Notable Articles and Briefings

The following citations are are for trade and academic journal articles and government briefings on phishing.

APCERT Annual Report 2012
In March of 2013, APCERT commemorated the 10th anniversary during the
APCERT AGM & Conference 2013 in Brisbane and the summary of the 10 year
history is mentioned in the Chair's Message.  The report also introduces
the latest security incident trends, projects and initiatives, as well
as organizational information of each member team.

October 2010: Economic Incentives for Internet Security through Reputation and Insurance
This position paper from John S. Quarterman, InternetPerils, & Andrew B. Whinston, University of Texas, prepared for the first APWG and IEEE-SA Roadmapping Session Toward a Global Public Health Initiative Model for eCrime Response

May 2008 - SSAC Advisory on Registrar Impersonation Phishing Attacks (26 May 2008)

May 2008 - Behind Phishing: An Examination of Phisher Modi Operandi
D. Kevin McGrath, Minaxi Gupta
Computer Science Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.

March 2006 - National Consumer League
A Call for Action: Report from the National Consumer League Anti-Phishing Retreat

February 2005 - APWG Response to the FDIC
APWG FDIC Response

January 2005 - APWG/USSS
Anti-Phishing Technology

December 2004 - FDIC Report
Putting an End to Account-Hijacking Identity Theft by the FDIC