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APWG (Anti-Phishing Working Group)
Unifying the global response to cybercrime
Unifying the global response to cybercrime

APWG (Anti-Phishing Working Group)'s posts

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APWG Secretary General Peter Cassidy kicks off our meeting in Hong Kong today.

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Thanks to our late joining sponsor +ICANN  for tCeCOS VIII in Hong Kong. Great agenda and top notch attendees on tap for three days of cybersecurity discussions.

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The 8th annual APWG Counter eCrime Operations Summit will assemble in Hong Kong, April 8-10, 2014, as we gather global leaders from the financial services, technology, government, law enforcement and communications sectors and research centers to map the cybercrime threatscape - and plot a unified global response.

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I do love when we catch one, great to see Thailand helping to capture the Russian-Morrocan hacker 'Diablo0'

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Be aware of these phone scams and don't give up your bank details

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Okay, registration is open and the hotel reservation link is active.  Hoping for a good turnout in Hong Kong for our CeCOS meeting this year.

Everyone keep in mind the time of year, got my first Christmas phishing emails today subject line "Get a personalized letter from Santa"

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