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New Lines of Alliance, New Spaces of Liberty

book blurbs: 

“After the highpoint of the subversive decade 1968-1977, Italian autonomist Marxism and French theory of desire meet at the intersection of two different methodologies of subjectivation. Social recomposition of the working class and molecular proliferation of desire merge, and together open a new space for theory and for social action. While the ideologies of the twentieth century are falling, Toni Negri and Félix Guattari trace the lines of a new vision of autonomy.” – Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi

The Ass's Tale

book blurbs: 

“Hot dog! Dirty dog! If you ever wanted to know about invisible sex, check this out!” — Steve Cannon, author of "Groove, Bang, and Jive Around" and Director of Gathering of Tribes Gallery

“There is a hidden blessing in knowing John Farris… deeply hidden.” — David Hammons, Installation Artist

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