Doha Declaration Global Programme

At the conclusion of the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held in Qatar, the Doha Declaration was adopted. Calling for the integration of crime prevention and criminal justice into the wider agenda of the United Nations, and endorsed by the General Assembly, the Doha Declaration has at its centre the understanding that the rule of law and sustainable development are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. 

To put into reality the Doha Declaration, UNODC – through the financial support of Qatar – have launched a wide-ranging Global Programme aimed at helping countries achieve a positive and sustainable impact on criminal justice, corruption prevention and the rule of law. This four-year initiative promotes peaceful, corruption-free and inclusive societies for sustainable development, through a people-centred approach that provides access to justice for everyone and builds effective and accountable institutions at all levels.

The Global Programme focuses on four very specific and inter-related components: strengthening judicial integrity and the prevention of corruption; fostering prisoner rehabilitation and social integration; preventing youth crime through sports; and encouraging a culture of the rule of law in schools and universities through the initiative ‘Education for Justice’.

 UNODC gathers penal reform leaders from across the globe to promote prison rehabilitation, reintegration and tackle re-offending. Photo: UNODC  

UNODC gathers penal reform leaders from across the globe to promote prison rehabilitation, reintegration and tackle re-offending

In order to reduce prison re-offending, it is crucial to actively prepare prisoners for their successful re-settlement in society. With such a complex issue at hand, this week UNODC - under the Doha Declaration Global Programme - brought together a series of prison experts from across the globe in a bid to encourage a comprehensive, rehabilitative approach to prison management. [Read More]

 Using the power of sports to prevent youth crime and drug use. Photo: UNODC


Using the power of sports to prevent youth crime and drug use

This past week UNODC and the Government of the Federal District of Brasilia signed a new joint agreement which looks to use sports as a tool to prevent crime and drug use among youth. The initiative, which forms part of UNODC's Global Programme on the Implementation of the Doha Declaration, provides life skills training programme to build resilience of at risk youth and reduce anti-social behaviour. [Read More]

 “If we’re to truly beat corruption, we need to instil a culture of lawfulness today”. Image: Mark Garten  

"If we're to truly beat corruption, we need to instil a culture of lawfulness today"

Each year, on 9 December, the world marks International Anti-Corruption Day. We treat this not only as a means to raise awareness, but also as an opportunity to showcase innovative ways that people and organizations can work together to counter this scourge. [Read More]

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