Anti-African Racism in Israel

Overviews | Reports | Articles | Rallies | Speakers | Interviews

I have been carefully chronicling the racist attacks against non-Jewish African asylum-seekers in Israel for several years. In January 2012, an organization in Israel that aids African asylum-seekers, the African Refugee Development Center, asked me to author on their behalf a report to the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). After receiving the report in text and video form, the UN committee urged the Israeli government to prevent racist attacks against Africans in Israel. The Israeli government ignored the UN's call, and the following month, Israelis firebombed a kindergarten for African children in Tel Aviv, igniting a wave of violence against non-Jewish African people in Israel that is still ongoing. Below are links to my UN report, published articles about the persecution of Africans in Israel, footage from five years of anti-African rallies, and extended one-on-one interviews with key players in the unfolding drama.

Video Overviews of Anti-African Racism

January 2012

Africans in Israel

3-minute trailer for the hour-long documentary video "Racism Report: Africans in Israel" prepared for the United Nations

January 2012

Racism Report: Africans in Israel

Report for the African Refugee Development Center (ARDC) to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)

June 2012

Defend African Refugees in Israel

5-minute compilation of footage from the street rallies in favor of, and opposed to, the presence of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers in Israel

October 2012

Israelis Against "Race-Mixing"

Israeli describes his opposition to interracial relationships, with slideshow of historic anti-miscegenation documents

October 2012

How Many Refugees in Israel?

Jewish leaders are asked the number of non-Jewish people accepted by Israel as refugees, with startling answers

November 2012

Murder In Their Eyes

At a Tel Aviv anti-African rally, an Israeli woman claims Africans threaten her with "murder". Is there any truth to this claim?

September 2013

Israel's True Colors

an interview with artist Zoya Cherkassky about mixed-race and mixed-religion families and immigration to the State of Israel

October 2013

Israel's New Racism

Made with Max Blumenthal for The Nation, an 11-minute overview of the treatment of African refugees by Israel's government & its citizens

April 2014

Israel's War on Africans

72-minute slideshow given at colleges and communities across the United States and Canada about Israel's treatment of Africans

November 2014

Israel's War on Africans 2

14-minute slideshow, part of a presentation given at US & Canadian colleges, but focusing only on Israel's treatment of asylum-seekers

April 2015

Israel's War on Africans 3

24-minute slideshow, part of a presentation given at US & Canadian colleges, but focusing only on Israel's treatment of asylum-seekers

November 2015

Israel's War on Africans 4

14-minute slideshow, part of a presentation given at US & Canadian colleges, but focusing only on Israel's treatment of asylum-seekers

October 2015

Operation African Wild Ass

Expose of a long-forgotten Israeli Air Force mission that sheds new light on Israel's treatment of Ethiopian Jews

June 2015

Behind Enemy Lines 1: Ethiopian-Israelis

Web chat between Black Lives Matter activists in the USA & their Ethiopian-Israeli counterparts

August 2015

Behind Enemy Lines 2: African Hebrew Israelites

Web chat between Black Lives Matter activists in the USA & their African Hebrew Israelite counterparts

United Nations Committee Written Reports

January 2012

ARDC Alternative Report submitted to UN

Alternative report submitted by the African Refugee Development Center to the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

March 2012

Concluding Observations of United Nations Committee

Response of the UN Committee condemning racism specifically against African asylum-seekers and other groups in Israel

Articles about Anti-African Racism

July 2016

#BlackLivesMatter, Israel and the fight against racism

On the Ethiopian protests in Israel, Black Lives Matter protests in the USA, and the missing puzzle piece that can connect them: Palestinians

July 2016

Ethiopians protest in Israel, call for end to state racism and police violence

Community renews protests in Tel Aviv two years after the death of Yosef Salamsa, an Ethiopian-Israeli victim of police brutality

March 2016

Ethiopian-Israeli Activist Accuses State of Institutional Racism and Genocide

Scheduled to speak at a prestigious conference, Ethiopian-Israeli activist delivers a fiery speech and walks out of the event

December 2015

The ethnic cleansing of Africans in Israel

2015's top ten list of the Israeli officials most responsible for the persecution of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers - and why

October 2015

Operation African Wild Ass

Expose of a long-forgotten Israeli Air Force mission that sheds new light on Israel's treatment of Ethiopian Jews

September 2015

Racism in Arad: Mayor declares southern Israeli town off-limits to Africans

Locals respond to the decision by the mayor of Arad to bar non-Jewish African refugees from moving to town

June 2015

How the Israeli Government Is Increasingly Trying to Stifle Speech on the Internet to Prevent Accusations of Racism

A black woman who complained of racism in an Israeli government office was publicly shamed for doing so

May 2015

African solidarity: The Hebrew Community of Dimona visits the Holot detention center [HEBREW]

On the anti-racist struggles by various African communities in Israel & on the burgeoning signs of solidarity between them

May 2015

African communities in Israel escalate anti-racist struggles

On the anti-racist struggles by various African communities in Israel & on the burgeoning signs of solidarity between them

May 2015

Do #BlackLivesMatter in Israel? Ethiopian Jews protest racism and police brutality

Just as African-American activists are decrying anti-Black brutalities by the police, so their African-Israeli counterparts

May 2015

Baltimore is confronting police brutality, but the systemic racism of its Israeli sister city remains unchallenged

Is there a connection between Baltimore's #BlackLivesMatter protests and race relations in the city of Ashkelon?

May 2015

Ethiopian-Israelis Protest Police Brutality, But Do Black Lives Matter in Israel If They're Not Jews?

How are Jewish Africans treated in Israel compared to non-Jewish Africans and compared to Palestinians?

April 2015

Israel's abuse of African refugees exposes Zionism's xenophobia

An analysis of how Israel is treating its first wave of non-Jewish immigrants necessitates a look at American refugee aid and Israeli arms sales

December 2014

Racist Ringleaders 2014: Israel's anti-African dragnet tightens

A top ten list of the Israeli officials most responsible for the persecution of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers - and why

June 2014

Where Was God When Israel Deported African Refugees?

Most religious leaders in Israel want all African refugees gone, but this ultra-Orthodox woman wants them to receive asylum

June 2014

What does Israel's war on African asylum-seekers look like?

My slideshow on Israel's war on Africans is translated into Hebrew, in the hope that it might convince some Israelis

June 2014

Love in the Time of Israel's War on Africans

In Israel, questioning a human rights advocate about their living arrangements is an effort to flush out race-traitors

May 2014

Donald Sterling's Comments Shed Light on the Plight of Israel's African Refugees

Comment "blacks are just treated like dogs" in Israel is ignored in the mainstream media

April 2014

Israel's War on African Refugees

On the 2-year anniversary of the firebombing of an African nursery in Tel Aviv, I release my new 72-minute documentary

Febuary 2014

Do Americans want to know that Israel is waging war on Africans?

I announce my 22-stop 2014 speaking tour of North America about Israel's treatment of African asylum-seekers

January 2014

African Asylum-Seekers Go on Strike in Israel

A recap of the week-long #StrikeForFreedom by tens of thousands of African asylum-seekers in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and across Israel

December 2013

Africans Demand Their Freedom In Israel

A recap of the first week of what may become the first real black civil rights struggle in Israel, led by African asylum-seekers

December 2013

Racist ringleaders 2013: Israel's war on Africans intensifies

A top ten list of the Israeli officials most responsible for the persecution of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers - and why

December 2013

Race, Religion & Rounding Up Africans in Israel

The Israeli government's hostility to immigrants from Africa is not a new phenomenon; it goes back decades

December 2013

Israel violates international norms over African refugees

How do Israel's policies towards asylum-seekers compare to the policies of other countries?

November 2013

Resistance to Reporting in Israel

My reflections on the hostile and sometimes violent reactions that I receive when I report on anti-African racism in Israel

October 2013

Meet the Israeli who vows to keep going to jail until Africans are released

Ido Naveh says he'll continue to stage non-violent protests outside Israel's desert detention camp until all asylum seekers held within it are freed

October 2013

Smoking While Black, Having a Cookout While Black

African refugees are so demonized in Israel that an armed soldier says he fears for his life when he sees a black man smoking a cigarette

September 2013

For Refugees, Even Ethiopians Are Wolves

An African fighting for refugee rights bemoans the lack of solidarity between Jewish and non-Jewish Africans in Israel

September 2013

Israel's True Colors

An interview with artist Zoya Cherkassky about mixed-race and mixed-religion families and immigration to the State of Israel

July 2013

When Racism Isn't A Cause For Shame

A single 24-hour period of Israeli political and religious leaders making racist statements demonstrates their confidence

June 2013

Attack in Tel Aviv: 'Jewish girls do not go out with Blacks!'

Racist attacks on Africans & their partners are common in Tel Aviv; not all the victims document the horror this well in English

May 2013

A year in review: Anti-African racism in Israel

Comprehensive overview of Israel's persecution of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers between November 2012 and May 2013

April 2013

Liberal Zionism at 65: Fantasy and reality

A mental exercise imagining what Israel could look like if it was really a liberal democracy - and comparing that vision to the grim reality

March 2013

Beware of defending the lesser of 2 evils

A response to Sudanese anti-slavery activist Simon Deng, who argues that Israel's racist treatment of non-Jewish people should be ignored

December 2012

The dirty dozen: Israel's racist ringleaders

A top twelve list of the Israeli officials most responsible for the persecution of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers - and why

November 2012

Israel Builds Camps To Round Africans Into

Comprehensive overview of Israel's persecution of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers between August and October 2012

September 2012

Israel's Race to the Top

Analysis of the root causes of anti-African racism in Israeli society and the power of the anti-miscegenation lobby

July 2012

After the Pogrom, Israel's War On Africans

After full scale anti-African race riots in Tel Aviv, Israel moves quickly to deport as many African asylum-seekers as possible.

May 2012

Timeline: AfriKristallnacht

My Twitter timeline of live-tweeting from May 22, the night before the anti-African pogrom in Tel Aviv, to May 29, a week after the pogrom

May 2012

Israeli Anti-Racism Neutralized by 'Social Justice'

An analysis of why some Israelis want efforts directed towards inter-Jewish solidarity rather than towards combating anti-African racism

April 2012

Proto-Pogrom Against Africans in Israel

A summary of what happened in the 3 months between the Report to the United Nations and the firebomb attacks in April 2012

January 2012

Anti-Racism & Jewish Privilege In Israel

Live-tweets from a planning meeting of an "anti-racism rally" reveal that most Israelis won't oppose racism against non-Jews

September 2011

USA, 1950? South Africa, 1980? No - Israel, 2011

Some say Israelis can't be racist because the country include Black Jews. But how are those Black Jews treated?

April 2011

Recalling their show of strength

25 years after a pivotal hand-off, African Israelites recall the Israeli government's efforts to expel them from the country

March 2011

Israelis who would deport refugee children

Do politicians convince the population to be racist? Or are they just following the will of the people who are racist already?

Videos of Pro- & Anti-African Street Rallies

August 25, 2015

Arad: Off-Limits to Africans

Residents of the southern city of Arad comment on their mayor's decision to ban African refugees from entering town

July 31, 2015

Hyde Park Lewinsky

Community forum for African refugees & veteran residents of South Tel Aviv is protested by Israelis demanding that all refugees be expelled

May 24, 2015

African Solidarity at Holot

African Hebrew Israelites & African Bedouin Palestinians make a solidarity visit to African asylum-seekers held by Israel in a desert detention center

January 4, 2015

Protest Against Racist Police Brutality in Israel

Family & friends of a Jewish African who died mysteriously after being abused by police march to protest racist police brutality in Israel

October 5, 2014

Israelis: 'Ni&&ers; go home!'

After Israel's High Court struck down anti-African legislation for a 2nd time, citizens march through south Tel Aviv calling for Africans to be expelled

June 27, 2014

African Refugees Make A Run For The Border

African asylum-seekers march out of a desert detention center and try to cross into United Nations territory but are rebuffed by Israeli forces

January 22, 2014

Solidarity with African Asylum-Seekers

Photo slideshow from local African asylum-seekers protests & over a dozen international solidarity protests held on the same day

January 22, 2014

African Refugee March To Canadian Embassy

As Canada's Prime Minister visits Israel, Africans rally at the its Tel Aviv embassy, asking for help to secure their refugee rights

January 15, 2014

Israelis Who Hate Israelis Who Don't Hate Africans

Israeli fascist group Im Tirtzu organizes an anti-African rally as asylum-seekers conduct a campaign to secure their freedom

January 15, 2014

African Women & Children #MarchForFreedom

Thousands of African women and children march through Tel Aviv to the UN offices and the American Embassy, demanding refugee rights

January 8, 2014

#StrikeForFreedom: Day 4

On Day Four of their #StrikeForFreedom, ten thousand African asylum-seekers rally outside the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, in Jeruaslem

January 7, 2014

#StrikeForFreedom: Day 3

On Day Three of their #StrikeForFreedom, representatives of the African asylum-seeker community hold a press conference in Tel Aviv

January 6, 2014

#StrikeForFreedom: Day 2

On Day Two of their #StrikeForFreedom, tens of thousands of African asylum-seekers rally outside the American Embassy in Tel Aviv

January 5, 2014

#StrikeForFreedom: Day 1

On Day One of their #StrikeForFreedom, tens of thousands of African asylum-seekers rally outside Tel Aviv City Hall (Rabin Square)

December 28, 2013

Silent #MarchForFreedom

After Israel begins to round African asylum-seekers off the streets of Tel Aviv and into jail, the community holds a "silent" march to City Hall

December 21, 2013

Freedom! Africans in Israel demand it

After the refugees from the March For Freedom were all taken back to jail, thousands of Africans run through the streets of Tel Aviv, demanding freedom

December 17, 2013

Refugee March For Freedom

African asylum-seekers march for days to reach Jerusalem and demand refugee rights in front of the Prime Minister's Office

October 8, 2013

Africans Out Of Tel Aviv... & Dimona

Speaker includes African Americans who came to Israel in the 1970's among those he wants the government to flush out of Israeli cities

September 17, 2013

Israelis Angry At Court Ruling On Africans

After Israel's High Court struck down anti-African legislation, residents of south Tel Aviv block an intersection to vent their anger at the decision

December 31, 2012

In with the New Year, Out with the Africans

After a New Year's Eve anti-African rally, right-wing activists march through Tel Aviv humiliating any African person they come across

December 19, 2012

Israelis Want Africans Out

Veteran Israelis protest the setting up of winter tents in a south Tel Aviv park for homeless people, mainly African asylum-seekers

December 10, 2012

Anti-African Chanukah Rally #2

Knesset Members hold a holiday candle-lighting ceremony / political rally / kick-out-the-Africans protest in south Tel Aviv

October 28, 2012

Israelis vs. Africans

Jewish Israelis say reducing the rate of Africans entering the country is not enough and demand the expulsion of all asylum-seekers

October 18, 2012

Eritreans Protest Israeli Persecution

Eritrean asylum-seekers protest against the government's plan to round them up into an internment camp imminently

October 14, 2012

Sudanese Protest Israeli Persecution

Sudanese asylum-seekers protest against the government's plan to round them up into an internment camp imminently

July 28, 2012

Lesson of the Holocaust: Grant Asylum

Descendants of Holocaust survivors protest the Israeli government's persecution of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers

July 28, 2012

Holocaust Survivor & African Refugees

A Holocaust survivor describes his horror upon learning of the living conditions of African asylum-seekers in Israel

June 10, 2012

Africans in Israel Demand Refugee Rights

March by African asylum-seekers to the United Nations Refugee Agency offices in Tel Aviv

May 30, 2012

Still African - Jewish or Not

Tel Aviv rally demanding the expulsion of all non-Jewish African people verbally and physically attacks an Ethiopian Jewish Israeli man

May 23, 2012

Unsafe for Africans in Israel

The effects of an anti-African race riot in Tel Aviv are still felt a week after the fact

May 22, 2012

Rape Culture in Israel

Anti-African demonstrators call for people who do not agree with them to be raped, as a Member of Knesset looks on and smiles

May 22, 2012

Not Racist? May You Be Raped!

A lone Israeli woman who does not agree with a crowd who wants to deport all non-Jewish African asylum-seekers is shouted down with ferocity

March 17, 2012

Sudanese Protest Israel Deportation

The South Sudanese community holds a protest in Tel Aviv, pleading that they be allowed to stay in Israel until their situation improves

January 10, 2011

Protest: Israel criminalizes refugees

Israelis block vehicular traffic outside Tel Aviv City Hall after the government passes a law criminalizing refugees.

December 11, 2011

Anti-African Rally in Tel Aviv

White Jewish Israelis march through a mainly African area of Tel Aviv, demanding their immediate deportation.

September 1, 2011

Racial segregation in Israeli schools

Ethiopian-Israelis & Russian-Israelis protest racial segregation in state-sponsored schools in Petach Tikvah.

April 6, 2011

South Tel Aviv is on fire

White Jewish Israelis march through a mainly African area of Tel Aviv, demanding their immediate deportation.

March 4, 2011

Feelings for Foreigners

Demonstration against the deportation of children of foreign workers elicits a counter-protest calling for expulsion of non-Jews.

Israeli Leaders Filmed Speaking About Race

March 19, 2013

Campaign For A Jew-Only Sderot

Rabbi explains how he successfully pressured Israelis to stop renting apartments to non-Jewish African refugees

April 15, 2012

Yishai To Non-Jews: Wipe Our Butts & Don't Have Kids

Israel's Interior Minister Eli Yishai says foreigners may perform the most demeaning labor, but may not procreate in the country

April 15, 2012

Fear & Loathing Of All Non-Jews

Fence For Life lobby group chair Ilan Tsion says non-Jewish people may not be allowed into Israel because they all want to kill all Jews

April 15, 2012

Rabbi Aspires To Jewish Dominion

Kiryat Arba settlement Chief Rabbi Dov Lior says Jewish law mandates that non-Jewish people may not have any positions of authority in Israel

June 23, 2011

Eli Yishai: There's a Jewish Gene

Israel's Interior Minister Eli Yishai says scientists hold that being Jewish is actually a genetic condition that is passed down from mother to child

June 23, 2011

Ne'eman: Africans Can't Become Jews

Israel's Justice Minister says Africans can't be allowed to convert to Judaism because they would then have the right to become citizens

1-on-1 Video Interviews about Anti-African Racism

1 - From Darfur to Israel

Asylum-seeker Jacob Berry explains how he escaped persecution in Sudan and Egypt and made it to Israel

2 - From Darfur to Israel

Asylum-seeker Jacob Berry discusses the racial discrimination he is exposed to in Israel

3 - From Darfur to Israel

Asylum-seeker Jacob Berry describes how the African community can respond to hostile actions by Israel

What Eritrea Has Become

Eritrean activist Meron Estefanos on how Eritrea has become a dictatorship, causing many of its best and brightest to flee the country

1 - You'd Think Because It Happened To Them

Eritrean activist Meron Estefanos on how Eritreans suffer heinous tortures in Egypt and yet are given no refugee rights when they reach Israel

2 - You'd Think Because It Happened To Them

Eritrean activist Meron Estefanos on her disappointment upon learning the Israeli government incites racism against African asylum-seekers

There's No Such Thing As Screwing Over Just 1 Group

Assaf spokesperson Orit Marom on how Israeli government policy hurts African asylum-seekers & Israeli citizens, as well

How Israel's Government Treats African Refugees

Assaf spokesperson Orit Marom on Israel's January 2012 Anti-Infiltration Law and the Sinai torture camps

How the Israeli People Treat African Refugees

Assaf spokesperson Orit Marom on the level of racism Africans are subjected to and the internal Israeli discourse on race

You Would Think Because Of What We Went Through

Former Assaf social worker Bracha Shapiro on her shock upon learning about the treatment of African refugees by many Jewish groups in Israel

Working With African Torture Victims In Israel

Former Assaf social worker Bracha Shapiro on the work she did with African asylum-seekers in Israel who were victims of horrific torture

The Poor People Of Your Town Come First

Former Assaf social worker Bracha Shapiro on common arguments made by Israelis who are unsympathetic to the plight of African asylum-seekers

1 - How Israel Vilifies Africans

Community activist Dr. Rami Gudovitch explains how Israelis' attitudes towards Africans went from bad to worse

2 - How Israel Abuses Africans

Community activist Dr. Rami Gudovitch lists a litany of indignities he has witnessed Israelis visit upon Africans

3 - How Israel Expels Africans

Community activist Dr. Rami Gudovitch describes how Israel sent Africans to a place where their chances of survival are low

Jewish Obligations to African Refugees

Ido Naveh explains how he came to the conclusion that he must risk his own freedom to obtain the same freedom for African refugees in Israel

Occupy Saharonim

Ido Naveh explains how he fights for the freedom of African refugees in Israel using civil disobedience and the philosophy of non-violence

Cause of Crime in South Tel Aviv

Ido Naveh explains the true cause of crime in South Tel Aviv, often blamed on African refugees as an excuse to justify deporting them

Fighting For Refugee Rights (1)

African asylum-seeker Mutassim Ali recounts the circumstances that caused him to flee his native Darfur in Sudan and cross into Israel

Fighting For Refugee Rights (2)

African asylum-seeker Mutassim Ali recounts how he was treated after he fled his native Darfur in Sudan and crossed into Israel

Veronique, political refugee in Israel

Veronique speaks about the hardships of being a political refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Israel

Food Not Racism

Israeli activist Orly Feldheim discusses the Lewinsky soup kitchen which served the African refugee community in Tel Aviv

Our own story in the mirror

Israeli activist Orly Feldheim discusses the terrible irony of Israelis mistreating non-Jewish African refugees

Love in the time of . . .

"Average Israeli" Mai Liberkaz speaks about the harassment she and her partner endure in Israel because he is a non-Jewish African asylum-seeker

Ben-Ari: Israel Caused "Slaughter" in Africa for Money

National Union MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari accuses the Israeli government of selling weapons that destroy the lives of innocent African people

Zahalka: Give Africans Full Rights

National Democratic Alliance (BALAD) MK Jamal Zahalka explains his position on African asylum-seekers who have entered Israel

History of South Tel Aviv

Architect and author Sharon Rotbard discusses the history of how south Tel Aviv was settled and developed

Demography of Israel

Professor Jonathan Anson of Ben Gurion University in Be'er Sheva speaks about Israel's "demographic policies" and those of other countries

Israel's Ethiopian Jewish Immigration

Social anthropologist Esther Herzog speaks about the topic of her doctorate thesis, the absorption of Ethiopian immigrants to Israel

Why were the black Jews the last to arrive in Israel?

Dr. Chen Tannenbaum-Domanovitz discusses her research into how the Israeli government discussed Ethiopian Jews prior to their arrival in Israel

What did anthropologists think of Ethiopian Jews?

Scholar & blogger Hananya Vanda details how scribes described Ethiopian Jews prior to the 20th century

Why didn't Ethiopian Jews immigrate to Israel earlier?

Scholar & blogger Hananya Vanda exposes how the Israeli government prevented the immigration of Ethiopian Jews for decades

How are Ethiopian Jews marginalized in Israel?

Scholar & blogger Hananya Vanda explains 3 factors contributing to repression of Ethiopian Jews in Israel

Evolution: from racist to anti-racist

Activist Inbar Bugala recounts her origins and her political path, leading up to the recent Ethiopian-Israeli protests

Israel's crimes against Ethiopians

Part 1: Tehune Maharat, cousin of the late victim of police brutality Yosef Salamsa, lists Ethiopian-Israeli grievances against the government

Israel 2015: Ethiopian Spring

Part 2: Tehune Maharat's 1st-person account of the Ethiopian protests in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in April/May 2015

Israel denies its anti-blackness

Part 3: Tehune Maharat explains how she finds that most white citizens are unwilling to admit that anti-black racism even exists in Israel

Zionism after the Ethiopian protests

Part 4: Tehune Maharat on how Israel's rejection of Ethiopian protestors' demands are leading some of those protestors to reject Zionism

Sick & tired of racism in Israel

25-year-old Ester explains why she joined the Ethiopian-Israeli protests against systemic racism & police brutality

Between racism & Jewish supremacy

25-year-old Ester explains why is one of the only Ethiopian-Israelis who publicly support the African refugee struggle

Israel vs. Ethiopians

Lawyer and community activist Emmanuel Melese Hadana chronicles the history of the Ethiopian Jews and the racism they face in Israel

Seeking asylum in Israel

Lawyer and community activist Emmanuel Melese Hadana talks about the relationship between Ethiopian Jews and non-Jewish African people

Israel's N-word

African-American-Israeli Llyana explains how Israelis use the Hebrew word "Kushi" like U.S. racists use the N-word

Black bodies in Dimona

Shocking story of how African Hebrew Israelites were treated when they arrived in Israel, both in life and in death

Black faces on Israeli TV

In recent years, some black people have been chosen to publicly represent Israel. Is this a sign of racial progress or not?

The Power of Definition

African-American-Israeli Savannah Johnson explains how Israelis use the Hebrew word "Kushi" like U.S. racists use the N-word