Philosophers for Change

Contemporary anarchism offers a mid-range movement organized somewhere between the levels of everyday life, to which it is closest, and insurrection. Rooted in the former they seek to move towards the latter.  Anarchists look to the aspects of people’s daily lives that both suggest life without rule by external authorities and which might provide a foundation for anarchist social relations more broadly.  This commitment forms a strong and persistent current… …


Debord, “Theses on Cultural Revolution,” Internationale Situationniste #1

1The traditional goal of aesthetics is to produce, by means of art, impressions of certain past elements of life in circumstances where those elements are lacking or absent, in such a way that those elements escape the disorder of appearances subject to the ravages of time. The degree of aesthetic success is thus measured by a beauty that is inseparable from duration, and that even goes so far as pretensions… …


“Between Pridicates, War: Theses on Contemporary Struggle” by The Institute For Experimental Freedom

“To great writers, finished works weigh lighter than those fragments on which they labor their entire lives” W. Benjamin –> The Institute for Experimental Freedom is proud to announce the release of Between Predicates, War: Theses on Contemporary Struggle. Almost two years in the making, Between Predicates, War is a fragmented collection of theses on our tumultuous situation. From Egypt to the US, Greece to the UK, contemporary struggle announces a revolt against… …


8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance

Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.Young Americans—even more so than older Americans—appear to have acquiesced to the idea that the corporatocracy can completely screw them and that they are helpless to do anything about it. A 2010 Gallup poll asked Americans… …


“The Privatisation of Stress”, by Mark Fisher from Soundings magazine

Ivor Southwood tells the story of how, at a time when he was living in a condition of underemployment – relying on short-term contracts given to him at the last minute by employment agencies – he one morning made the mistake of going to the supermarket.1 When he returned home he found that an agency had left him a message offering him work for the day. But when he called… …


To Everyone Feeling Screwed Over by the Economy! Alternatives to Political Systems, Consumerism, Economics, Population, Society, Village Development — by Kyle Chamberlain

To everyone feeling screwed over by the economy, We are told that our problem is that there aren’t enough jobs. This message is everywhere. The media gauges our plight with regularly updated unemployment statistics. Politicians debate theatrically over who can create more work. People everywhere clamor for scarce positions at factories and corporations. I’d like to point out the great irony of this situation — people hate their jobs. How… …


The Minimum Definition of Intelligence (Theses on the Construction of One’s Own Self-theory) by For Ourselves

      This booklet is for people who are dissatisfied with their lives. If you are happy with your present existence, we have no argument with you. However, if you are tired of waiting for your life to change… Tired of waiting for authentic community, love and adventure… Tired of waiting for the end of money and forced work… Tired of looking for new pastimes to pass the time…… …

Global movement

“On the Degradation of Language and the Art of Listening”, a short essay from blog “FROM POLITICS TO LIFE”

  When you call someone a name you stop listening to him. I do not write, publish, speak or discuss in order to propagate a fixed set of ideas for others to embrace; I’m not interested in disciples or followers. I do so to communicate and discuss my own fluid and evolving ideas, my desires, my dreams, my experiences and my projects as clearly as possible in order to discover… …

Global movement

“What is Movement?” by Giorgio Agamben

My reflections come from a malaise and follow a series of questions that I asked myself whilst at a meeting in Venice some time ago with Toni, Casarini etc. A word kept coming up in this meeting : movement. This is a word with a long history in our tradition, and it seems the most recurrent one in Toni’s interventions. In his book too this word strategically crops up everytime the… …

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