Clearinghouse Search

Clearinghouse Search

The data in StopBadware's Clearinghouse comes from three data providers: Google, ThreatTrack Security, and NSFocus.

You can search the Clearinghouse for a URL, an IP address, or an autonomous system (AS) number. To search for your site, input the URL (for example, "" or simply "") and click "Search."

If there are multiple results for your entry, they will be displayed below. Clicking on the search result will not take you to the displayed link, but instead to a dynamically-generated page that will show you information about the site's current status. 

If Clearinghouse search results indicate that one of the companies that provides data to StopBadware is blacklisting your site, you can learn how to clean up your site and remove it from our data providers' blacklist(s) by clicking "Help! This is my site." For more information about cleaning up and requesting review of an infected site, see My site has badware



    AS name:Unavailable
    AS country:Unavailable
    Number of IP addresses with current blacklist activity:Unavailable
    Number of URLs with current blacklist activity:Unavailable
    AS number:Unavailable
    AS name:Unavailable
    AS country:Unavailable
    Number of URLs with current blacklist activity:Unavailable
      IP/AS data unavailable for this URL
      IP/AS data as ofUnavailable
      IP address:Unavailable
      AS number:Unavailable
      AS name:Unavailable
      AS country:Unavailable

      StopBadware's Clearinghouse collects data from a variety of sources. Changes in this data may not be immediate. For more information, please see our review process FAQ.


      HELP! This is my site.

      Your site may have been infected without your knowledge. If your site was infected, it puts your site's visitors at risk. We can help you clean up your site and remove it from our data providers' blacklist(s).

      GET HELPREQUEST REVIEWWhat's this?Review in progress

      StopBadware’s independent review process helps our data providers remove sites that should no longer be blacklisted. If you have cleaned up your site, you can request an independent review. You can learn more about StopBadware’s independent review process on our Request a Review page. If you need help finding badware, visit our Get Help section.

      Current Activity


      No Current Activity

      Past Activity

      No Past Activity

      Community Reports

      I'm responsible for this network

      StopBadware can help network administrators clean up their networks. For more information contact us at
