
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Contra Info is an international multi-language counter-information and translation node, an infrastructure maintained by anarchists, anti-authoritarians and libertarians who are active in different parts of the globe. More »

Argentina: Actions by the appearance with life of Santiago Maldonado in Buenos Aires and La Plata (videos)

Received on 1/09/17

Actions by the appearance of Santiago Maldonado, kidnapped by the Argentine state:

Buenos Aires (10/08/17)  (English/Spanish)

La Plata (24/08/17) (Spanish)

in Portuguese l Spanish

[Chilean prisons] Letter from comrade Marcelo Villarroel concerning the case of Santiago Maldonado

Received and reviewed at 05/09/17

This is a letter from the libertarian prisoner Marcelo Villarroel concerning the case of Santiago Maldonado who is still missing. It also has a call for action. His words are welcome by us!!!
Fire to the prisons!!! We want our comrade Santiago Maldonado alive now!!!


translated by tormentas de fogo


These words are born and become necessary at the same time when it is necessary to embrace all those who give themselves without limits when seeking encounter with total liberation.

For the expansion of the revolt, for the unequivocal confrontation with power, for the extension of autonomous practices to deny domination and everything that makes possible its existence.

As I write, hatred and anger guide me… While each person realizes his life, there is a dear friend missing…

SANTIAGO MALDONADO – el “Lechu”, el “Brujo”, disappeared.
And I can not stay silent or ignore his physical absence.

Since we had to live prison in the region dominated by the Argentine state, our steps crossed. There were us, the prisioners in the province of Newken and there was Santiago, in the city of La Plata, next to a universe of active comrades, sharing complicity and standing in solidarity…

It’s been more than 9 years since our footsteps have crossed the continuous path of the brotherhood, this path that sets both of us on the same side of the trench.

Because we have to say clearly: We are at war against oppression and misery! Against all the police, states, countries and cowards that accommodate their speeches and lives to make it harmless and integrated.

There is no way to forget that we who have decided to continue the offensive take permanent risk. We are not passive victims of circumstance nor mere spectators.

Just like Santiago, a person in complete coherence with his anarchic feelings, who is missing since August 1st, when he was kidnapped by the Gendarmería (intermediate force between the Police and the Army), while actively supporting the Mapuche struggle in Cushamen, province of Chubut, in the south of Argentina and near the Chilean border.

It’s been a month already and Lechuga did not show up. And although Santiago is among all of us who do not forget or abandon the daily struggle, his physical presence is lacking.

We will bring him back by striking blow by blow, multiplying his gestures and actions throughout the planet against the miserable ones responsible for his disappearance.

From prison, today, my call is to deepen the attack against amnesia and fear. Because those who say they believe in anarchy must act in accordance with this conviction.

Hundreds of revolutionary prisoners around the world united by similar convictions, we are the living expression of a struggle with no nations and no borders that seeks the total destruction of all the chains, cages and prisons where most of the people on this planet are living.

These are times of combat, we can not hide the obvious.

The rebellious and ancestral fire is incinerating the machines of predatory capital, the insurrectionist blood spilled from our fallen comrades is among our war rituals, our silent conspiracies seek the only possible justice: vengeance becomes urgent and necessary.





Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, libertarian prisoner.

High security level prison.

Santiago, Chile.

August 30, 2017.

Graz, Austria: A new stage of struggle against the water power plant

Text about the ongoing fight against the water power plant (“Murkraftwerk”) in Graz, Austria. The original is German and it was published in the anarchist newspaper REVOLTE in Vienna in the septembre-issue.

A new stage of struggle against the water power plant in Graz (Austria) start of clearance season: 1st of October

The fight against the water power plant in Graz (“Murkraftwerk”) is highly visible since the beginning of this year. There were various
actions like squatting of trees and excavators, camps and direct action at the river bank against this object of prestige. It’s also a
discussion about so-called “green energy”. Thousands of trees got already cut down and thousands of others are supposed to follow in

The construction of the power plant and the attendant central storage channel (“Zentraler Speicherkanal”) are going to change the city of Graz drastically. Until now the inner city was consisting mainly of savaged river banks, where thousands of trees were giving cover for different groups of people: people doing sports or walking, animals, youngsters hanging out. They all should give way to the restructuring of the area, so that the needs of the financially strong middle class can be met.

One of these projects is for example the construction project “timber in town”, developed and realised through the company “Hohensinn
Architektur”, “Kovac Immobilien” and the help of the Technical University of Graz. New and expensive flats and workplaces should arise,
where since decades there are people with low income living in small cottages – at the Grünanger, which is known as “a place of social

This restructuring is happening in a violent way. Not only are getting people displaced by the common logics of economy, but also physically
things are getting dug over – a whole ecosystem is getting destroyed. And since months people who fight against this construction projects are
confronted with physical violence. The main actor is though the “KLS Security Company”, that got directly hired by the building promoter
“Energie Steiermark” and that employs a lot of former cops. The police is then looking away in the right moment, when there ex-colleagues want to finish off these damn activists. So for example during the occupation of a excavator on February 27th activists were dragged down on their hair head first. Also the securities try to attack the activists in a psychological manner, following them home at night.

These behaviours do not only try to enforce the violent territoral claims of a business location in a repressive way, also the cooperation
between the authorities is beeing proved and according to their interests being strengthened, because KLS and the police were working
also together during the illegal eviction of the second camp on July 3rd. The camp was on common ground and registered as a legal
manifestation. The police shows us again, that they are interpreting the so-called legal situation as they please. There was an appeal against
the eviction, which also included illegal video recordings (by police) as well as destruction and theft of infrastructure of the camp by

To proceed with the actions against the power plant in accordance with the rule of law would be quite limiting – and that’s not only when we
look at how the police goes well with despotism and the securites with physical violence. Resistance and contrary opinions are tolerated in
this liberal system as long as they are not a real danger to it. If the protest is getting to strong, it will be stopped violently.

The end of legalistic struggling

The attempts of Energie Steiermark in pacifying the conflict with their ad hoc “dialogue office” to speak about the power plant, but also the
many sponsorings of culturals festivals like “steirischer herbst” or “laStrada” are cheap tricks of self-appointed PR-assholes like Urs Harnik in order to fake the population in a state of democratic participation. The faked readiness to engage in dialogue is supposed to serve as means of breaking the resistance down into arranged channels and to manage it within the common political modus operandi.

The latest low point of these activists who believe in this kind of dialogue was reached just recently with another call to the authorities to stop the power plant; a letter to the pope in Rome, he should work it out. After all the institutions of the state rejected their help, now it’s time for them to beg the churchy ones for help. Even if it is indeed important work against the power plant that’s done by these legalistic groups concerning gathering of information, we clearly see that this part of resistance has come to its end. The illusion of a pluralistic fight in order to stop the construction by all means necessary has failed.

A new stage of the struggle

The first intense phase of struggle started with the start of construction on February 6th 2017 and for the investors and politics this meant building freeze and actions in order to show the ecological and capitalist false conclusions. There also were attempts to work with the national socialist past of the city, because the labour camp Liebenau was at the construction site, through which there was a “death march” during the nazi period.

Now in autumn the second phase of forest clearance is starting and with it also the next phase of struggle. The third protest camp on the
westbank next to the slaughterhouse will be a central place of resistance. Starting with October first, individuals and groups who are orientated towards action will meet there for planning actions and helding workshops. The first of October is at the same time the earliest
possible date for forest clearance.

The days of construction and workshops are meant to build the infrastructure of resistance and to discuss new forms of action in order to make them happen in the area. On the one hand it is a try to get international support to Graz in order to prevent the construction, on the other hand it is about something greater. In the collective fight we can develop new methods of resistance and intensify our relationships.

If there is people who won’t make it to Graz, we kindly want to remind you that there are involved companies and institutions to be found
everywhere: for example the construction company “PORR” (purchaser and contractor at the same time!) and the also involved “Verbund”. The ones fighting in Graz against the plant would certainly be glad, if solidarity in forms of actions would be shown…

International Solidarity Fund for imprisoned comrade in Hamburg

The Vrije Bond from Amsterdam, has started an own initative of solidarity, to support the comrade, sentenced to 2 years an 7 months in Hamburg for having participated in the protest against the G20 summit in July.

Money is desperately needed and could be transferred to the following bank account:

IBAN: NL80INGB0005495473
Key Word : G20

Please spread this information!

in German

[Portugal] Multiform combat against global tyranny, irreducibility to the advance of state terrorism

[International solidarity week with anarchist prisoners – August 23 to 30, 2017]

Multiform combat against global tyranny, irreducibility to the advance of state terrorism

In Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, Greece, Turkey, Syria, USA, Venezuela, Germany, Poland, Russia, India or China – as in Portugal or any other part of the world – the order is to attack by all means those who resist, relentlessly pursuing all combatants, imprisoning them, torturing them, killing them if they deem it necessary. The dogs of Power receive the salary to that, the laws are adapted to legitimize the crimes of state terrorism, all crimes of capitalism. Capitalism, in all nuances, feeds on these situations while the peoples remain inert, terrified or dormant, ignoring to what extent their inaction reinforces the implementation of fascism that is tried to install everywhere.

We are against all frontiers, against all forms of power, of subordination, against all forms of capitalism. We could appeal in particular to the solidarity with comrade Santiago Maldonado, disappeared by the police in Argentina (when he was in solidarity with the dignified struggle of the Mapuche people) – or with all the other anarchists who struggle daily around the world for the destruction of this system, for freedom, risking their lives, inside and outside prisons – however, we consider that the only way to defend your freedom and life is to take care of our freedom and our own life, each of us. This is the memory that must prevail.

Multiform combat against global tyranny, irreducibility to the advance of state terrorism.
The passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!

Some anarchists
August 24, 2017

in pdf here

in Portuguese, Spanish, German

German Government Shuts Down Indymedia: What It Means

The German government has shut down the German Indymedia site, the most widely used German-language platform for radical politics and organizing. They have also conducted raids in Freiburg to seize computers and harass those they accuse of maintaining the site, absurdly justifying this on the grounds that the alleged administrators constitute an illegal organization for the sake of destroying the German Constitution. This represents a massive escalation in state repression against what the authorities call “left-wing extremism,” disingenuously suggesting an equivalence between those who seek to build communities beyond the reach of state violence and Neo-Nazis organizing to carry out attacks and murders like the ones in Charlottesville last week.

Indymedia was founded in Germany in 2001 as; a second version appeared in 2008 as The latter was founded to focus on radical politics in southern Germany, but it soon became the most widely used webpage for German-speaking activists. As the original German Indymedia page became technically outdated and swamped by trolling, more and more people switched to In 2013, was almost shut down because there weren’t enough people involved.

In the last couple of years, more and more attention has accumulated around linksunten, which offers a space for people to post anonymously. For example, in 2011, a communiqué appeared on the platform claiming responsibility for politically motivated sabotage on the subway infrastructure in Berlin. The site was also used to release information about fascists and Neo-Nazis. In 2016, an article on linksunten presented the complete data of every participant at the convention of the far-right nationalist party Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, or AfD), a total of 3000 names. This further attracted hostile attention from far-right advocates of state repression.

Before the 2017 G20 summit took place in Hamburg, the corporate media was already focusing on linksunten, declaring it to be the coordination page of militant anti-G20 protestors. The AfD started a campaign against the platform, pushing inquiries about Indymedia in Federal parliament and trying to force local governments to ban the platform and other forms of radical infrastructure.

All this built up to the current situation in which the Minister of Internal Affairs Thomas de Maizière banned the site on August 25, immediately before the election. The state raided three places, including a social center, in Freiburg, making the whole city into a police state for this day. During the raids, they allegedly found some slingshots and sticks, which they are now using as further justification for their propaganda about terrorism.

In fact, Thomas de Maizière is carrying out the agenda of the German far right and fascists, as well as the repressive goals of AfD.

Of course, those who maintain the website have not themselves written anything that could offer legal grounds for this attack. Even corporate media platforms offer space for people to speak anonymously—for example, when members of the State Department speak to the press on the condition of anonymity. The excuse that the state is using to justify this attack is to declare that those who maintain linksunten comprise an official organization aimed at destroying the German Constitution. This is a legal trick. If it succeeds, it could easily be used against other platforms, magazines, and projects, so that everyone spreading radical literature and ideas and documenting activism and social movements will become targets for this kind of repression and state violence. That is the message they want to send, in order to bully the entire population into accepting that the current political order in Germany will persist until the end of time.

This heavy-handed approach shows how afraid the authorities are that radical ideas are spreading and becoming contagious following the successful demonstrations against the G20 summit in July. Thomas de Maizière made it clear enough in his press conference that this assault on Indymedia is a form of revenge for the embarrassment the state suffered during the summit. This also shows how dishonest far-right and statist rhetoric is about free speech—in fact, these hypocrites only use that discourse to position themselves to suppress others’ speech. The solution to fascist organizing is not to empower the state to control speech, but to mobilize the general population both against fascists and against the state infrastructure that the far right intends to take over.

In Germany and all around the world, we need radical theory and practice; we need spaces where people can communicate anonymously, so as not to be intimidated by the twin threats of state repression and grassroots fascist violence. In order to understand social movements and struggles, so our sense of history is not swept away in a torrent of ephemera, we need databases that preserve accounts and communiqués. As an author once put it, the struggle of humanity against authoritarian power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. To fight back against this authoritarian crackdown, it is now more important than ever to spread revolutionary material and ideas everywhere and to brainstorm alternative ways to communicate with each other and the general public in times of intensifying state censorship and control. The more that each of us takes on a personal role in this task, the more decentralized and resilient our networks will be.(…)



[Greece] Solidarity for injured comrades of Themistokleous 58 squat

Themistokleous 58 is an anarchist squat and housing project for people with and without papers in Exarchia, Athens (Greece).

On August 16th 2017, Themistokleous 58 was attacked in a fascist manner by mafia and recognized members of other squats, as well as people who sold tobacco and other substances near Themistokleous 58. These thugs attacked with metal bars, wooden sticks and knives, aiming for the heads of Themistokleous 58 squatters with intent to kill.

As a result, four comrades of Themistokleous 58 (three anarchists and one refugee) are left in serious condition. Three comrades are now out of the hospital with injuries including broken hands and legs, brain hemorrhaging, and stab wounds to various parts of the body including the head.

One comrade remains hospitalized with serious head injuries.

Future medical treatment is necessary for all.

Themistokleous 58 squat is always in need of financial support, but now more than ever during this troubling time. Some injured comrades will have lingering medical conditions that Themistokleous 58 does not have the means to cope with alone.

Let’s show solidarity for the comrades of Themistokleous 58, who have always shown solidarity for us!


For secure bitcoin donation, please use TH58’s bitcoin wallet address: 1aXVM16soZt4ZisC8ZttuqvzztVKFBCMz

You can also donate here.

Vienna: Banner drop against prisons at Votiv Church

Received on August 21

Last night there was a banner drop happening in the context of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, therefore two banners saying “BURN ALL PRISONS” and “FREEDOM FOR ALL PRISONERS” were hung at the Votiv Church.

Prisons have to leave, have to leave society, have to leave our lives and our heads! They swallow everbody who is fighting for freedom, they are instruments of the ruling class to get rid of everything that’s rebellious and disobeys. Therefore the fight against prisons is also a fight against authority in general.
The week of international solidarity didn’t start yet, but solidarity is nothing thats tied to a calender!

Freedom for the prisoners of the resistance against G20!
Freedom for the Aachen convicted of bank robbery!
Freedom for all prisoners!

Greetings of solidarity from Vienna

in German

Panaji, India: 25 posters in solidarity to comrade Santiago Maldonado

Received on August 17

25 posters were placed in Panagi, capital of Goa, in solidarity to Santiago Maldonado (in the area where Benneton shops are located).

The text that can be read on the posters, based on information transmitted by Contra Info, is available in pdf here.

In Spanish l Portuguese l Germain

Exarchia: Themistokleous 58 Squat attacked (4 seriously injured in the hospital)

August 16, 2017

The squat Themistokleous 58, also known as TH58, in Exarchia, was attacked by people wearing helmets. This was a mafia style attack which resulted in 4 injured comrades in serious condition and who are hospitalized.

Information about the attack and its causes will be announced by the TH58 Assembly.


The latest information on the near-murder incident is as follows:

1. The 4 seriously injured (in the hospital) are an immigrant and three in solidarity

2. Attackers, literally fascistically, with metal & wooden beads, as well with knives, rushed straight to the heads of those housed in TH58; Among these fascists were recognized members of squats and migrants, as well as a cigarettes dealer who sells tobacco and other substances near the TH58.

A political text is expected from the Themistokleous 58 squat (Θ58).

in Greek l Italien l Germain l Portuguese

Brazil: Call and invitation for 8th Anarchist Book Fair of Porto Alegre, october 28th and 29th

Received on August 13, 2017
We invite all who share, live or want to know more anarchist ideas and practices to build the  8ª Feira do Livro Anarquista de Porto Alegre, to be held on October 28th and 29th. 2017

Do you love freedom and want to be free of the bonds of this system?
Participates! Bring your banking, publications and ideas, organize a debate or talk, a video projection, a workshop or other activity!

Anarchist Book Fairs occur around the world and are traditional meeting places, fraternization, reflection, debate and organization. They bring together people of diverse tendencies who seek anarchy and new ways of living and relating, free of oppression and hierarchies. The Anarchist Book Fair of Porto Alegre, along with that of São Paulo, are the oldest in the territories occupied by the Brazilian State and have taken place since 2010. This is a movement that has expanded throughout the continent, from Santiago To Salvador, Bahia, from Montevideo to Curitiba, from Medellin to Belo Horizonte.

This society that values the relentless pursuit of money and power is killing us. By literally and directly killing the marginalized population, with the genocides of black people and indigenous people by the police and the militias. Killing our hearts and dreams with isolation and depression caused by a way of life that brings us no realization as human beings.

It is not only killing us, but everything that is alive and the planet itself. We must stop the engines of domination and destruction of the Earth, coordinated by governments and power-hungry corporations. They want us to believe that that is the only and best way of life possible, ending any dream or perspective of a better life.

The Anarchist Book Fair is a breach opened at the heart of the system, shouting anarchy, giving encouragement to the values of mutual support, autonomy and solidarity. It is a space to expand these ideas and ideals, through meetings or publications, to find new strategies and tactics of confrontation, building real possibilities of transformation of the world in which we live. Anarchy exists only in practice. This practice unites us to the comrades that the State has kidnapped and kept in their captivity and also unites us to those who fell for daring to challenge the power.

To believe in anarchy is to believe in our ability to transform reality.

Participate in the Anarchist Book Fair of Porto Alegre!
Bring your ideas, books, seeds to exchange, arts, materials you do.
Subscribe your banking or activity on our site or by e-mail

If you can not attend the 8th FLAPOA but would like to send some
material (books, arts, posters) contact and send the material to:

Juçara da Mata
Caixa Postal 22237
CEP 90050-972
Porto Alegre – RS. Brazil

Solidarity accommodation

If you are not from Porto Alegre, instead of giving money to the hotel
industry, you can stay in our hosting solidarity net. Fill out the form
on our site or send us an e-mail introducing yourself and saying what
your needs are.

If you are from Porto Alegre, practice mutual support and offer
accommodation for outsiders who come to the 8th FLAPOA. Fill out the
form on our site or send us an e-mail telling you what you can offer and
how many people you can host.

in Spanish

Podbor, Czech Republik: More Noise For Life Festival #12

in German

Warsaw, Poland: Solidarity with G20 pisoners in Hamburg

Pictures from solidemo with activists imprisoned in Hamburg.The demonstration was on Monday 07.08.2017 in Warsaw in the front of German embassy.

in German

Chile: Banner by the apparition with life of the anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado

Apparition with life of Santiago Maldonado –
Made disappear by the police, in Argentina on August 1st.

09.08.2017. The anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado has disappeared after the raid of the Argentine police to the Mapuche community in resistance, where he was in solidarity on 1 of August. From the other side of the mountain range, we send a minimal gesture of support to those who strive for the apparition of Santiago, our consciences are there with all of you.

From somewhere in the Chilean territory
Libertad Anti-authoritarian Library
Winter, 2017

in spanish l portuguese l german

Call for international solidarity week with anarchist prisoners

This year, the International solidarity week for anarchist prisoners will be spent for the fifth time in 23rd to 30th August and we come stronger than ever!

Some political prisoners are already supported, but far from all of them. Also, the supported are usually involved in authoritarian politics and not grassroots activities. Anarchist prisoners are not often well-known people, even though they might be long term activists. Their ways to fight back oppressors and wrongdoings are not necessary following the current laws of their location, which is judged by some authoritarian organizations. The vast amount and diversity of cases of anarchist prisoners is surprising to many.

We wanted to choose a week, so that it would be easy as possible to organize different kinds of expressions of solidarity, which would be supported by one another. The beginning of the week was chosen to be the execution date of Sacco and Vanzetti, two Italian-American anarchists, in 1927. They were convicted with very little amount of evidence, and
many still consider that they were punished from their anarchist views.

Welcome to join! Solidarity can express itself in many forms.

Please report us your done actions to the address You can also announce your event in advance
in the same address, we list them on our page From the pages you can also find examples and tips of actions and support mail to anarchists, links to prisoner lists and more.

in German

Hamburg: Solidarity with G20-Prisoners

received on 05.08.17

On the website “Linksunten”, one can find a anonymous note that a car of a private security company  called “Personen-Objekt-Werkschutz GmbH” has been set on fire in the night of the 3rd of August.

Whoever posted this, whoever committed this act, didn`t have too much to say about this action, and this is good.

The burning of a car of these filthy private cops stands for itself. It is good news for all those who seek to attack this shitty system of exploitation and domination and, as it said in the post on the website, a warm and angry sign of solidarity to those held captive in the prisons of Hamburg, accused of having taken part in the revolt against the G20 summit in the beginning of July.

A few days before, anarchists painted signs of solidarity on roofs and walls around the city.

Tschaikowskyplatz “Freeedom for all G20 prisoners”

HAFENSTRAẞE”Freedom for all G20 prioners”

Let the fire of revolutionary solidarity spread, freedom for all!

More Info on the G20-prisoners

[Zurich 2016] Radio Silence: A collection of texts about sabotage, repression and smoke signals from clandestinity

In mid-July 2016, a cell tower was set on fire in Zurich, sabotaging the city for several days (causing 100 000 francs of damages). This cell-tower was used as an emergency radio antenna for the city police of Zurich, an essential infrastructure, guaranteeing both its internal communication and contributing to maintain its control and authority externally.

The day after this sabotage, the police carried out different house searches in different swiss cities. According to the warrants, an “a person specifically suspected” was being searched, because “some objects which personally belonged to him had been found”. However the cops left the houses with empty hands. Since then, the internationally searched individual, an anarchist comrade, is not to be found.

With the present pamphlet, Radio Silence, we have wanted to assemble in chronological order different articles already published about the above-mentioned situation, which are for the most part taken from the anarchist newspaper Dissonanz from Zurich. During these intense times and with the over-saturation of information that has been given to us, it is not rare that radical events are re-absorbed by the rhythm of the times. Radio Silence intends to make us stop for a moment, to avoid the omnipresent flux of different facts, and to look back, understand, reflect.

Click here to download the cover, and here for the English pdf of the pamphlet Funktstille.

G20 in Hamburg: These were days of revolt

During the days of the summit of the G20, thousands of people flooded the streets of Hamburg with their anger about the cops` violence and the world that they protect. Already during the week before, there was no uncertainty around the cops’ will to confront every sign of protest or resistance with zero tolerance. During the demo on Thursday evening, they made their position clear once again, attacking the front of the demo from the first minute it started. The cops obviously and viciously embraced the possibility of potentially even lethal injuries, when they pushed and kettled the front block of the demo into a very narrow, canyon-like part of the Hafenstraße, bordered on the sides by brick
walls. They caused panic, hitting, kicking, pepper-spraying, firing tear gas and shooting water canons from the front and the sides. Many people sought to flee over the walls on the sides, a lot of people got hurt – but you could also see impressive moments of solidarity, people helping each other up the wall, whilst others attacked the cops from above and brave and calm front rows defended the demo from the cops attacks, taking a serious beating.

The baton in the face, the knee in your neck, the pepper in the eye are there to remind you who is in charge in this world. During these days, the representatives and leaders of the 20 richest countries of this world met to discuss the mainteneance of this order of misery. Tens of thousands of cops were supposed to protect this spectacle from those who seek to show their open rage, hatred and resistance to those arrogant authorities.

On the night of Friday a lot of people chose to get back a part of the dignity that is being stolen from us on a daily basis, attacking the cops in a lot of different places in the city. Barricades were built and with hammers, stones and fire people put numerous cracks in the facades of a society in which only those who function, consume and obey find their place. The barricades of the night were not yet fully extinguished, as the first cars went up in flames early on Friday morning. At different places across the city, groups were teaming up to make clear that these days are about much more than just an attack on a meeting of state leaders. Amongst other targets, real estate agencies, wealthy cars, the juvenile court, banks and the shiny fassades of the shopping-halls were attacked and also the first cops had to flee under pelting stones and bottles. In a lot of different areas of the city, groups blocked with sit-ins and demonstrations, without people choosing different means got in each others way.

On Friday, the anger erupted with disruptive force that unfortunately is very rare in this context.

To conquer the deadly tranquility of civil life, to break the normality and disrupt the functioning city of the rich and consumerism and to show clearly, that the police state can’t keep us from living is a really strengthening experience.

On Friday, a part of the space, that the authorities have taken with brute force, in order to perform this spectacle of power, has been taken back for a few hours. With burning barricades and steady attacks on the police, people created a space, in which they could finally decide, what they want to do for a few hours, without the states force having any control of influence. A few shops and supermarkets got looted, individuals taking what they need or want, others deciding to destroy symbols of this deadly world of consumption that mortifies every sense of a wild and free life were burned on the streets. The diversity of individuals sharing the streets this day, attacking the police, looting and building barricades was impressive – involving a large number of individuals that probably aren’t part of some kind of protest milieu.

When some self-proclaimed spokesperson for whoever says, that the riot was out of joint, unresponsible and unpolitical, one has to agree. Despite the deep disgust about his fawning opportunism, one has to say, he is right: To wrest a space that is not controlled by the cops is an inevitably violent act and a clear disruption of what is being imposed on us day after day. It indeed hassn’t got anything to do with any political agenda or program of whatever movement or organization – but with the individual, total reappropriation of our lives.

If these moments of disruption create a certain discomfort and even fear of a situation, in which the order that we got used to is indeed out of joint, this is no wonder – these feelings are an enevitable and inherent part of breaking with this reality. In addition to the recognition of this, we have to ask ourselves, whose fear of what or whom we are talking about.

If it is about such a sated and rich society like the one present in this city of consumerism and trade, scared about its property and that finds the looting of goods and the rampaging of shopping districts the most dreadful moments of these days, this society needs to be destroyed. Their fear is a clear sign, that we are hitting at the right spot.

Our domestification in this world of authority is very extensive. The cop in our head is very persistent.

Only a few can imagine, what the absence of authorities actutally means – thats why we have to create moments, in which we can experience their absence. That individuals make decisions, that in the aftermath might seem not right or irresponsible, is no surprise, not in these situations and not in any other situation in life. We will have to talk about these things, no doubt, if we want to come closer to an idea of freedom. But it has to be clear, that there is no objectivity – especially not in revolt. Individual responsibility and initiative of those who want to maintain it are inherent parts of the revolt.

It`s really easy to fall for the imposed discourse of authorities and preservers of this order. Those, that were viciously risking peoples lifes these days were the cops – no doubt about that. Falling for this propaganda and rabble-rousing and letting it control the strengthening and liberating momentum of these days would be a big mistake.

During this weekend, resistance has left the field of politically orchestrated protest – and again it`s getting clear, that in revolt it is about chosing sides. Either you are with those who seek to see this society, this order, this system in ruins – with the idea of a life in freedom and dignity, embracing all the mistakes and triumphs, that are imherent to the revolt.

Or you are with those who recognize, that they feel more comfortable with a tame and calculable protest milieu, that takes place in the safe frame of the totalitarian system – scared of taking steps that might actually lead towards the cold and vast fields of freedom.

anarchists for social revolt
Hamburg, Summer 2017

in German l Portuguese

Potzehne, Germany: War Starts Here Camp 2017

From the 31th of july to the 6th of August the War-Starts-Here camp will set up in Potzehne (close to Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt,Germany). For several years now the War-Starts-Here camp has brought together lots of different people close to the modern and important military training site in Germany, the “Gefechtsübungszentrum Heer”, abbreviated as GÜZ. Antimilitarist discussions as well as practical resistance left a persistent mark on both the participants of the camp and the surrounding region. We gather to gain and share knowledge about wars and their preparation, to figure out the situation we are living in and to analyse its internal relationships. Perspectives in emancipatory movements are highly diverse – and so are the views on military and war. This in mind, we want to further develop common ideas of resistance, strengthen the local antiwar-initiatives grown over long years and also discuss our differences respectfully. It seems highly important to us, that we make a step towards the locals and talk with them about their experiences…and maybe more…

For this year’s camp we build on last year’s main issues. The motto “Krieg.Macht.Flucht.” is still up-to-date, saying “war causes flight” while making use of the ambiguous German word “Macht” (translating both as “makes”/”causes” and “power”). This time our focus will be the development of common anti-militarist and anti-racist perspectives of resistance. Let’s overpower our powerlessness – the camp in Potzehne wants to provide a space for that. We want to have discussions at a horizontal level with everyone sharing our radical refusal of the global destructive circumstances.

Training, exercise, preparation and export – war starts here! We want to make this deadly site publicly visible, since it is of crucial importance to war preparation. Through various antimilitarist actions we want to disturb the “normal” operation on the GÜZ, let’s mark, block, and sabotage this full-speed-running machinery of war!

The camp is self-organized and thus, in its existence, shape and impact depending on active participation. Do not miss anything you haven’t helped to organize! Together we create a social counter project: From a society deeply infiltrated by authoritarian structures, let’s set sails towards Utopia.

Our acceptance has limits: nationalist, antisemit, islamophobic, racist and sexist attacks happen much too often. Exclusions based on characteristics as clothing, age or use of language happen much too often. We are trying to be aware of, question and change our own socialized way of thinking and our behavior and we expect everybody to do the same.

More information concerning the arrival, the program and the complete call out you can find on:

G20 Hamburg: Freedom for Fabio and Maria!

During a demonstration on Friday 7 July, with the aim of blocking a road on the occasion of the G20 summit, two young people (Fabio 18 and Maria 23) from the Italian city of Feltre (Veneto region) were taken into custody. They tried to help a young woman who have been injured by the police. Both were taken to the detention center in Hamburg-Harburg. The police detention was changed to imprisonment, so they are currently in prison. They are accused of a criminal offense in the area of “public order disruption.”

(More information as soon as possible)

See (in Italian): Global Project

in German

[July 20-27] International week of solidarity with the J20 defendants in the US

The week is being held to raise awareness of a case in which ~215 comrades in the United States were arrested during demonstrations against the inauguration of Donald Trump. They are facing very serious charges and several decades in prison.

The call is online here.

in German

Exarchia: Banners in solidarity with CSO Kike Mur, G20 rioters, and Lisa

On the morning of Tuesday, July 11th 2017, Themistokleous 58 squatters, together with comrades in affinity, hung internationalist solidarity banners in Exarchia about three different cases.

We have the keys to all doors… Solidarity with KIKE MUR squat in Zaragoza, Spain

From a balcony of the 58 we hung a banner in support of the Squatted Social Centre Kike Mur in Zaragoza (Spain), threatened with eviction by local authorities. The building (former prison) has been squatted for 7 years, giving space to a variety of activities and expressions of anarchist solidarity, as in the case of a banner in the context of the 2013 Black February international campaign.

Solidarity with No-G20 rioters

Over the railing of the old Chemistry School we dropped a banner in support for those who lately clashed with the forces of repression on the streets of Hamburg against the summit of leaders of the 20 most powerful states on the planet. Now is the time to spread the word that the G20 hostages need our support.

Attack/rob the banks! Freedom for Lisa, anarchist captive in Germoney

One more banner was placed on Gini building of the Polytechnic School in solidarity with Lisa, an anarchist recently sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for a bank robbery in Aachen (Germoney) in 2014. No prisoner in the hands of Power: Let’s storm the State/Capital and domination!

Themistokleous 58 squat
and comrades in affinity

in Greek

[After G20 in Hamburg] Solidarity call

In a time of open hunt against anti-G20 protesters by the cops, the media and “the public” (including demands for a lynch law circulating on the internet), it is essential to remember those who were injured during protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg and the dozens who are still under investigation and caged by the German State.

No consideration however for a large part of society that, together with public authorities and their media, not only accepts the police state we witnessed in Hamburg, but also wants to see it reinforced.

It is now time for groups and individuals to organize solidarity events, raise donations, and express all kinds of support with those imprisoned, e.g. letter writing as soon as contact addresses are known.

Let’s act in solidarity with all those affected by repression during the G20, and update about their situation through counter-information networks. Let’s make sure that they don’t remain alone.

The more actions, the more pressure on the authorities, the media and their world. For anarchy!

in German

[German prisons] Send Lisa a letter!

[2013 Aachen bank robbery case]
In December 2016, an anarchist from Amsterdam was acquitted of a bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2013.

[2014 Aachen bank robbery case]
Since early 2017, two comrades from Barcelona stood trial for a Pax-Bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2014:
On June 7th 2017, anarchist compañera Lisa was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison, while the other comrade (who recently wrote a thank-you note) was acquitted by the Aachen court.

After being sentenced and sent to Cologne’s prison, the compañera decided to publish her contact address:
Buchnummer: 2893/16/7
Justizvollzuganstanlt (JVA) Köln
Rochusstrasse 350
50827 Köln – Germany

Lisa speaks Spanish, German, English and Italian, and she will be glad to receive your letters.

That other forms of solidarity continue to be expressed with her and all other prisoners. That prisoners always remain a part of social struggles and be embedded in all actions of the social war. For anarchy.

More info:

Greece: Tasos Theofilou acquitted by Athens court

“Freedom for anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou”; solidarity demonstration in Thessaloniki, June 29th 2017

July 7th 2017:

After five years in prison, Tasos Theofilou was found not guilty on all counts by an appeals court in Athens. The decision was taken by a 3-2 majority.