
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Lance Lude vs. Trevor Lee (8/3/13)
From Event #356: Can't Hardly Wait
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium; Gib...
published: 04 Nov 2013
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Lance Lude vs. Trevor Lee (8/3/13)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Lance Lude vs. Trevor Lee (8/3/13)
From Event #356: Can't Hardly Wait Saturday, August 3, 2013 Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium; Gibsonville, NC -Lance Lude vs. Trevor Lee Like what you see? For more information or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at www.cwf247.com, facebook.com/cwfmidatlantic, or follow us on twitter at twitter.com/cwfmidatlantic! CWF Mid-Atlantic Twitter Handles: CWF Mid-Atlantic - @CWFMidAtlantic Arik Royal - @BigArikRoyal Andrew Everett Cross - @_AndrewEverett Ric Converse - @RicConverse_1st Trevor Lee - @TLee910 Ben Tyler - @TheBenTyler Shane Helms - @ShaneHelmsCom Matthew de Nero - @MattydeNero Brad Stutts - @Stuttsy Donnie Dollars - @DonnieDollars Kamakazi Kid - @Darkkazi Matty de Nero - @MattydeNero Nick Richards - @LostCauseNR Coach Gemini - @KingOfHeat Walter Eaton - @WalterEaton Ray Kandrack - @TheAssassinRayK Aric Andrews - @WhiteAric Evan Banks - @ebanks63 Bobby O'Neil - @Bobby_ONeil Matt Smith - @OneCoolMan Mecha Mercenary - @Mecha314 Cecil Scott - @cecil_miller Chris Lea - @ShoSmoove Chet Sterling - @ChetSterlingCWF Jason Miller - @spillican Mark James - @RealMarkJames Chase Dakota - @ChaseDakotaPro Joe Black - @BlackCloudJB Solomon Spades - @solomonspades1 Jesse Ortega - @Elfuegojortega Cedric Alexander - @CedricAlexander Lee Valiant - @LeeValiant Aaron Biggs - @ImMyOwnDamnFan Ty Dillinger - @Tyshionwilliams Michael McAllister - @MMcAllisterCWF Ernie Osiris - @MrErnestoOsiris Aaron Biggs - @ImMyOwnDamnFan Zane Dawson - @zanedawson Dave Dawson - @DaveDawsonBro LaBron Kozone - @@KozonePro Brad Attitude - @BradAttitude Jake Manning - @manscoutmanning Bobby Wohlfert - @BobbyWohlfert Steve Greene - @HDSteveGreene Mitch Connor - @handsome_mitch Sassy Stephie - @SassyStephie Amber Gertner - @AmberGertner Mia Svensson - @TrueMiaSvensson Corey Edsel - @EdselMask Grant Sawyer - @Statmark Randolph Hedrick - @HeddRoxx Chasity Taylor - @chasitytaylorr Nick D - Nickdradiocity Wayne Culler - @slamfestbob Robby Walsh - @Robby_Walsh Katie Kincaid - @refbabe Charles Richardson - @PimpDadCharles Jor-El Boltington - @Jorel192 Jesse McAllister - @jmcallistercwf Colby Sumner - @ColbySumner All content is created, and owned by, CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, with this being our official Youtube channel. Copyright Mid Atlantic Sports unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. (c) 1992-2013- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 357

"Wild Boy (REMIX)" "Jon Doe" by Trevor Lee
Enjoy the remix. Directed and Edited by: Trevor Lee Assisted Director: Von Won....
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: Trevor Lee Films
"Wild Boy (REMIX)" "Jon Doe" by Trevor Lee
"Wild Boy (REMIX)" "Jon Doe" by Trevor Lee
Enjoy the remix. Directed and Edited by: Trevor Lee Assisted Director: Von Won.- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 223
- author: Trevor Lee Films

FSPW: Trevor Lee vs. Chris Shosmoove Lea | Path to Glory 2013
From the Semifinal round of the FSPW Path to Glory Tournament 7-7-13 in Greensboro NC! For...
published: 22 Jul 2013
FSPW: Trevor Lee vs. Chris Shosmoove Lea | Path to Glory 2013
FSPW: Trevor Lee vs. Chris Shosmoove Lea | Path to Glory 2013
From the Semifinal round of the FSPW Path to Glory Tournament 7-7-13 in Greensboro NC! For more info on Fire Star Pro Wrestling go to http://www.fspwrestling.com Commentary by- Craig Veltri- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 288

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Lance Lude (7/14/12)
The Set's Lance Lude battles the Fun Athletic Guys' Trevor Lee in a qualifying match for t...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: CWFMidAtlantic
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Lance Lude (7/14/12)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Lance Lude (7/14/12)
The Set's Lance Lude battles the Fun Athletic Guys' Trevor Lee in a qualifying match for the 2012 Johnny Weaver Cup tournament! Like what you see? For more i...- published: 15 Jul 2012
- views: 3568
- author: CWFMidAtlantic

Kingz Camp "Dream" ft. Trevor Lee, Sypreme, Dulo, & Dre Murray (Promo)
Kingz Camp Media Group Directed by: Trevor Lee Dream ft. Trevor Lee, Dulo, Sypreme, & Dre ...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: kingzcamptv
Kingz Camp "Dream" ft. Trevor Lee, Sypreme, Dulo, & Dre Murray (Promo)
Kingz Camp "Dream" ft. Trevor Lee, Sypreme, Dulo, & Dre Murray (Promo)
Kingz Camp Media Group Directed by: Trevor Lee Dream ft. Trevor Lee, Dulo, Sypreme, & Dre Murray For Music Videos Call 8328183115 Download Single Today itune...- published: 03 Apr 2012
- views: 1703
- author: kingzcamptv

Trevor Lee @ SXSW Freestyle Competition
Trevor Lee was given 5 random words on a screen that he had to use in a freestyle....
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: kingzcamptv
Trevor Lee @ SXSW Freestyle Competition
Trevor Lee @ SXSW Freestyle Competition
Trevor Lee was given 5 random words on a screen that he had to use in a freestyle.- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 406
- author: kingzcamptv

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Mid-Atlantic TV champion Trevor Lee vs. Matt Smith (10/6/12)
1/2 of the Fun Athletic Guys, Trevor Lee, makes his first defense of his newly-won Mid-Atl...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: CWFMidAtlantic
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Mid-Atlantic TV champion Trevor Lee vs. Matt Smith (10/6/12)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Mid-Atlantic TV champion Trevor Lee vs. Matt Smith (10/6/12)
1/2 of the Fun Athletic Guys, Trevor Lee, makes his first defense of his newly-won Mid-Atlantic Television title against Matt Smith! Like what you see? For m...- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 1145
- author: CWFMidAtlantic

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Caleb Konley for the Ultra J title! (3/16/12)
"The Midnight Son" Caleb Konley defends his PWI Ultra J championship against 1/2 of the Fu...
published: 18 Mar 2012
author: CWFMidAtlantic
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Caleb Konley for the Ultra J title! (3/16/12)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Caleb Konley for the Ultra J title! (3/16/12)
"The Midnight Son" Caleb Konley defends his PWI Ultra J championship against 1/2 of the Fun Athletic Guys, Trevor Lee (with Ben Tyler in his corner), from No...- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 2946
- author: CWFMidAtlantic

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Adam Page for the Mid-Atlantic TV title! (12/1/12)
For the Mid-Atlantic Television Championship: TREVOR LEE (C) VS. ADAM PAGE - The biggest l...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: CWFMidAtlantic
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Adam Page for the Mid-Atlantic TV title! (12/1/12)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Adam Page for the Mid-Atlantic TV title! (12/1/12)
For the Mid-Atlantic Television Championship: TREVOR LEE (C) VS. ADAM PAGE - The biggest loser at Ultimate Survivor 2012 was undeniably Television Champ Trev...- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 3610
- author: CWFMidAtlantic

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Andrew Everett vs Trevor Lee - Best 2 of 3 Falls Tribute Video
CWF Mid-Atlantic's "Ultra J Showcase" event held Feb. 8, 2014 featured Andrew Everett defe...
published: 11 Feb 2014
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Andrew Everett vs Trevor Lee - Best 2 of 3 Falls Tribute Video
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Andrew Everett vs Trevor Lee - Best 2 of 3 Falls Tribute Video
CWF Mid-Atlantic's "Ultra J Showcase" event held Feb. 8, 2014 featured Andrew Everett defending his International Ultra J Title against Trevor Lee in the Best 2 out of 3 Falls. This match went 65-Minutes and has already been mentioned at the "Match Of The Year" for 2014. Enjoy this tribute video... then go and download the entire event that includes this bout at ondemand.cwf247.com Like what you see? For more information or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at www.cwf247.com, facebook.com/cwfmidatlantic, or follow us on twitter at twitter.com/cwfmidatlantic! CWF Mid-Atlantic Twitter Handles: CWF Mid-Atlantic - @CWFMidAtlantic Arik Royal - @BigArikRoyal Andrew Everett Cross - @_AndrewEverett Ric Converse - @RicConverse_1st Trevor Lee - @TLee910 Ben Tyler - @TheBenTyler Shane Helms - @ShaneHelmsCom Matthew de Nero - @MattydeNero Brad Stutts - @Stuttsy Donnie Dollars - @DonnieDollars Kamakazi Kid - @Darkkazi Matty de Nero - @MattydeNero Nick Richards - @LostCauseNR Manny Garcia - @JefeMannyGarcia Lance Lude - @LanceLude Coach Gemini - @KingOfHeat Walter Eaton - @WalterEaton Ray Kandrack - @TheAssassinRayK Aric Andrews - @WhiteAric Evan Banks - @ebanks63 Bobby O'Neil - @Bobby_ONeil Matt Smith - @OneCoolMan Mecha Mercenary - @Mecha314 Cecil Scott - @cecil_miller Chris Lea - @ShoSmoove Chet Sterling - @ChetSterlingCWF Jason Miller - @spillican Mark James - @RealMarkJames Chase Dakota - @ChaseDakotaPro Smith Garrett - @wrestlesmith Solomon Spades - @solomonspades1 Cedric Alexander - @CedricAlexander Lee Valiant - @LeeValiant Aaron Biggs - @AaronBiggsPro Michael McAllister - @MMcAllisterCWF Zane Dawson - @zanedawson LaBron Kozone - @@KozonePro Brad Attitude - @BradAttitude Adam Page - @TheAdamPage Jake Manning - @manscoutmanning Bobby Wohlfert - @BobbyWohlfert Steve Greene - @HDSteveGreene Mitch Connor - @handsome_mitch Sassy Stephie - @SassyStephie Amber Gertner - @AmberGertner Corey Edsel - @EdselMask Grant Sawyer - @Statmark Randolph Hedrick - @HeddRoxx Chasity Taylor - @chasitytaylorr Nick D - Nickdradiocity Wayne Culler - @slamfestbob Robby Walsh - @Robby_Walsh Katie Kincaid - @refbabe Charles Richardson - @PimpDadCharles Jor-El Boltington - @Jorel192 Jesse McAllister - @jmcallistercwf Colby Sumner - @ColbySumner All content is created, and owned by, CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, with this being our official Youtube channel. Copyright Mid Atlantic Sports unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. (c) 1992-2014- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 301

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Lance Lude & Cedric Alexander vs Trevor Lee & Chet Sterling (1/11/14)
It's a preview of what's to come on Saturday February 8 when high flying Ultra J stars tak...
published: 28 Jan 2014
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Lance Lude & Cedric Alexander vs Trevor Lee & Chet Sterling (1/11/14)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Lance Lude & Cedric Alexander vs Trevor Lee & Chet Sterling (1/11/14)
It's a preview of what's to come on Saturday February 8 when high flying Ultra J stars take over the entire event in this unbelievable tag-team bout! Ultra J Champion Andrew Everett who will face Trevor Lee on February 8 in a No Time Limit 2 out of 3 Falls Match sits in on commentary and all of the information on that huge Ultra J showcase event is at http://cwf247.com From CWF Mid-Atlantic Event #371: New Year's Knockout Saturday, January 11, 2014 Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium; Gibsonville, NC -Lance Lude & Cedric Alexander vs. The Aftermath (Trevor Lee & Rising Generation League Champion Chet Sterling) Like what you see? For more information or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at www.cwf247.com, facebook.com/cwfmidatlantic, or follow us on twitter at twitter.com/cwfmidatlantic! CWF Mid-Atlantic Twitter Handles: CWF Mid-Atlantic - @CWFMidAtlantic Arik Royal - @BigArikRoyal Andrew Everett Cross - @_AndrewEverett Ric Converse - @RicConverse_1st Trevor Lee - @TLee910 Ben Tyler - @TheBenTyler Shane Helms - @ShaneHelmsCom Matthew de Nero - @MattydeNero Brad Stutts - @Stuttsy Donnie Dollars - @DonnieDollars Kamakazi Kid - @Darkkazi Matty de Nero - @MattydeNero Nick Richards - @LostCauseNR Coach Gemini - @KingOfHeat Walter Eaton - @WalterEaton Ray Kandrack - @TheAssassinRayK Aric Andrews - @WhiteAric Evan Banks - @ebanks63 Bobby O'Neil - @Bobby_ONeil Matt Smith - @OneCoolMan Mecha Mercenary - @Mecha314 Cecil Scott - @cecil_miller Chris Lea - @ShoSmoove Chet Sterling - @ChetSterlingCWF Jason Miller - @spillican Mark James - @RealMarkJames Chase Dakota - @ChaseDakotaPro Joe Black - @BlackCloudJB Solomon Spades - @solomonspades1 Jesse Ortega - @Elfuegojortega Cedric Alexander - @CedricAlexander Lee Valiant - @LeeValiant Aaron Biggs - @ImMyOwnDamnFan Ty Dillinger - @Tyshionwilliams Michael McAllister - @MMcAllisterCWF Ernie Osiris - @MrErnestoOsiris Aaron Biggs - @ImMyOwnDamnFan Zane Dawson - @zanedawson Dave Dawson - @DaveDawsonBro LaBron Kozone - @@KozonePro Brad Attitude - @BradAttitude Jake Manning - @manscoutmanning Bobby Wohlfert - @BobbyWohlfert Steve Greene - @HDSteveGreene Mitch Connor - @handsome_mitch Sassy Stephie - @SassyStephie Amber Gertner - @AmberGertner Mia Svensson - @TrueMiaSvensson Corey Edsel - @EdselMask Grant Sawyer - @Statmark Randolph Hedrick - @HeddRoxx Chasity Taylor - @chasitytaylorr Nick D - Nickdradiocity Wayne Culler - @slamfestbob Robby Walsh - @Robby_Walsh Katie Kincaid - @refbabe Charles Richardson - @PimpDadCharles Jor-El Boltington - @Jorel192 Jesse McAllister - @jmcallistercwf Colby Sumner - @ColbySumner All content is created, and owned by, CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, with this being our official Youtube channel. Copyright Mid Atlantic Sports unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. (c) 1992-2013- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 411

Where Are You At (Full Song) By Trevor Lee Hardin
Video created with the Socialcam app: https://socialcam.com
This song has a very spiritual...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Where Are You At (Full Song) By Trevor Lee Hardin
Where Are You At (Full Song) By Trevor Lee Hardin
Video created with the Socialcam app: https://socialcam.com This song has a very spiritual meaning! Listen carefully to lyrics! God Loves You and So Do I! Preparing you all for Judgement Day!- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 83

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee, Ben Tyler, Chet vs. Andrew Cross, Arik Royal, Converse
From CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Event #350
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Mid-Atlantic Sportatoriu...
published: 26 Nov 2013
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee, Ben Tyler, Chet vs. Andrew Cross, Arik Royal, Converse
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee, Ben Tyler, Chet vs. Andrew Cross, Arik Royal, Converse
From CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Event #350 Saturday, May 18, 2013 Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium; Gibsonville, NC: SIX MAN TAG-TEAM MAIN EVENT GRUDGE MATCH Television Champion TREVOR LEE Rising Generation League Champion BEN TYLER and CHET STERLING VS. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion ARIK ROYAL Ultra J Champion ANDREW EVERETT CROSS and "The 1st" RIC CONVERSE Simply put, these are six of the greatest athletes we've ever seen over the past 349 cards. The match is sure to be a classic but who will leave with their arms raised as the winners at the end of this historic bout?! Like what you see? For more information or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at www.cwf247.com, facebook.com/cwfmidatlantic, or follow us on twitter at twitter.com/cwfmidatlantic! CWF Mid-Atlantic Twitter Handles: CWF Mid-Atlantic - @CWFMidAtlantic Arik Royal - @BigArikRoyal Andrew Everett Cross - @_AndrewEverett Ric Converse - @RicConverse_1st Trevor Lee - @TLee910 Ben Tyler - @TheBenTyler Shane Helms - @ShaneHelmsCom Matthew de Nero - @MattydeNero Brad Stutts - @Stuttsy Donnie Dollars - @DonnieDollars Kamakazi Kid - @Darkkazi Matty de Nero - @MattydeNero Nick Richards - @LostCauseNR Coach Gemini - @KingOfHeat Walter Eaton - @WalterEaton Ray Kandrack - @TheAssassinRayK Aric Andrews - @WhiteAric Evan Banks - @ebanks63 Bobby O'Neil - @Bobby_ONeil Matt Smith - @OneCoolMan Mecha Mercenary - @Mecha314 Cecil Scott - @cecil_miller Chris Lea - @ShoSmoove Chet Sterling - @ChetSterlingCWF Jason Miller - @spillican Mark James - @RealMarkJames Chase Dakota - @ChaseDakotaPro Joe Black - @BlackCloudJB Solomon Spades - @solomonspades1 Jesse Ortega - @Elfuegojortega Cedric Alexander - @CedricAlexander Lee Valiant - @LeeValiant Aaron Biggs - @ImMyOwnDamnFan Ty Dillinger - @Tyshionwilliams Michael McAllister - @MMcAllisterCWF Ernie Osiris - @MrErnestoOsiris Aaron Biggs - @ImMyOwnDamnFan Zane Dawson - @zanedawson Dave Dawson - @DaveDawsonBro LaBron Kozone - @@KozonePro Brad Attitude - @BradAttitude Jake Manning - @manscoutmanning Bobby Wohlfert - @BobbyWohlfert Steve Greene - @HDSteveGreene Mitch Connor - @handsome_mitch Sassy Stephie - @SassyStephie Amber Gertner - @AmberGertner Corey Edsel - @EdselMask Grant Sawyer - @Statmark Randolph Hedrick - @HeddRoxx Chasity Taylor - @chasitytaylorr Nick D - Nickdradiocity Wayne Culler - @slamfestbob Robby Walsh - @Robby_Walsh Katie Kincaid - @refbabe Charles Richardson - @PimpDadCharles Jor-El Boltington - @Jorel192 Jesse McAllister - @jmcallistercwf Colby Sumner - @ColbySumner All content is created, and owned by, CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, with this being our official Youtube channel. Copyright Mid Atlantic Sports unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. (c) 1992-2013- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 181

Ben Tyler vs Trevor Lee
UWC 11th Anniversary Super Show 7-6-2012 Kinston, NC....
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: uwctvchannel
Ben Tyler vs Trevor Lee
Ben Tyler vs Trevor Lee
UWC 11th Anniversary Super Show 7-6-2012 Kinston, NC.- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 451
- author: uwctvchannel
Youtube results:

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Donnie Dollars for the Television title (5/4/13)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Event #348: "Redemption" Saturday, May 4, 2013 Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium ...
published: 15 May 2013
author: CWFMidAtlantic
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Donnie Dollars for the Television title (5/4/13)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Donnie Dollars for the Television title (5/4/13)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Event #348: "Redemption" Saturday, May 4, 2013 Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium 1001 Springwood Ave., Gibsonville, NC For the Mid-Atlantic Televisi...- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 554
- author: CWFMidAtlantic

Sypreme Productions "Lil Sizzle & Trevor Lee"
Video Prod...
published: 03 Nov 2013
Sypreme Productions "Lil Sizzle & Trevor Lee"
Sypreme Productions "Lil Sizzle & Trevor Lee"
www.soundclick.com/sypremeproduction @Sypreme sypreme21@yahoo.com 832-455-8164 Video Production by Trevorleefilms.com- published: 03 Nov 2013
- views: 43

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Chris Lea & Arik Royal vs. Trevor Lee & Ben Tyler (1/19/13)
Chris "Sho Smoove" Lea will definitely have the support of all the 102 JAMZ faithful as he...
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: CWFMidAtlantic
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Chris Lea & Arik Royal vs. Trevor Lee & Ben Tyler (1/19/13)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Chris Lea & Arik Royal vs. Trevor Lee & Ben Tyler (1/19/13)
Chris "Sho Smoove" Lea will definitely have the support of all the 102 JAMZ faithful as he looks to settle his score with the Aftermath once and for all! Ris...- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 1098
- author: CWFMidAtlantic

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Brad Attitude for the Television title! (12/29/12)
Mid-Atlantic Television Champion Trevor Lee gets a shocking surprise at Battlecade XIII wh...
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: CWFMidAtlantic
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Brad Attitude for the Television title! (12/29/12)
CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Trevor Lee vs. Brad Attitude for the Television title! (12/29/12)
Mid-Atlantic Television Champion Trevor Lee gets a shocking surprise at Battlecade XIII when Brad Attitude makes his return! Like what you see? For more info...- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 705
- author: CWFMidAtlantic