Educating Your Customers on ID Theft, Phishing and eCrime

General Resources: Quizzes and Games:

APWG Public Education Initiative (PEI): The PEI identifies and organizes the most broadly useful counter-ecrime educational programs and forges the essential logistics to deliver them to the largest victimized cohort possible, in every language in which phishing, directed at consumer and enterprise desktops and communications devices, has become a problem.

APWG/CMU CUPS Phishing Education Landing Page Program: This document describes the combidend APWG/CMU CUPS program to educate users who have been successfully phished and followed a link to an identifed phishing site.  

The Federal Trade Commission and the APWG have colaborated on these "Hot To Guides". We want to extend our thanks to the FTC for supporting this project.  

Fighting Back Against Identity Theft: The easy to reproduce brochure outlines essential steps to deter, detect and defend against identity theft. The brochure is available online in print ready, PDF format. 

Talking About Identity Theft: A How-To Guide: A comprehensive guide with educational strategies and materials for professionals, associations and community groups to effectively communicate and educate about identity theft. Available online in print ready, PDF format.