- published: 01 Mar 2017
- views: 8016
PIGS or PIIGS or PIIGGS is a jargonistic acronym used in economics and finance. The derogatory term refers to the economies of: Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain, four EU member states that were unable to refinance their government debt or to bail out over-indebted banks on their own during the debt crisis; or originally Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece, four countries in southern Europe.
The term became popularised during the European sovereign-debt crisis of the late 2000s and expanded in use during this period. In the 1990s (when the term probably originated), Ireland was not included in this term, having debt significantly below the Eurozone average, and a government surplus as late as 2006. However, taking on the guarantee of banks' debt, the government budget deficit rose to 32% of GDP in 2010, which was the world's largest. It then became associated with the term replacing Italy or changing the acronym to PIIGS, with Italy also indicated as the second "I". Sometimes a second G (PIGGS or PIIGGS), for Great Britain, was also added. In 2012, Patrick Allen writing for CNBC suggested that France should be added to the list.
Claudio Santamaria (born 22 July 1974; Rome, Italy) is an Italian actor best known for portraying the terrorist Carlos in Casino Royale.
He was the voice of Christian Bale in the Italian version of Batman Begins and the voice of Eric Bana in Munich, both in 2005.
Erri De Luca (born 1950, Naples) is an Italian novelist, translator and poet. He has been recognized by critic Giorgio De Rienzo of Corriere della Sera as "the writer of the decade". He is also known for his opposition to the Lyon-Turin high speed train line, and is being sued for having called for its sabotaging. On October 19, 2015 Erri De Luca was cleared of inciting criminal damage. He reacted to the not-guilty verdict declaring that "An injustice has been avoided."
Erri De Luca's original first name was Enrico (Henry), an hommage to his grandmother, who had American nationality, but defined by him as an "accident."
Upon completing high school in 1968 Erri De Luca joined the radical left-wing movement Lotta Continua. After the organization's disbandment he left the political involvement. He worked as a blue collar at the Fiat factory in Turin and at the Catania airport. He also was a truck driver and a mason, working in job sites in Italy, France and Africa. He rode relief convoys in Yugoslavia during the war between 1993 and 1999.
Avram Noam Chomsky (/ˈnoʊm ˈtʃɒmski/; born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, logician, social critic, and political activist. Sometimes described as "the father of modern linguistics," Chomsky is also a major figure in analytic philosophy, and one of the founders of the field of cognitive science. He has spent most of his career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he is Institute Professor Emeritus, and is the author of over 100 books, primarily on politics and linguistics. Ideologically, he aligns with anarcho-syndicalism and libertarian socialism.
Born to a middle-class Ashkenazi Jewish family in Philadelphia, Chomsky developed an early interest in anarchism from alternative bookstores in New York City. At the age of sixteen he began studies at the University of Pennsylvania, taking courses in linguistics, mathematics, and philosophy. He married fellow linguist Carol Schatz in 1949. From 1951 to 1955 he was appointed to Harvard University's Society of Fellows, where he developed the theory of transformational grammar for which he was awarded his doctorate in 1955. That year he began teaching at MIT, in 1957 emerging as a significant figure in the field of linguistics for his landmark work Syntactic Structures, which laid the basis for the scientific study of language, while from 1958 to 1959 he was a National Science Foundation fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study. He is credited as the creator or co-creator of the universal grammar theory, the generative grammar theory, the Chomsky hierarchy, and the minimalist program. Chomsky also played a pivotal role in the decline of behaviorism, being particularly critical of the work of B. F. Skinner.
Yanis Varoufakis (Greek: Ιωάννης "Γιάνης" Βαρουφάκης,pronounced [ˈʝanis varuˈfacis]; born 24 March 1961) is an academic economist who was a member of the Greek parliament between January and September 2015. He represented the ruling Syriza party and held the position of Minister of Finance for seven months. He voted against the terms of the third bailout package for Greece. In December 2015 he announced plans to launch a pan-European movement the following February.
Varoufakis is a participant in the current debates on the global and European crisis, the author of The Global Minotaur and several academic texts on economics and game theory, Professor of Economic Theory at the University of Athens and a private consultant for Valve Corporation. He is a dual Greek-Australian citizen and describes himself as a 'libertarian Marxist': "In truth, Karl Marx was responsible for framing my perspective of the world we live in, from my childhood to this day. It is not something that I volunteer to talk about in 'polite society' much these days because the very mention of the M-word switches audiences off."
Trailer di "Piigs - Ovvero come imparai a preoccuparmi e a combattere l'Austerity" un documentario, anzi un viaggio all'interno della grave crisi economica dell'Europa. Scheda film: http://www.ecodelcinema.com/piigs-ovvero-come-imparai-a-preoccuparmi-e-a-combattere-lausterity-trama-trailer.htm
Paul Krugman, economista di stampo keynesiano e premio Nobel per l'Economia nel 2008: "adottando l'Euro, l'Italia si è ridotta allo stato di una nazione del Terzo Mondo che deve prendere in prestito una moneta straniera, con tutti i danni che ciò implica". L’acronimo P.I.I.G.S è stato ideato da un giornalista dell’Economist nel 2009, ed indica quegli stati europei "inferiori" dal "debito pubblico" insostenibile (Portogallo, Irlanda, Italia, Grecia, Spagna). Adriano Cutraro, Federico Greco, Mirko Melchiorre, tre giovani filmmaker, ci aiutano a capire le cause della crisi economica che sta strangolando dal 2008 l'Europa tramite il loro Piigs, una pellicola di 75min – nelle sale cinematografiche dal 27 aprile 2017 – che ha il pregio di illustrare tramite interviste, ricostruzioni storiche e...
DAL 27 APRILE AL CINEMA. Esiste un nesso tra i piani alti ed i problemi della vita quotidiana? Narrato da Claudio Santamaria e con interventi di Noam Chomsky, Erri De Luca, Yanis Varoufakis ed altri celebri intellettuali, PIIGS sfida il pensiero dominante raccontando un nuovo punto di vista sull'economia mondiale e le storie e le illusioni di chi ogni giorno si trova a dover fare i conti con le conseguenze delle scelte politiche e finanziarie dell'Unione Europea e delle Banche Centrali.
Fonte : Radiophonica Perugia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB3xEL1N--Y Iscriviti al nostro canale e condividi questo video con i tuoi amici. Aiutaci a crescere,sostieni il nostro lavoro con una piccola donazione,grazie di cuore. https://www.paypal.me/liberopensiero
Un film interessante e controverso. Ma cosa cerca di fare? ⬇⬇⬇QUA SOTTO I MIEI SOCIAL⬇⬇⬇: Supportami su: 🌕PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/GioPizzi Seguimi su: 🔵 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GioPizziOfficial/ E guarda le mie foto su: 📷INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/giopizzii/ I MIEI GRANDIOSI PATREON: Ben, Stefano D, Luca Benetti, Marco Cappelletti, Andrea Dell'Orco, Gabriele Mazzarella, MattiaChr, Giulio Sgr, The Pruld, Marcello Meluzzi, Davide De Giorgi, Lorenzo Nestori, Ester Bonomi, Roberto, Lorenzo Natalucci, Euferis, Riccardo Luigi Fedeli, Francesco Chinetti.
CONSIGLIAMO VIVAMENTE QUESTO FILM DOCUMENTARIO, DAL 27 APRILE AL CINEMA... NON MANCATE... Fonte del video= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IJpiVkwJSQ ISCRIVITI AL NOSTRO CANALE E SEGUICI ANCHE SUI SOCIAL: https://www.facebook.com/italianewschannel https://twitter.com/ItalianewsTW
AL CINEMA. Esiste un nesso tra i piani alti ed i problemi della vita quotidiana? Narrato da Claudio Santamaria e con interventi di Noam Chomsky, Erri De Luca, Yanis Varoufakis ed altri celebri intellettuali, PIIGS sfida il pensiero dominante raccontando un nuovo punto di vista sull'economia mondiale e le storie e le illusioni di chi ogni giorno si trova a dover fare i conti con le conseguenze delle scelte politiche e finanziarie dell'Unione Europea e delle Banche Centrali.
DAL 27 APRILE AL CINEMA. Esiste un nesso tra i piani alti ed i problemi della vita quotidiana? Narrato da Claudio Santamaria e con interventi di Noam Chomsky, Erri De Luca, Yanis Varoufakis ed altri celebri intellettuali, PIIGS sfida il pensiero dominante raccontando un nuovo punto di vista sull'economia mondiale e le storie e le illusioni di chi ogni giorno si trova a dover fare i conti con le conseguenze delle scelte politiche e finanziarie dell'Unione Europea e delle Banche Centrali.
PIIGS concept and direction Francesca Fini with Francesca Fini and Daniele Sirotti video documentation: Daniele Malavolta, Roberto De Amicis PIIGS is performative theater piece inspired by a little-known text by early 19th century Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi, "Discourse on the present state of the morals of Italians." The text describes the "spirit" of our country, with an awareness of the times, a disenchantment and precision as to leave stunned. It is not difficult to trace the germs of an attitude towards life still very present among our people; its roots are deep and difficult to eradicate. The Italian is more "philosopher " of other peoples, admits Leopardi, is more "cunning", more intimately aware of the vanity of every human enterprise and social relationship. The assumption is ...
Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains why problems with certain European countries’ sovereign debt could blow the house down.
These are test for a project for Tele+1 Cinema channel. It was 1993 and were designed for the Cinema Centenary. They were made in 3D and Xaos Tools. Unfortunately the TV Channel manager was "fired" in the middle of the project and the new one was a kind of envy of his collegue and in the meantime ignorant about the most important event in the Cinema history. So he decided to stop it, and never paid for the design and the test. A loss of $ 30.000 for my company... Ridicolous political, nepotist mafia of this businnes in my country (one of the PIIGS of course!)
Live webinar with Spencer Beezley, Jamie Coleman, Charlie Fell, Bob Iaccino and sposored by Currensee.
Stephen Johnston has over 15 years experience as a fund manager from both the private equity and debt markets perspectives. Stephen has a BSc. (Honours in Biology) (1987) and a LLB from the University of Alberta (1990) and a MBA (1994) from the London Business School. He has been featured on radio, TV and print media including CBC Business News, BNN, Fortune Magazine, Rolling Stone, the Financial Times, the Globe and Mail and the Wall Street Journal. His experience includes: Societe Generale Asset Management – Emerging Markets UK – head of the private equity team responsible for closed-end funds covering the Baltics, Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East with almost C$ 500 million under management Nexus Equity – principal of a £12 million early stage technology fund ba...
"P.I.G.S" Series- I - Italy Performance: Burçak Konukman T.P.A (Torino Performance Art" Cittadellarte Fondozione Pistoletto, Biella 8 June 2012 "P.I.G.S" is an acronym that refers to the economies of Portugal, Greece, Spain, and either or both Ireland and Italy. First coined in the mid-1990s, the term originally referred to the southern European economies of Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain.] During the European sovereign-debt crisis in 2009, the term was popularised as a label for heavily-indebted economies, perceived as having been the impetus for the crisis. In this sense, the term sometimes included Ireland in place of Italy, or both in the acronym PIIGS. Some news and economic organisations have limited or banned use of the term because of criticism regarding perceived offensive...
Cosa succederà nel 2014 se lasceremo che la ristrutturazione dei debiti pubblici passi attraverso il taglio della spesa?
The fiscal crisis in Greece is making headlines. Its ramifications have led to fears about the euro which has plunged against the dollar in recent months. What led to the crisis? · Is it mainly the fault of speculators in exotic financial instruments as some European officials have claimed? · How great is the danger of the crisis spreading to other euro countries like Spain and Portugal? · Does the crisis highlight fundamental flaws in the political structure of the euro? These are some of the questions to be addressed by a panel of experts: Moderator: Steve Marks, Pomona College Presentation on the Background of the Crisis: Tom Willett, Claremont Graduate University and Claremont McKenna College Panel Discussion on Policy Options and the Outlook for the Future: David Andrews, Scr...
Finally found a place they could never reach
Sipping singha beer on Pattaya Beach
Singha beer don't ask no questions
Singha beer don't tell no lies
Singha beer don't ask no questions
Singha beer don't tell no lies
There's a guy next to me won't tell me his name
Buy's me mekong whiskey just the same
Singha beer don't ask no questions
Singha beer don't tell no lies
Singha beer don't ask no questions
Singha beer don't tell no lies
I'm just a wally
Hanging out on Pattaya Beach
I'm just a wally
Hanging out on Pattaya Beach
Met a girl said she's really going to blow my mind
She say's she don't mean sex and I say alright
Turns out she's a bloke, tries to give me head
I have to run out screaming to the street instead
She's just a wally
Hanging out on Pattaya Beach
I'm just a wally
Hanging out on Pattaya Beach
Singha beer don't ask no questions
Singha beer don't tell no lies...
In the house of the gods
Where no mongrels preach
I watched the sun going down
On Pattaya Beach
I'm just a wally
Hanging out on Pattaya Beach
I'm just a wall
Hanging out on Pattaya Beach