
It once was common practice for radical journals to solicit feedback from their readers. It anchored theoretical developments and pointed to new areas of inquiry. Over the next year, Viewpoint is planning to expand into printed volumes, release a massive issue on imperialism, co-sponsor a conference in New York, initiate a series of inquiries and collectively authored conjunctural analyses, all while continuing to publish thematic dossiers and rigorous stand-alone essays. As we develop this work, we hope our readers can help us revive the practice here, building a stronger relay between readers, writers, and editors.

It once was common practice for radical journals to solicit feedback from their readers. It anchored theoretical developments and pointed to new areas of inquiry. As Viewpoint expands its work, we hope our readers can help us revive the practice here.

"Global commodity flows preserve the dialectic of both state brutality and the cultural movement that rose to contest it." Viewpoint editor Gavin Mueller in the newly launched Popula.

Donald Glover’s “This Is America” has proved endlessly adaptable outside the US.
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