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Science 'Discovers' We All Have Common Ancestors

Issue Date: September/October 2006

By Thomas Heinze

All the 6.5 billion people alive today have the same common ancestors! This is the conclusion of a supercomputer and statistical study reported in Nature magazine, the most prestigious of the scientific journals. Author of the article, Steve Olson writes, "…about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago - everybody living today has exactly the same set of ancestors."

Olson worked with a statistician and a computer expert to test their logic with a supercomputer. "Allowing very little migration, [the computer] simulation produced a date of about 5,000 B.C. for mankind's most recent common ancestor." If people moved from place to place a bit more often, the time would have been even shorter.

For the Bible believer, this is no surprise. Two events fit into that time frame: Adam and Eve started the first family and a little later Noah started it all over again when he stepped off the Ark.

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the world population built up gradually, hitting 100 million around 500 B.C., one billion around 1850 A.D., and six billion in 1999. Even those who don't believe the Bible, agree that the great majority of all human beings have lived within the time when history was being written down. During this time, people have lived in every imaginable environment from big cities to primitive isolated islands.

If humans have evolved as evolutionists claim, most of it should have happened within the time covered by history, because that is when most people have lived. In fact, if you are as old as I am, a large percentage of everyone who ever lived did it within your lifetime! Who could ask for a greater opportunity to study human evolution?

Do you remember any significant steps in human evolution that happened during your lifetime? Neither does history record any. Zip, zilch, nada! No super complex people evolved! No ape-like ancestors became people during this time! People did not evolve new and better organs.

Evolutionists have faith that huge numbers of upward evolutionary changes lifted humans up from apelike ancestors. But when? Since it did not happen during historical times, evolutionists believe that it happened earlier. That means that those who want to believe they evolved from apes or a common ancestor must take it by faith that it happened when few were around to evolve, and nobody wrote history. But no upward human evolution has ever been documented.

Darwin lamented the same lack of evidence in the fossil record for basically all kinds of evolution. He believed that each type of plant and animal was constantly, by very small steps, evolving into something else, and that the fossils should show constant evolutionary changes linking one kind of animal to another.

He lamented: "Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links?"

Textbooks often teach our students that the fossils do show the evolutionary steps from one type of animal to another, but that's just the author's wishful thinking. Darwin, Gould, and many other famous modern evolutionists tell it like it is. They boldly point out the fact that the fossils don't contain the evolutionary steps. Instead, the fossils document what they call "periods of stasis," when no evolution was occurring. But nowhere do either history or the fossil record show the periods of evolutionary change. Evolutionists are filling in the gaps by faith.

The more the evidence piles up, the more the theory of evolution flunks the test of both historical records and fossil evidence. It flunks because, when God created our first ancestors, He created Adam and Eve as people.

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