- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 210930
The going-to future is a grammatical construction used in English to refer to various types of future occurrences. It is made using appropriate forms of the expression to be going to. It is an alternative to other ways of referring to the future in English, such as the future construction formed with will (or shall) – in some contexts the different constructions are interchangeable, while in others they carry somewhat different implications.
Constructions analogous to the English going-to future are found in some other languages, including French and Spanish.
The going-to future originated by the extension of the spatial sense of the verb go to a temporal sense (a common change, the same phenomenon can be seen in the preposition before). The original construction involved physical movement with an intention, such as "I am going [outside] to harvest the crop." The location later became unnecessary, and the expression was reinterpreted to represent a near future.
The colloquial form gonna and the other variations of it as mentioned in the following section result from a relaxed pronunciation of going to. They can provide a distinction between the spatial and temporal senses of the expression: "I'm gonna swim" clearly carries the temporal meaning of futurity, as opposed to the spatial meaning of "I'm going [in order] to swim".
Futuro en Inglés: Will vs Going to
Future Tense - WILL & GOING TO
14 Futuro - Going To - Cómo Expresar Futuro en Inglés
English future tense | Going to + verb | Learn English grammar
Mom's Going To Be Mad: Throwback Fails (June 2017) || FailArmy
Tudo Que Você Precisa Saber Sobre o "GOING TO" em Inglês
Fox Host On Trumpcare Déaths: 'We're All Going To Díe' Anyway
WILL x GOING TO: tudo que precisa saber | Dica #56
Ingles Online Aula # 26 - Falando do Futuro (Going to)
Podemos hablar de algo que va a ocurrir en el futuro, o de una decision o plan que hicimos para el futuro, utilizando GOING TO Hacemos algo similar en espanol -decimos VOY A o VAS A -mas un verbo (como ir). En ingles se utiliza TO BE, conjugado para la persona correspondiente, seguido de GOING, y un VERBO en infinitivo, en este caso TO GO. Ejemplos -going to go I'm going to go home. Voy a ir a casa. I'm not going to go home. No voy a ir a casa. Are you going to go home? ¿Vas a ir a casa? Podemos utilizar cualquier otro verbo en esta estructura Insertemos el verbo TO BE en vez de TO GO - ejemplos -- going to be I'm going to be at home. Voy a estar en casa. I'm not going to be at home. No voy a estar en casa. Are you going to be at home? ¿Vas a estar en casa? Y recuerda,...
Learn the English future tense with this grammar lesson with subtitles. I explain how to use "going to" + verb to describe future events. Aprender el tiempo futuro Inglés con esta lección de gramática Inglés. Apprendre le futur anglais avec ce cours de grammaire anglaise. 0:54 The form and grammar rules of going to + verb. 4:23 The affirmative, question and negative forms of going to. 7:29 How to use "going to" as a future tense with examples. 13:29 An explanation of "gonna" and how it is used in informal English. 18:40 Exercises with answers to test your understanding of "going to" If you liked this video lesson and would like more, please subscribe to my channel, click on the "like" icon and leave a comment below :) Other videos: Grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?l...
Aprender inglês sem cair de casa, com professor nativo, só no ITALKI! Vem conhecer: http://promos.italki.com/tia-do-ingles/ Lindos da Tia, hoje vamos falar sobre o futuro, um futuro bem facinho que eu sei que vocês conhecem WILL e GOING TO, mas você sabe quando usar um ou outro? Quer saber qual a diferença entre eles? Então aperta o play Gostou do vídeo? Dá um like! Quer mais vídeos de inglês? Se inscreve no canal, tem vídeo novo toada seman! Fanpage da Tia | https://www.facebook.com/dicasdatiadoingles/ Instagram da Tia | https://www.instagram.com/tiadoingles/
We've got some awesome throwback fails for you to enjoy today! Everything from hilarious bellyflops to ! Leave a comment about your favorite clip below and don't forget to send us your funny fail videos to FailArmy.com! ►►► SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/fasubmit SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/fasubscribe FACEBOOK • http://bit.ly/fafbpage INSTAGRAM • http://bit.ly/fainsta TWITTER • http://bit.ly/fatweet TWITCH • http://bit.ly/2j9rKEX Check out FailArmy U!!! • http://bit.ly/failu Download the FailArmy App!! on iOS • http://bit.ly/faiOS on Android • http://bit.ly/fadroid FailArmy gear • http://bit.ly/failmerch FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 ...
💥 INTENSIVÃO GRATUITO DE INGLÊS ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fDqRPn 📘 GUIA GRÁTIS! Como Praticar Inglês Fácil ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fTVbo8 👥 GRUPO NO FACEBOOK ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fdCnRX ✅ Inscreva-se No Canal Aqui ➡︎ https://goo.gl/1VlelU 🔊 Aulas em PodCast Podebean App ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fWUTii 🍎 Aulas em Podcast Itunes ➡︎ http://apple.co/2fvgXBM 📲 App Inglês Winner IOS ➡︎ http://apple.co/2eY1pma 📲 App Inglês Winner Android http://bit.ly/2fWQZWm 👤 Página Facebook ➡︎ http://goo.gl/Urxl79 📷 Instagram ➡︎ @ingleswinner 👻 Snapchat ➡︎ @ingleswinner
Read More At: http://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-president-donald-trump-health-care-republican-gop-were-all-gonna-die-629883 Support The Show On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seculartalk Here's Our Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/?tag=seculacom-20 Follow Kyle on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kylekulinski Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SecularTalk Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern time zone. Listen to the Live Show or On Demand archive at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kylekulinski Check out our website - and become a member - at: http://www.SecularTalkRadio.com
AS REGRAS: 1. GOING TO (planos fixos) 2. GOING TO (previsão - palpite) 3. WILL (previsão - certeza) 4. WILL (ações voluntárias / decisões rápidas) 5. WILL (ofertas / promessas) Facebook: @smalladvantages Instagram: @smalladvantages Twitter: @smalladvantages Todas as minhas dicas de inglês [em ordem]: https://goo.gl/apCNSP
Inglês para Todos - Evento Gratuito http://bit.ly/28OlrAu E-BOOK DE EXPRESSÕES GRATUITO http://goo.gl/mrFYtk Meu Curso Online: http://goo.gl/2Iz1tE Inscreva-se: https://goo.gl/1VlelU Facebook: http://goo.gl/Urxl79 Instagram: http://goo.gl/9zzPyp Nesta aula de Inglês vamos aprender a falar de coisas que vamos fazer no futuro. Esta aula serve para "nglês básico", "ingles Intermediário", esl, english as a second language, ingles gratis, curso de ingles gratis, ingles português.
Podemos hablar de algo que va a ocurrir en el futuro, o de una decision o plan que hicimos para el futuro, utilizando GOING TO Hacemos algo similar en espanol -decimos VOY A o VAS A -mas un verbo (como ir). En ingles se utiliza TO BE, conjugado para la persona correspondiente, seguido de GOING, y un VERBO en infinitivo, en este caso TO GO. Ejemplos -going to go I'm going to go home. Voy a ir a casa. I'm not going to go home. No voy a ir a casa. Are you going to go home? ¿Vas a ir a casa? Podemos utilizar cualquier otro verbo en esta estructura Insertemos el verbo TO BE en vez de TO GO - ejemplos -- going to be I'm going to be at home. Voy a estar en casa. I'm not going to be at home. No voy a estar en casa. Are you going to be at home? ¿Vas a estar en casa? Y recuerda,...
Learn the English future tense with this grammar lesson with subtitles. I explain how to use "going to" + verb to describe future events. Aprender el tiempo futuro Inglés con esta lección de gramática Inglés. Apprendre le futur anglais avec ce cours de grammaire anglaise. 0:54 The form and grammar rules of going to + verb. 4:23 The affirmative, question and negative forms of going to. 7:29 How to use "going to" as a future tense with examples. 13:29 An explanation of "gonna" and how it is used in informal English. 18:40 Exercises with answers to test your understanding of "going to" If you liked this video lesson and would like more, please subscribe to my channel, click on the "like" icon and leave a comment below :) Other videos: Grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?l...
Aprender inglês sem cair de casa, com professor nativo, só no ITALKI! Vem conhecer: http://promos.italki.com/tia-do-ingles/ Lindos da Tia, hoje vamos falar sobre o futuro, um futuro bem facinho que eu sei que vocês conhecem WILL e GOING TO, mas você sabe quando usar um ou outro? Quer saber qual a diferença entre eles? Então aperta o play Gostou do vídeo? Dá um like! Quer mais vídeos de inglês? Se inscreve no canal, tem vídeo novo toada seman! Fanpage da Tia | https://www.facebook.com/dicasdatiadoingles/ Instagram da Tia | https://www.instagram.com/tiadoingles/
We've got some awesome throwback fails for you to enjoy today! Everything from hilarious bellyflops to ! Leave a comment about your favorite clip below and don't forget to send us your funny fail videos to FailArmy.com! ►►► SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/fasubmit SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/fasubscribe FACEBOOK • http://bit.ly/fafbpage INSTAGRAM • http://bit.ly/fainsta TWITTER • http://bit.ly/fatweet TWITCH • http://bit.ly/2j9rKEX Check out FailArmy U!!! • http://bit.ly/failu Download the FailArmy App!! on iOS • http://bit.ly/faiOS on Android • http://bit.ly/fadroid FailArmy gear • http://bit.ly/failmerch FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 ...
💥 INTENSIVÃO GRATUITO DE INGLÊS ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fDqRPn 📘 GUIA GRÁTIS! Como Praticar Inglês Fácil ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fTVbo8 👥 GRUPO NO FACEBOOK ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fdCnRX ✅ Inscreva-se No Canal Aqui ➡︎ https://goo.gl/1VlelU 🔊 Aulas em PodCast Podebean App ➡︎ http://bit.ly/2fWUTii 🍎 Aulas em Podcast Itunes ➡︎ http://apple.co/2fvgXBM 📲 App Inglês Winner IOS ➡︎ http://apple.co/2eY1pma 📲 App Inglês Winner Android http://bit.ly/2fWQZWm 👤 Página Facebook ➡︎ http://goo.gl/Urxl79 📷 Instagram ➡︎ @ingleswinner 👻 Snapchat ➡︎ @ingleswinner
Read More At: http://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-president-donald-trump-health-care-republican-gop-were-all-gonna-die-629883 Support The Show On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seculartalk Here's Our Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/?tag=seculacom-20 Follow Kyle on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kylekulinski Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SecularTalk Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern time zone. Listen to the Live Show or On Demand archive at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kylekulinski Check out our website - and become a member - at: http://www.SecularTalkRadio.com
AS REGRAS: 1. GOING TO (planos fixos) 2. GOING TO (previsão - palpite) 3. WILL (previsão - certeza) 4. WILL (ações voluntárias / decisões rápidas) 5. WILL (ofertas / promessas) Facebook: @smalladvantages Instagram: @smalladvantages Twitter: @smalladvantages Todas as minhas dicas de inglês [em ordem]: https://goo.gl/apCNSP
Inglês para Todos - Evento Gratuito http://bit.ly/28OlrAu E-BOOK DE EXPRESSÕES GRATUITO http://goo.gl/mrFYtk Meu Curso Online: http://goo.gl/2Iz1tE Inscreva-se: https://goo.gl/1VlelU Facebook: http://goo.gl/Urxl79 Instagram: http://goo.gl/9zzPyp Nesta aula de Inglês vamos aprender a falar de coisas que vamos fazer no futuro. Esta aula serve para "nglês básico", "ingles Intermediário", esl, english as a second language, ingles gratis, curso de ingles gratis, ingles português.
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[King Tee]
I run that old gangsterism on the normal
The name is King Tee, I pack guns like it's formal
With the utmost respect I be chillin
Knockin MC's out cause I'm the best in this building
I be the G-R-E-A-T, plus majestic
Magical, radical, the technique is hectic
I, floss upon the scene in the front and back Caddy
Yeah, here goes Big Daddy, heh
In my trunk I keep a whole fifth of 'gnac
in there with some extra hollow points for my strap
Cause I bust on fools, I shoot down fools that front
The last of the few with the funk
King Tipsy, who flips the, rhymes like I'm crazy
You know these artificial gangsters can't fade Tee
The original G, from the C-P-T
I'm no joke on the funk fool, you can't see me
"To all my people with the funk.." (Yeah)
You can't see me!
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
You can't see me!
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at-at-at?"
[King Tee]
Huh, I'm really into girls with fat cats
Hoochies, and hoes, and some hoodrats
I take 'em to the Snooty Fox for the spin
but if they real proper, we hit the Comfort Inn
I grab a fifth of Tanqueray and some Squirt
A fat bag of chronic then we're coolin like Levert
Turn on the porno flicks just to set the mood
Toss the bitch up and leave her ass in the room
Cause a bitch ain't shit like Snoop told it
All I do is toss and let the next man hold it
I chill at the bar because that's the spot
where a bitch'll get ten dollars just rubbin on the cock
Yeah, Tee bein a trick won't work
You won't spend my money on no (??)
and that's real, comin from a real-ass G
I'ma just toss yo' ass like a salad beatch, you can't see me
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
You can't see me!
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
You can't see me!
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
[King Tee]
Now I'ma take the third verse to the neck
then ask who's next and, ask who wrecks?
I bring Tha Alkaholik spirit to the room
Down two 40's, then hit the boom
Release all your doubts cause, I'm what it's about
The funky drunk man, in front with the stout
And niggaz wanna test the fashion
cause I bring passion, for those who's askin
I don't trip I just, hit the switch for the funk shit
I don't fuck with the punk shit
I slang my rap like crack, and niggaz be cluckin
A quick blast for the buck
then they spark, and yo oh, peace to Mark
for the beat from Carolina to the Compton streets
They'll know, the original G, from the C-P-T
I "Act a Fool" on the funk boy, you can't see me
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
You can't see me!
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
You can't see me!
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"
"To all my people with the funk.." ".. where ya at?"