FeedBlitz Privacy Policy

In more or less plain English, this is what our privacy policy says:

  • You have the right to control your personal information.
  • FeedBlitz never sells, rents or buys email addresses.
  • List owners can see the information you give them as part of our services.
  • FeedBlitz uses cookies, tracking and logging to make FeedBlitz work and tell list owners about activity on their lists.
  • FeedBlitz emails globally, but is a US-based business with a US-based infrastructure.

That’s what all the words below basically mean. It’s consistent with the way we’ve done business over the years. There are links in the policy to third party sites where you can control how analytics and ad networks we participate in treat you.

So the above is the bite-sized summary. But it’s the words below that count (our lawyers made us say that). If you’re using FeedBlitz, as a visitor, publisher or subscriber, you agree to all of this.

Here’s the legally binding part:

The FeedBlitz Privacy Policy

FeedBlitz, LLC (“FeedBlitz”) respects your privacy. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to the treatment of personally identifiable information submitted by, or otherwise obtained from, you in connection with all of the products, software, services, widgets and websites offered by FeedBlitz (the “Services”). This Privacy Policy applies to our publishers, those who subscribe to receive deliveries from FeedBlitz, and anyone else using the Services.  By using or otherwise accessing the Services, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Statement. If you do not agree with this Statement, please do not use our Services.

This Privacy Policy is subject to FeedBlitz’s Terms of Service (the “TOS”), which can be viewed here. All terms not expressly defined in the Privacy Policy will have the definition in the TOS.

At any time, if you have any questions or concerns regarding FeedBlitz’s Privacy Policy, please contact us at support@feedblitz.com.

Information you provide to FeedBlitz and How It Is Used

Viewing the FeedBlitz Website:

We may receive and store certain types of usage-related information when you interact with the FeedBlitz website, located at http://feedblitz.com and any associated subdomains (the “Website”), including but not limited to, your computer’s IP address and browser information. The information we collect is used to customize the content and/or layout of our page for each individual visitor.

The Website uses cookies to store visitors’ preferences, record user-specific information on what pages users access or visit, ensure that visitors are not repeatedly sent the same banner ads, customize Website content based on visitors’ browser type, or other information that the visitor sends. Cookies may also be used by third-party services, such as Google Analytics, as described below. No personally identifiable information is stored within these cookies. If you would like to opt-out of the use of cookies, review the settings on your browser.

Audience Analytics:

The Website uses Google Analytics to track statistics regarding our audience and Website traffic. No personally identifiable information is transferred from the Website to Google Analytics. For more information on Google’s Analytics privacy policies, please visit this site.

From time to time, the Website may also use other third-party services to track statistics regarding our audience and Website traffic. No personally identifiable information is transferred from the Website to any of these third-party services.

Information You Voluntarily Provide to FeedBlitz:

When you use the Services, we may ask you for personal information. This may include: your name, email address, telephone number, address, credit card processing information. The information we request is dependent upon the Services that we provide to you. This information is voluntarily provided to deliver the Services and is used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and is subject to the TOS.

If you register with the Website, or opt-in to receiving notifications when providing personal information, FeedBlitz may use your mailing address, telephone number, or email address to alert you to product upgrades, special offers, updated information, and new services. You may opt-out of these methods of contact.

Use of Email Addresses for Subscribers

When you subscribe to a mailing list published using the Services, FeedBlitz shares your email address with the publisher of that mailing list. If you set your profile preferences to be anonymous, FeedBlitz will not share this information with the publisher.

If you subscribe to a feed using the Services, you may elect the option of receiving updates via email, Facebook wall posts (which will be visible to your friends), Tweets (which will be shared with your followers), LinkedIn status updates (which will be displayed to your connections), or other services which may become available and enabled on the Website. You will voluntarily elect the method in which the updates are sent and provide the personal information for the Services to complete the operation. The personal information that you provide for these updates is not shared, other than described in the paragraph above.

Your email address will never otherwise be shared by FeedBlitz with third parties. To prevent spamming, we require all new subscription requests to be confirmed via email (known as confirmed dual opt-in) before they are activated. If you believe your email address was added to a list FeedBlitz powers without your permission or knowledge, you should contact abuse@FeedBlitz.com immediately.

Tracking Pixels

When FeedBlitz emails are sent to Subscribers, the Services embed tracking pixels into the emails to track performance, such as who opened the emails and who clicked on the links within the emails. This information is shared with our Publishers and is used to track performance and to assist in improving our features. The tracking pixels may also track information such as IP address, browser type, or other similar details.

Server Logs

The FeedBlitz web server and parts of the FeedBlitz application log activity to file. We use logs to provide site-wide reporting, to ensure smooth operation of the services FeedBlitz delivers, and for general web site and application maintenance. Like almost all Internet servers, logged information may include timestamps, your client IP address (as it appears to the server), and the page(s) you visit. Our detailed server logs will not be shared with any third party. We may however elect to publish aggregate statistics on visitor activity from time to time based on log information (e.g. “we had 1,234 visitors yesterday”). We will never publish any personally identifiable information in these analyses.


In addition to the subscription plans, FeedBlitz offers ebooks through e-junkie, which may be linked on the FeedBlitz websites.  Personal information for purchase of such ebooks is collected by e-junkie and is subject to their privacy policy. Personal information regarding payments made through e-junkie is not stored by FeedBlitz.

Some personal information, such as name and email address, are securely stored by FeedBlitz for purposes of order fulfillment and customer service.

Use of Cookies

FeedBlitz (First-Party) Cookies

FeedBlitz requires cookies to ensure the correct functioning of the service we provide. FeedBlitz uses such cookies (“first party cookies”) only for this purpose. If you disable first party cookies in your browser you will be unable to use FeedBlitz services.

Third-Party Cookies

FeedBlitz may engage third party data providers or ad services. These companies may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser to enable you to receive customized ads, content, or other services. No personally identifiable information is placed into these cookies. The cookies may reflect de-identified demographic or other data linked to data you voluntarily have submitted to us, e.g., your email address, in hashed, non-human readable form. To opt-out of these third party cookies, go to http://www.privacychoice.org/companies or http://aboutads.info/choices. Alternatively, you may configure your browser not to accept third party cookies. FeedBlitz’s ads are served by LiveIntent and their privacy policy may be viewed here.

FeedBlitz’s Publishers may include their own ads within their own newsletters. These ads are not in the control of FeedBlitz and are subject to the Publisher’s privacy policy.

Sharing of Personal Information with third-parties

The safety of your personal information is critical to our business. Unless we have your explicit consent, we do not rent, sell, or share your personal information, except as detailed below:

Publishers: If you are a FeedBlitz Subscriber, your personal information is available to the publishers to whose newsletters you subscribe. Publishers will have access to the personal information that you voluntarily share with that Publisher. Their use of your information is subject to their individual privacy policies.

Billing and Collections: If you are a FeedBlitz Publisher, we may use your personal information for purposes of billing and collecting money owed to FeedBlitz. Use of your information may include emails with invoices, receipts, notices of delinquency, and requests to update payment methods.

FeedBlitz’s Agents: From time to time, we may employ other companies or independent contractors to perform tasks on behalf of FeedBlitz. During the course of these services, we may share your personal information with these agents. Only the information needed to fulfill these services will be shared.

Asset Transfer: In some cases, FeedBlitz may choose to buy or sell its business assets. In these types of transactions, customer information is typically one of the business assets that are transferred. Moreover, if FeedBlitz, or substantially all of its assets are acquired, or in the unlikely event that FeedBlitz goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. Any acquirer of FeedBlitz may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy, or they may amend the policy with new terms.

Legal: Personal information may be released when necessary to comply with the law; enforce or apply our conditions of use and other agreements; or protect the rights, property, or safety of FeedBlitz, our employees, our users, or others.

Deleting your Personal Information

You can decline to submit personal information to any of our Services at any time. However, if you decline to submit personal information, we may not be able to provide the Services. You may request deletion of your personal information by sending an email to support@feedblitz.com, but please note that we may be required (by law or otherwise) to keep this information and not delete it (or to keep this information for a certain time, in which case we will comply with your deletion request only after we have fulfilled such requirements). When we delete the account information, it will be deleted from the active database but it may remain in our archives for compliance purposes.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. The Services may not function properly if you do not have cookies enabled.

Conditions of Use

If you decide to use or otherwise access the Services, your use, access, and any possible dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and our TOS.

Links to Third-Party Websites

Due to the nature of the Services, email newsletters that you receive from FeedBlitz may contain links to third-party websites. Such third-party websites are not under FeedBlitz’s control, and delivery of such links via the Services does not constitute FeedBlitz’s endorsement of those third-party websites or the services offered through them. The privacy and security practices of such third-party websites are not covered by this Privacy Statement, and FeedBlitz is not responsible for the privacy or security practices or the content of such third-party websites.

What Personal Information Can I Access through the Services?

FeedBlitz allows you to access the information in your registration profile for the purpose of viewing, and in most situations, updating that information. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we process is accurate, but we depend on you to update or correct your personal information whenever necessary.

Can Children Use the Services? 

The Services are not intended for anyone under the age of 18. Please see the TOS for additional details.

Security of Your Personal Information

The security of your personal information is important to us. We use commercially reasonable safeguards to protect your personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. If you have any questions about security on our website, you can contact us at support@feedblitz.com.

In the event of a breach of security, FeedBlitz will take commercially reasonable steps to mitigate the breach and email its Publishers to ensure that they are able to notify their Subscribers.

Your information may be transferred to and maintained on computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction.

Storage of Personal Information

FeedBlitz is located in the United States and uses multiple private servers located in the United States. FeedBlitz abides by the laws of the United States regarding data protection, privacy, and other laws. By using the Services, you understand and consent to the use and storage of your information in the United States.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

From time to time, FeedBlitz may amend this Privacy Policy. If we make changes to the Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting an announcement on our Website or sending you an email. If you access the Services after such changes have been implemented, you are bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy.