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Beyond Standards Blog

Bringing a Global Industry Perspective to Standards Development

15 August 2017

It’s well understood that standardization efforts–from identifying standards needs to building consensus on standards projects through to a standard being published—are closely aligned with companies vested in advancing technology to bring new products and services to market in their respective areas of interest and expertise.

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15-19 September 2017 - Amsterdam, NL

18-21 September 2017 - Helsinki, Finland

Industrial Fabrics Association International Expo
26-29 September 2017 - New Orleans, LA

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Featured Article

Artificial Intelligence In The Fitness Industry

Fitness Industry Technology Council, 15 August, 2017

The ethical considerations of artificial intelligence inside and outside the fitness industry discussed with expert guest John C. Havens and his work at the IEEE.

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National Electrical Safety Code®

Published exclusively by IEEE, the NESC® contains provisions that are considered necessary for the safety of employees & the public under the specified conditions.