Events We Support

APWG Supported Events:


CODE BLUE, hosted in Tokyo October 28 & 29, 2015, is an international conference where the world's top class information security specialists gather to give cutting edge talks, and is a place for all participants to exchange information and interact beyond borders and languages. CODE BLUE will bring together well-known researchers from all over the world to share their latest findings, as well as discovering researchers in Japan and other Asian nations, and disseminating their findings and achievements to the world.


LACNIC 24 - LACNOG 2015 will be held in Bogota, Colombia, from September 28th to October 2nd, 2015. The meeting will be hosted by .CO - Colombian company responsible for managing the ccTLD .CO- and will take place at the Hotel Crowne Plaza Tequendama Bogota.

FloCon 2016

FloCon is an open network security conference that takes place in Daytona Beach, FL on January 11-14, 2016. It provides a forum for large-scale network defense analytics. Showcasing next-generation analytic techniques FloCon is geared toward operational analysts, tool developers, researchers, and other parties interested in applying the latest analytics against large volumes of traffic.


La trigésimo quinta edición del Congreso, SEGURINFO, promete continuar con sus aportes a la comunidad en un ámbito de creciente importancia a nivel mundial, como lo es la seguridad de la información. La intención de este evento, que organiza USUARIA desde el año 2005, es seguir siendo el ámbito ideal para compartir experiencias y evaluar soluciones a los desafíos que genera el crecimiento del uso de la Tecnología de la Información y las Comunicaciones.

VB2015 - Prague

This conference provides a focus for the industry, representing an opportunity for experts in the field to share their research interests, discuss methods and technologies and set new standards, as well as meet with - and learn from - those who put their technologies into practice in the real world.