We Stop Badware™ Web Hosts

We Stop Badware™ Web Hosts

Your hosting provider matters.

The We Stop Badware™ Web Host program is a defunct StopBadware program (as of July 31, 2015). It was created as a way to measure hosting companies' interest in, and adoption of, StopBadware’s Best Practices for Web Hosting Providers. The best practices are a set of guidelines that help hosting providers respond quickly, clearly, and effectively to reports of bad content on their networks. This, of course, is important for site owners and users as well as for hosting companies and other network providers. 

From August 2011 to July 2015, more than 100 web hosting providers indicated that their policies and procedures were in compliance with StopBadware’s best practices. They agreed to maintain current abuse contact information, which was displayed publicly, and to respond promptly to reports of badware on their networks.

StopBadware shut down the program at the end of July 2015, but we still wholeheartedly encourage hosting companies and web infrastructure providers to abide by the spirit and letter of our best practices

Choosing and recognizing responsible web hosting providers is a key part of maintaining a healthy Internet ecosystem. We at StopBadware thank the many We Stop Badware™ Web Hosts who made a public commitment to addressing badware and acting as good Internet citizens.