- published: 06 Oct 2016
- views: 4778
Ren Ci Hospital (Chinese: 仁慈医院), formerly known as Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre, is one of the first few charity healthcare institutions in Singapore to provide affordable healthcare and rehabilitative services in Singapore. Established in 1994, Ren Ci Hospital currently has three facilities Ren Ci Community Hospital (Irrawaddy), Ren Ci Nursing Home (Moulmein) and Ren Ci@Bukit Batok St. 52 (Nursing Home). Ren Ci Long Term Care (Hougang) has been shifted to Communuity Hospital in December 2014 under a specialised unit called Chronic Sick Unit. Besides government subvention, Ren Ci Hospital also relies heavily on public support and donation.
The hospital's CEO Shi Ming Yi performed stunts to help the patients to raise funds in the annual charity programme on Channel U since the first charity programme started in 2003.
Ren Ci made headlines when the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that the charity is being probed for 'possible irregularities in certain financial transactions'. An audit found that the charity had made interest-free loans amounting to a few million dollars to various companies since 1996. There were discrepancies between what the charity recorded it lent and what the companies involved recorded as having borrowed. In 2009, Ming Yi was convicted on four charges for misappropriating Ren Ci funds, making unauthorized loans and giving false information to the Commissioner for Charities. The Charity's Institute of Public Character (IPC) status was not renewed as a result of the outcome of the investigation. It regained its IPC status on 5 August 2008.
楊偲泳 Renci Yeung - 体能訓練班 @ adidas Sports Base 2017 開幕活動
楊偲泳 Renci 教你讀ViuTV
Ren Ci Hospital: Caring for the Community, In the Community
Demo ssh C# + Renci ssh
Renci Yeung 楊偲泳
Ctrip x Renci 【自由是...】
SOTE- Lőrinczy Renci, Santa's Cheer Cup 2016
Ren Ci Hospital 20th Anniversary Celebration
Intervija ar Daci Renci
【認知障礙不可怕 可怕在於不認知】楊偲泳 Renci Yeung 訪問
RENCI People Interview with Ruzena Bajcsy
Harold and Renci - San Isidro Labrador Church, Pulilan Bulacan
S.H.E live on ren ci 1
Mateo Renci: Makijaveli ili Kameron?
Ren Ci Zumba Charity 2017
Xin Yao 2010 (Ren Ci Charity Show)
Ren Ci Hospital Corporate Video
CPH by Renci
Gwiyomi by Rency
www.bw2046.com 今年暑假,adidas Sports Base(運動基地) 在中環摩天輪下強勢回歸,免費為大眾提供一站式全方位運動基地,讓全港年輕人在盛夏釋出潛能,盡灑青春汗水。為隆重其事,一眾熱愛運動的藝人明星傾巢而出,出席adidas Sports Base (運動基地)開幕活動,更親身落場大顯身手上演多場精彩刺激賽事,實行身體力行示範及鼓勵年青朋友挑戰自我,透過運動改變生活,成為獨一無二的「Creators」! adidas請來楊偲泳和劉俊謙參與體能訓練,他們對於這個鬧市「健身室」感到份外新奇有趣,兩位急不及待試玩各項器材,逐一挑戰戰繩、推車胎和舉啞鈴等重量訓練,盡顯力的表現,盡情揮灑汗水,延續adidas Training 「Never Done」精神! adidas Sports Base 日期:2017 年 7 月 4 日至 8 月 10 日 時間:上午 9 時至晚上 11 時 地點:香港中環摩天輪側
As a leading Intermediate and Long-Term Care (ILTC) service provider, Ren Ci Hospital has more than 500 inpatient beds across its three facilities: Ren Ci Community Hospital, Ren Ci Nursing Home and Ren Ci Long Term Care. Watch the video to find out how we help and reach out to each and every patient.
Sử dụng Renci ssh để truy cập ssh server
人總要運用豐富的想像力去打破現實的規限,演員 Renci 就是一個愛幻想的女孩。對世界充滿想像的她,喜歡去陌生的國度做新奇的事,現在的她最想去南非餵鯊魚。世界那麼近,這也不算是異想天開吧!
Šo svētdien Latvijas kristīgās draudzes jau trešo reizi rīkos „Bāreņu svētdienu“, aicinot cilvēkus rūpēties par bez vecāku gādības palikušajiem bērniem. Vairāk par Bāreņu svētdienu pastāstīs Latvijas Kristīgās alianses bāreņiem valdes locekle Dace Rence.
因為爺爺患上認知障礙症,所以楊偲泳了解此症對患者所帶來的影響,更學習到如何與患病的爺爺相處。若果有日同樣患上此症,她最不想忘了親人、忘了回憶甚至忘了自己。 __________________ 我們大家都有能力留住這些回憶 請立即關注及預防認知障礙症: http://cog.mect.cuhk.edu.hk __________________ 特別鳴謝 #楊偲泳 #認知障礙症 #香港中文大學醫學院
Ruzena Bajcsy is a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, and director emeritus of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Science (CITRIS). Her research interests include artificial intelligence, biosystems and computational biology, intelligent systems and robotics, graphics and human-computer interaction, computer vision, and security. From November 2001 to 2004, she served as director of CITRIS, an initiative that brings several UC campuses together with private industry to develop ways to use information technology to affect people's daily lives. Prior to joining Berkeley, Bajcsy headed the Computer and Information Science and Engineering directorate at the National Science Foundation, where she ma...
Solo video coverage and video edit for our friend's sister's wedding. April 29, 2017 - San Isidro Labrado Church, Pulilan, Bulacan Music: Ikaw by Yeng Constantino (Daryl Ong Cover) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-YS56rLHjk Please follow my Instagram @reneborigas so we can share things together. So much more to come! Please Like, Share, & Subscribe for more videos!
Da li je nedelja dan D samo za Rencija i Italiju? U godini velikih promena kada je utisak da su svi moćni i stabilni političari rođeni sa istočne strane gvozdene zavese - Italijani će na glasanju u nedelju odrediti poziciju svog lidera. Mateo Renci je na vlasti hiljadu dana i za to vreme pokazao je da je vladalac s kojim se mora računati, ne samo u Italiji. Ipak, sebe je stavio kao zalog uspeha referenduma o promenama Ustava, a poslednje ankete su ukazivale da vode njegovi protivnici. U Oko magazinu pogledajte i priču o tri mesta koaj morate posetiti ako idete u Izrael, koju su mobilnim telefonom snimili Irina Đorđić i Milan Srdić. Govorimo i o tome da li su košarkaške veze jače od političkih, šta za Beograd znači međunarodni turnir košarkaških veterana i ima li trojki posle pedesete?...
Fund raising activities for Ren Ci Hospital for the less fortunate old folks!
I met you last night, it was really alright
We got along
We partied awhile, you gave me the smile
Nothin' went wrong
Hold me close
Hold me really tight
Go ahead
Make me feel alright
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need to make it
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need
The very next day, you saw us play
It was really a kick
Drippin' in sweat, I got very wet, honey
You did the trick
Hold me close
Hold me really tight
Go ahead
Make me feel alright
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need to make it
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need
Hold me close
Hold me really tight
Go ahead
Make me feel alright
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need to make it
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need
I stayed the night, it was really alright
I need our heat
I got kinda cold, you got really bold
Ya said, come to me
Hold me close
Hold me really tight
Go ahead
Make me feel alright
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need to make it
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need to make it
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need to make it
Don't go away, I'm so happy
You're just what I need