- published: 27 Feb 2016
- views: 163110075
Minds is an open source social networking service, headquartered in New York City. Elements of the global hacktivist collective Anonymous showed initial support for Minds, based on its foundation of transparency and privacy.
Minds was founded by Bill Ottman, John Ottman and Mark Harding in 2014, and launched to the public in June 2015.
The service is being developed by Minds. Inc.
Minds is supported on both desktop and mobile devices. An official mobile Minds application is available for iOS and Android.
The Minds social network includes full end-to-end encryption and asymmetrically encrypted chat messaging with private passwords.
Minds rewards content and engagement (swipes, votes, referrals and comments) with points, which users can then spend towards "boosting" posts.
Users may also purchase points with PayPal and the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, which are added to Minds' digital wallet.
With Minds, users can vote on content and other users using swipe technology, similar to the app Tinder.
HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Alt" is not recognized
Simple Minds are a Scottish rock band formed in 1977. They achieved commercial success in the 1980s and, despite various personnel changes, continue to record and tour.
The band scored a string of hit singles, and are best known internationally for their 1985 hit "Don't You (Forget About Me)" (UK #7, US #1, CAN #1), from the soundtrack of the John Hughes film The Breakfast Club. Their other more prominent hits include "Alive and Kicking" (UK #7, US #3, CAN #3) and "Belfast Child" (UK #1, IRE #1, NLD #1). In 1986, the band was nominated for the Brit Award for Best British Group.
The core of the band is the two remaining founding members – Jim Kerr (vocals, songwriting) and Charlie Burchill (guitars, keyboards after 1990, other instruments, songwriting). The other current band members are Andy Gillespie (keyboards), drummer Mel Gaynor (who first joined the band in 1982) and Ged Grimes (bass guitar). Former members include bass guitarist Derek Forbes, drummer Brian McGee, and keyboardist Mick MacNeil.
Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
Governments restrict speech with varying limitations. Common limitations on speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, right to privacy, right to be forgotten, public security, public order, public nuisance, campaign finance reform and oppression. Whether these limitations can be justified under the harm principle depends upon whether influencing a third party's opinions or actions adversely to the second party constitutes such harm or not. Governmental and other compulsory organizations often have policies restricting the freedom of speech for political reasons, for example, speech codes at state schools.
A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations), sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures. The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics.
Social networks and the analysis of them is an inherently interdisciplinary academic field which emerged from social psychology, sociology, statistics, and graph theory. Georg Simmel authored early structural theories in sociology emphasizing the dynamics of triads and "web of group affiliations."Jacob Moreno is credited with developing the first sociograms in the 1930s to study interpersonal relationships. These approaches were mathematically formalized in the 1950s and theories and methods of social networks became pervasive in the social and behavioral sciences by the 1980s.Social network analysis is now one of the major paradigms in contemporary sociology, and is also employed in a number of other social and formal sciences. Together with other complex networks, it forms part of the nascent field of network science.
"Forget About Me" is a song written by Frankie Miller, Troy Seals and Eddie Setser, and recorded by American country music duo The Bellamy Brothers. It was released in June 1984 as the first single from the album Restless. The song reached number 5 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart.
Skrillex & Diplo - "Mind" feat. Kai (Official Video)
Minds.com Tutorial: The Free Speech Social Network
Minds.com The Free Speech Social Network Replacement
Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget About Me)
WWE fans lose their minds at the return of The Great Khali
The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!
Flume - Some Minds feat. Andrew Wyatt
MINDS Corporate Video
Official video for Skrillex & Diplo - "Mind" feat. Kai Directed by: Liam Underwood Filmed by: Jas Davis & Liam Underwood Edit: Liam Underwood Official Jack Ü Store: http://smarturl.it/JackUStuff Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack Ü iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PresentingJackU Spotify: http://smarturl.it/S_PresentingJackU Beatport: http://smarturl.it/B_PresentingJackU Follow Jack Ü Online http://facebookcom/jackuofficial http://soundcloud.com/jacku http://jackuofficial.com Follow Kai Online http://facebook.com/listentokaimusic http://soundcloud.com/listentokai http://twitter.com/listentokai http://instagram.com/listentokai http://www.listentokai.com/
Support my work on Patreon: http://ow.ly/3ymWFu PayPal Donations Welcome. Click here: http://goo.gl/NSdOvK Help Support My Channel. Buy Computing Forever Merchandise, Mugs, Hats, T-Shirts: http://ow.ly/3v3TWq SUBSCRIBE TO THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/LACK78 KEEP UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Gab: https://gab.ai/DaveCullen Twitter : https://twitter.com/DaveCullenCF Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/davecullen Vid.me: https://vid.me/ComputingForever Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ComputingForever Google+ : LACK78: http://goo.gl/k4gWsg Google+: Computing Forever: http://goo.gl/Q8gZpY
Join http://www.minds.com, the free speech-based social network that has emerged from the Orwellian levels of censorship emerging from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Follow me on Minds: https://www.minds.com/DaveCullen Support my work on Patreon: http://ow.ly/3ymWFu PayPal Donations Welcome. Click here: http://goo.gl/NSdOvK Help Support My Channel. Buy Computing Forever Merchandise, Mugs, Hats, T-Shirts: http://ow.ly/3v3TWq SUBSCRIBE TO THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/LACK78 KEEP UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter : http://twitter.com/lack78 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ComputingForever Google+ : LACK78: http://goo.gl/k4gWsg Google+: Computing Forever: http://goo.gl/Q8gZpY
Acoustic – 12 songs reimagined acoustically - out now on CD/Vinyl/Stream/Download – featuring Don’t You (Forget About Me), Promised You A Miracle FT KT Tunstall, American and many more. https://SimpleMindsInl.lnk.to/AcousticID Listen to the complete playlist on Spotify here: https://SimpleMindsInl.lnk.to/ListenID Sign up for news http://po.st/SMNewsLetter Follow Simple Minds online: http://po.st/SMwebsite http://po.st/SMFacebook http://po.st/SMTwitter http://po.st/SMYoutube http://po.st/SMgoogleplus http://po.st/SMTumblr Music video by Simple Minds performing Don't You (Forget About Me). (P) (C) 2010 Virgin Records America, Inc.. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by Virgin Records America, Inc., Capitol Records, LLC, ...
Watch the wildest WWE fan reactions to Jinder Mahal and Randy Orton's Punjabi Prison Match at WWE Battleground, featuring the jaw-dropping return of The Great Khali. Don't miss an all-new edition of Bring it to the Table this Monday on the award-winning WWE Network. More ACTION on WWE NETWORK : http://wwenetwork.com Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/1i64OdT Must-See WWE videos on YouTube: https://goo.gl/QmhBof Visit WWE.com: http://goo.gl/akf0J4
FREE Webinar with Jeremy Bennett (creator of this video) May 23, 2017. Register here: https://app.webinarjam.net/register/18196/e5046c63dc [BONUS GIFTS: ⬇] ► Free PRESENTATION: Reprogram Subconscious to Manifest ANYTHING In 15 Minutes! [ Watch Here ] ➜http://ownyourabundance.com/go/15mins ► Free GUIDE: Discover the SECRETS of the Happiest, Wealthiest, & Most Successful Minds in the World! [ Download Here ] ➜http://ownyourabundance.com ► Custom ANALYSIS: Tap Into the 4,000 Yr Old SCIENCE of Numerology with a Free 100% PERSONALIZED Video Report! [ Create Here ] ➜http://ownyourabundance.com/go/custom-numerology-report #1 Hack To Calm Your Mind. Discover here - http://www.unleashyourmindnow.com (For more info on Jeremy Bennett please like his Facebook page here -- http://www.faceboo...
Flume - Some Minds feat. Andrew Wyatt Don't forget to subscribe to the Flume YouTube channel: http://flu.me/YouTube New Flume Apparel: http://flu.me/Store Grab a copy via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/SomeMinds Follow Flume Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flumemusic Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flumemusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/flumemusic Spotify: http://flu.me/Essentials SoundCloud: http://flu.me/SoundCloud Apple Music: http://flu.me/AppleMusic Flume // フルーム
DIRTY MIND TEST (98% FAIL) Here is top 20 dirty mind test pictures that you almost 98% fail to guess, i hope you will enjoy this dirty mind pictures and it's a challenging dirty mind test to you guys, Hope you like my video, please give valuable comment and don't forget to share this video after watching also subscribe for more future videos, Thank You Music : i used music From NoCopyrightSounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNcy3J4x62M SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCebtAI-OSWfS9m4JI9Mn2BA FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/IFInterestingFacts GOOGLE+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117847346567491368077/117847346567491368077/posts
A magician by the name of shahin came by our villa today and did the most mind boggling magic tricks on us! Hope you guys enjoy! WATCH YESTERDAY'S VLOG - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjZkVkHGqjE MAKE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VIDEOS! Main Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/SlimMofication BRAND NEW DAY MERCH - http://slimmoficationonline.com/ BOOKING/INQURIES EMAIL - info@slimmoficationonline.com YOU can send me stuff here! - (Sulieman Albaher, PO BOX 200220, Brooklyn,NY 11220) Follow my social media! twitter- @SlimmySlim94 Snapchat - Slimmy_Slim94 instagram @Slim_Slimmofication facebook- Slimalbaherofficial
This video showcases the services provided by the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) for persons with intellectual disability. MINDS runs 4 Special Education Schools; 3 Employment Development Centres (EDCs); aka Sheltered Workshops, 3 Training and Development Centres (TDCs); aka Day Activity Centres, 2 Residential Homes (one for adults, one for children);1 Hostel/Group Home (for adults) to cater to the educational, vocational, social and welfare needs of the people with intellectual disability, age 7 and onwards.
Official video for Skrillex & Diplo - "Mind" feat. Kai Directed by: Liam Underwood Filmed by: Jas Davis & Liam Underwood Edit: Liam Underwood Official Jack Ü Store: http://smarturl.it/JackUStuff Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack Ü iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PresentingJackU Spotify: http://smarturl.it/S_PresentingJackU Beatport: http://smarturl.it/B_PresentingJackU Follow Jack Ü Online http://facebookcom/jackuofficial http://soundcloud.com/jacku http://jackuofficial.com Follow Kai Online http://facebook.com/listentokaimusic http://soundcloud.com/listentokai http://twitter.com/listentokai http://instagram.com/listentokai http://www.listentokai.com/
Support my work on Patreon: http://ow.ly/3ymWFu PayPal Donations Welcome. Click here: http://goo.gl/NSdOvK Help Support My Channel. Buy Computing Forever Merchandise, Mugs, Hats, T-Shirts: http://ow.ly/3v3TWq SUBSCRIBE TO THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/LACK78 KEEP UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Gab: https://gab.ai/DaveCullen Twitter : https://twitter.com/DaveCullenCF Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/davecullen Vid.me: https://vid.me/ComputingForever Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ComputingForever Google+ : LACK78: http://goo.gl/k4gWsg Google+: Computing Forever: http://goo.gl/Q8gZpY
Join http://www.minds.com, the free speech-based social network that has emerged from the Orwellian levels of censorship emerging from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Follow me on Minds: https://www.minds.com/DaveCullen Support my work on Patreon: http://ow.ly/3ymWFu PayPal Donations Welcome. Click here: http://goo.gl/NSdOvK Help Support My Channel. Buy Computing Forever Merchandise, Mugs, Hats, T-Shirts: http://ow.ly/3v3TWq SUBSCRIBE TO THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/LACK78 KEEP UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter : http://twitter.com/lack78 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ComputingForever Google+ : LACK78: http://goo.gl/k4gWsg Google+: Computing Forever: http://goo.gl/Q8gZpY
Acoustic – 12 songs reimagined acoustically - out now on CD/Vinyl/Stream/Download – featuring Don’t You (Forget About Me), Promised You A Miracle FT KT Tunstall, American and many more. https://SimpleMindsInl.lnk.to/AcousticID Listen to the complete playlist on Spotify here: https://SimpleMindsInl.lnk.to/ListenID Sign up for news http://po.st/SMNewsLetter Follow Simple Minds online: http://po.st/SMwebsite http://po.st/SMFacebook http://po.st/SMTwitter http://po.st/SMYoutube http://po.st/SMgoogleplus http://po.st/SMTumblr Music video by Simple Minds performing Don't You (Forget About Me). (P) (C) 2010 Virgin Records America, Inc.. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by Virgin Records America, Inc., Capitol Records, LLC, ...
Watch the wildest WWE fan reactions to Jinder Mahal and Randy Orton's Punjabi Prison Match at WWE Battleground, featuring the jaw-dropping return of The Great Khali. Don't miss an all-new edition of Bring it to the Table this Monday on the award-winning WWE Network. More ACTION on WWE NETWORK : http://wwenetwork.com Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/1i64OdT Must-See WWE videos on YouTube: https://goo.gl/QmhBof Visit WWE.com: http://goo.gl/akf0J4
FREE Webinar with Jeremy Bennett (creator of this video) May 23, 2017. Register here: https://app.webinarjam.net/register/18196/e5046c63dc [BONUS GIFTS: ⬇] ► Free PRESENTATION: Reprogram Subconscious to Manifest ANYTHING In 15 Minutes! [ Watch Here ] ➜http://ownyourabundance.com/go/15mins ► Free GUIDE: Discover the SECRETS of the Happiest, Wealthiest, & Most Successful Minds in the World! [ Download Here ] ➜http://ownyourabundance.com ► Custom ANALYSIS: Tap Into the 4,000 Yr Old SCIENCE of Numerology with a Free 100% PERSONALIZED Video Report! [ Create Here ] ➜http://ownyourabundance.com/go/custom-numerology-report #1 Hack To Calm Your Mind. Discover here - http://www.unleashyourmindnow.com (For more info on Jeremy Bennett please like his Facebook page here -- http://www.faceboo...
Flume - Some Minds feat. Andrew Wyatt Don't forget to subscribe to the Flume YouTube channel: http://flu.me/YouTube New Flume Apparel: http://flu.me/Store Grab a copy via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/SomeMinds Follow Flume Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flumemusic Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flumemusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/flumemusic Spotify: http://flu.me/Essentials SoundCloud: http://flu.me/SoundCloud Apple Music: http://flu.me/AppleMusic Flume // フルーム
DIRTY MIND TEST (98% FAIL) Here is top 20 dirty mind test pictures that you almost 98% fail to guess, i hope you will enjoy this dirty mind pictures and it's a challenging dirty mind test to you guys, Hope you like my video, please give valuable comment and don't forget to share this video after watching also subscribe for more future videos, Thank You Music : i used music From NoCopyrightSounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNcy3J4x62M SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCebtAI-OSWfS9m4JI9Mn2BA FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/IFInterestingFacts GOOGLE+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117847346567491368077/117847346567491368077/posts
A magician by the name of shahin came by our villa today and did the most mind boggling magic tricks on us! Hope you guys enjoy! WATCH YESTERDAY'S VLOG - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjZkVkHGqjE MAKE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VIDEOS! Main Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/SlimMofication BRAND NEW DAY MERCH - http://slimmoficationonline.com/ BOOKING/INQURIES EMAIL - info@slimmoficationonline.com YOU can send me stuff here! - (Sulieman Albaher, PO BOX 200220, Brooklyn,NY 11220) Follow my social media! twitter- @SlimmySlim94 Snapchat - Slimmy_Slim94 instagram @Slim_Slimmofication facebook- Slimalbaherofficial
This video showcases the services provided by the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) for persons with intellectual disability. MINDS runs 4 Special Education Schools; 3 Employment Development Centres (EDCs); aka Sheltered Workshops, 3 Training and Development Centres (TDCs); aka Day Activity Centres, 2 Residential Homes (one for adults, one for children);1 Hostel/Group Home (for adults) to cater to the educational, vocational, social and welfare needs of the people with intellectual disability, age 7 and onwards.
Enjoy 1 hour and 27 minutes of the best uplifting liquid drum & bass. Tracklist in the description below 👇 ● Listen to these tracks on Spotify or Apple Music: http://ukf.io/UKFMix001 ● Buy Hybrid Minds’ ‘Elements’ LP: http://bit.ly/go-hmlp001 ● Follow our Liquid Playlist on Spotify or Apple Music: http://ukf.io/LiquidPlaylist Hybrid Minds Like → https://www.facebook.com/hybridmindsdnb/ Follow → https://twitter.com/HybridMindsDNB Listen → https://soundcloud.com/hybridminds Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/hybridmindsdnb/ Visit → http://hybridmindsmusic.com/ Full tracklist for their liquid drum & bass mix... 00:00 - SpectraSoul - Away With Me (Calibre Remix) 02:11 - EastColors - Keys 03:39 - Alix Perez - Crooklyn 05:07 - Camo & Krooked - Dissolve Me 07:18 - Hybrid Minds - Skeletons (...
Could the most effective method of crime prevention be a brain scan? This suggestion, the result of recent ground-breaking research, is investigated in the two films that comprise A Mind To Crime. Violent Minds examines the brain abnormalities that affect different types of criminal, as well as investigating the links with drugs and the possibilities of brain damage inflicted before birth. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesChannel Instagram - @realstoriesdocs Content licensed from Digital Rights Group (DRG). Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com Produced by Quality Time Television
20 Times Dr Michio Kaku Blew Our Minds ➤ #Subscribe: http://goo.gl/dgHQSp ➤ Facebook: https://goo.gl/2dSG31 ➤ Twitter: https://goo.gl/IMm1ig ➤ Google+ : http://goo.gl/quhV8x ➤ Site: https://goo.gl/qBX8hJ ➤ Thanks for watching :) #Sciencetoday is channel uses for #education, #teaching, #review, #commentary, or research... If you have any issues with content, please contact us, for an amicable and we will process immediately . Thanks for your cooperation.
MARKETING IS NOT JUST SIMPLE MATH. WE NEED MARKETING TO BE MORE THAN JUST NUMBERS AND IT COMES DOWN TO WHAT IS THE FINAL GOAL OF OUR ADVERTISING/MARKETING CAMPAIGN. See other of my keynotes here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FCEF1izpctGGoak841XYzrJ -- Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with the daily videos I post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are my oxygen, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ ;). -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GaryVaynerchuk -- Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 5 locations. Gary...
The hype for Let It Roll 2016 is getting serious... Flashback to Hybrid Minds' sublime set from last year w/ MC Fava to get you in that festive mood. BRING. IT. ON. Tickets: https://bit.ly/LIR_OA_2016 Hybrid Minds: Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/hybridmindsdnb SoundCloud → https://soundcloud.com/hybridminds MC Fava: Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/FavaMC SoundCloud → https://soundcloud.com/mcfava Let It Roll: Event page → https://www.facebook.com/events/529431807233230/ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/letitrollcz Link with Drum&BassArena; on: SoundCloud → https://soundcloud.com/drumandbassarena Spotify → https://open.spotify.com/user/officialdnba Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/officialdnba Twitter → https://twitter.com/OfficialDnBA Music news → https://breakbeat.co.uk...
Programming Music Mix for Dark Minds by FilFar.eu Not everyone will like this but I like this kind of dark music :P Next music mixes will be normal again don't worry :) But I like to create some weird music mixes :P Hope you enjoy... All what you need to programming (with dark times) :) If you're developer and solved many errors with this music please BUY me a caffee to make another mixes my generous friend and also leave me a message thank you :) https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=CB74VUVYUNG8S Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/filfaris Twitter: https://twitter.com/FilFaris Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/filfaris Google Play projects: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=FilFar Musics: 0:00 Kryptic Minds Six Degrees 5:51 Krypti...
Programming Music Mix for Fast Minds by FilFar.eu Now something really fast :) All what you need to programming (with fast times) :) BUY me a caffee to make another mixes GOD BLESS YOU my If you're developer and solved many errors with this music please BUY me a caffee to make another mixes GOD BLESS YOU my generous friend and also leave me a message thank you :) https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=CB74VUVYUNG8S Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/filfaris Twitter: https://twitter.com/FilFaris Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/filfaris Google Play projects: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=FilFar Musics: 0:00 Seba Life Is 6:59 Seba Lose Control 11:50 Seba Nightrider 18:48 Apex By The Way 25:09 Seba Never Let You Go (Blu Ma...
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/EvanEra DAILY VLOGS: http://bit.ly/EvanVlogs In this mind reading episode of How To Magic, Evan Era from EvanEraTV reveals the secrets behind 10 amazing mind reading magic tricks. Easy mind reading tricks perfect for beginners! These are some of the same mind reading techniques used by psychics, mediums, stage hypnotists, and famous magicians! There are interactive magic mind reading tricks revealed with numbers, shapes, math, colors and so much more in this amazing magic tutorial!! Learn how to read minds like to pros step by step! Thumbs up for more mental magic tutorials!! And always remember to Laugh At Life my friends :) L@L Contact Evan: EvanEraTV@Gmail.com SNAPCHAT: EvanRosenman PERISCOPE: EvanEra http://www.facebook.com/EvanEraTV http://www.twitte...
Get My FREE Meditation MP3 Here ► http://www.relaxmeonline.com/free For MEGA Download ANXIETY Pack, CLICK HERE: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2015/04/22/relaxation-mega-downloads/ For MEGA Download SLEEP Pack, CLICK HERE: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2015/04/22/relaxation-mega-downloads/ For MEGA Download PAIN RELIEF Pack, CLICK HERE: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2015/04/22/relaxation-mega-downloads/ Quality MP3 version of this track available: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/relaxation-music/affirmations/ CD Available here: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/CALMING-OUR-MINDS-Relaxing-music-amp-Affirmations-for-a-Peaceful-life-CD-/301364357072? DEEPLY calming music for your health and well-being. With spoken affirmations of peace and calm scattered throughout the music. Music by Jordan Jessep ...
➔ Subscribe & support DnB Portal for more video sets http://bit.ly/DnB_PortalYT Prague / Cze / 20.09.2014 / Live / Cross Club / dnb / drum and bass / Liquid ➔Free DL: http://bit.ly/HMsouncloud ✖ DnB Portal ✖ ➔Visit http://dnbportal.com ➔Like http://fb.com/DNBportal.Music ➔Follow http://twitter.com/_DnBportal ➔Follow http://instagram.com/dnbportal ➔Follow http://soundcloud.com/dnbportal ✖Cross Club✖ FB: http://fb.com/crossclubprague Web: http://crossclub.cz